In Print

Collection of 19th Century letters

This page is devoted to a collection of 29 letters written in the 1860s, 70s and 80s and sent between family in Rousay, Australia and New Zealand. A regular letter writer was Robert Sinclair (1795-1884) of Swandale, Rousay, to his family in Australia, mainly in Melbourne, and New Zealand. Some of the letters contain just family gossip and complaints about old age ailments, but there are also interesting snippets about 19th century life in Rousay and Down Under.

Robert Sinclair’s great-granddaughter Hughna Yorston of Melbourne was eventually in possession of all the surviving letters until her death in 1994. She gave Robert Craigie Marwick a photocopy of the letters in the 1980s for possible use in Rousay Roots, and in turn he eventually passed them on to his nephew John Marwick who took over the running of the Rousay Roots website. The reference numbers mentioned in the transcriptions are the original references which Robert C Marwick allocated to the very first Rousay Roots manuscripts.  They were used as IDs and for navigation.

John says – “Transcribing the letters was not an easy task. There were lots of words and symbols I had never seen or heard of and deciphering the spelling was something else.  There was also a mixture of proper (or sort of proper) spelling and phonetic spelling in the same breath. I did have a couple of very good transcription helpers – my wife Hilda and our good friend Rhona Mackenzie from Portmahomack, Ross-shire. They are both (ex) schoolteachers, and for some reason or other, teachers have proved to be among the best for this role. The letters contained little in the way of punctuation and no paragraphs, so I took the liberty of adding punctuation and splitting the letters into paragraphs.  I imagine that writing paper would have been expensive and paragraphs a luxury even if they had been considered.”

Letter from Margaret Mowat in Kirkwall, Orkney to her niece Margaret Sinclair (A622) in Australia, wife of Hugh Marwick (A19)

Kirkwall, Orkney
March 12th 1863

Dear Mrs Marwick.

I write you this few lines to let you know we are both well at present, thank God for it. Hoping that this will find you all in the same.

Dear niece, I have thought very long for word from you but could get none. I never thought that you would have forgot me as you have done. If any person had told me it, I would not believed it.

Dear niece, I have not been in Rousay since the year 1861 and I was in your father’s house there and I got my tea in it, and they was all well and in good spirits and is yet as far as I hear.

I have been sending off eggs to Edinburgh for my occupation this time back and was coming well on, but my Agent is broken and I have lost every penny that I had in the world, and worst of all has found myself in debt and before this happened Jemima was in a place.  She was baby’s maid but I took her home thinking that I could keep her respectably with me to be a company to me, for I thought very long myself.  But when this happened I had to put her out again.  She is now the only servant in the house and she has very little work and a good Master and Mistress.  It makes me glad when she is well off, but still I feel very lonely to be in the house myself.

Dear niece, I am very sorry to ask you a favour, but I would be very glad if you would send me a little money to help me on a little if it was ever so little.  I am very sorry to trouble you but it is necessity that is making me do it.

We are living in the door below where we was when you went away.  Jane Mowat is a servant to the Sheriff.  She is baby’s maid and Lady has 5 children.  Sister Betty has no a baby yet.  Brother Thomas is very feeble.  He is never been stout since his son David was lost.  John and his wife is been very unwell this winter but they are better now.

Jemima sends her kind love to you all and kisses out of number to her little cousins.  Please write me as soon as you get this and let me know if any person is written anything against me that is hindered you to write me.

I will write no more at present till I see if you get this or not.  All at present but remains your affectionate aunt till death.

Margaret Mowat
Wellington Street

To: Mrs Hugh Marwick
Esay Street

Letter from Hugh Yorston in New Zealand to his Brother in Law, Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia, suggesting that the Marwicks should return to NZ.

Waibola, November 24th 1865

Dear Brother and Sister and Children.

I take the opportunity of writing you this few lines to let you know that we are in good health as this leaves us, thank God for his goodness to us all.

I received your letter yesterday which was wrote the 11 of this month and we were very glad to hear from you as it is a long time since we heard from you.  I am wrote 2 letters for you and not got any answer.

Dear brother, I have no particular news to send at present.  We are breaking up land every day as fast as we can and it is hard work.  We will have 100 acres under crop next year.  I bought a mare about 2 months ago which cost £60 and now we have as good a team of horses as you will see anywhere.

Dear brother, I think you would do better to come over here to us.  The house is standing as you left it.  Isaac is stopping at the Sessions (?) as yet.  Thomas is left there about a week ago for the sheep shearing and your father is in good health as you left him.

Ann is left here, she is in Tokomairiro, a servant to the banker.  William Gibson is stopping with Sinclair Harrold.  He is been with him 3 months.  Hugh Marwick is still on Stewart Island.  There is no much fear of him going home, he has nothing to go home with.

Your brother in law is in the Molonux as yet.  We get letters from him regular.  We got a letter from Peter Reid last week.  He is at the west coast.  He says he is going to make his pile in the summer.

Dear brother, I am to inform you about the cattle.  There is no disease reached us as yet and we are not thinking long for it.

Mr Mollison and Mr Charend is taken a run far south and they wanted me to go in with them, but I would not join them.  They have 12,000 acres and they are bought a good many cattle from Craigie 45, and from Sinclair 18 or 20.  Our run here is getting very bad, it is over stocked.

Dear brother, the times is not so bad in New Zealand as you think.  We will very soon have a railway from Dunedin to the Cluthe ferry.

The provision is been very cheap this year …I am sold oats for 2s 6d and eggs for 1s the dozen.  But it is all taken a start.  The oats is selling now at 5s 9d and everything is rising fast.

Dear Brother, when you write, let us know about all our Rousay folk and especially about Mistress Robert Gibson, widow and children

No more at present, but remains your brother and sister Betsy.

Hugh Yorston

Letter from Elizabeth Marwick (A20) and her husband Hugh Yorston in New Zealand to her brother Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia.

February 25th 1866

Dear Brother and Sister and Children.

I take the opportunity of writing you this few lines to let you know that we are in good health at present, hoping and earnestly wishing to find you in the same, thank God for his goodness to us all.

You will be thinking I am got careless about writing, but I am the same as ever.  The reason was your sister was confined of another child, a boy, and are both well.

I have no particular news to send.  We have a very busy time here now cutting our crops.  We have a fine crop this year.  We have had plenty of rain this summer which is made plenty of everything to grow.  It is not been the case with you.  Dear Hugh I was expecting you over here before this.  You know very well you can do better here than in Victoria.  I had a conversation with Isaac and Thomas about the house and they are quite agreeable to you having it.  It is standing as you left it and they are stopping with Richard, and Ann is with the banker in Tokomairiro.

Your father is well as usual.  William Gibson is stopping with Sinclair Harrold.  I saw him the day at the church today and he is in good health.

Dear brother, you need not be afraid to come over here for want of work, plenty of work here now.  I am put up a new barn and I kept it back a month expecting you owr, and then I gave the job to Bill.  It is 40 x 15 and we are got some of our stuff in it as I could wait no longer after you.

Robert Sinclair was here with us over the Christmas week and he is still at the same place.  He thinks you should come over here.  You stopped too long where you are dear brother.

I got a lot of letters from home last night and all our friends is well.  My sister is been over at Egilsay and two nights in Kirbist.  Margaret and family is well.

You wanted to know about the cattle disease.  We are not seen any of that trouble here as yet.  The cattle is cheapest nor I ever saw them.  I bought a cow and calf for £6, butter is 1s 6d per lb, beef 6d per lb, eggs 6s 9d the dozen, flour at £42 a ton or £2 8s the bag.

Dear brother, when you get this you will give me an answer as soon as possible whither you intend to come over here or not, and if you do come I will send my horse and cart to take you out here from Dunedin.

No more at present but remains your affectionate brother and sister.

Betsy & Hugh Yorston

Letter from Elizabeth Marwick (A20) and her husband Hugh Yorston in New Zealand to her brother Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia.

July 14th 1866

Dear Brother and Sister and Children.

I once more take the pleasure of writing you this few lines hoping and earnestly wishing this will find you all well as this leaves me.

Dear Brother we received your long expected letter of the 11th which I hope you will not be so long in writing us again.  I think you are afraid to come to New Zealand but I think you need not for you would get plenty of work here now.  And I spoke to Thomas and Isaac about the house and they are quite agreeable for you to have it and there is no more signs of them to go to it than before.  So if you now intend coming over here I think the sooner the better for they may soon change their mind.

James Harrold is been here for about two months and he is building a fine new craft and Richard is going up with him to do the iron work of her, and they are to sail tomorrow.  She is 70 ft of keel and 21 ft wide and Hugh Marwick (A53) is still working at her in Stewart Island.

You were wanting to know the price of cattle.  Good milk cows from 7 to 12 pound and fat bullocks from 10 to 12 pound, and flour 16 shillings per ton and potatoes from £3 to £5.  Oats is taken a rise 4s 9d per bushel, butter 2s 6d, eggs 2s.

Your father is in good health.  Ann is in Tokomairiro, a servant and in good health.  William Gibson is stopping with Sinclair Harrold and in good health.  Your Brother John is bought Finchey (?) with Uncle of Broland and John of Knarston.

We have had a very fine Harvest and likewise a fine Winter so far, yet we have had scarce any rain as yet, but there is plenty of water here all seasons.  The cattle disease is not visited as yet and we are not thinking long for it.  We are expecting the railroad to commence here soon and it will make a stir amongst us again.

Walter and Julia and family is in good health and got another son little Richard, and Thomas never forgets you.  They are going to school every day and reading in the 4 book.

No more at present but remains your dear brother and sister.

Betsy & Hugh Yorston

Letter from Robert Sinclair (A606) of Swandale, Rousay to his daughter Margaret Sinclair (A622) and her husband Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia.

Swandale, Rousay
June 6th 1868

Dearly Beloved Son & Daughter.

I am surprised you never wrote me for a large time back and what the reasons can be.  I have sent two letters and got no answer, and Robert informs me that he has done the same.  We are all keeping as usual except myself confined over a month with the influence and it has made me very weak.  What the result may be we know not, but we know that by the course of Nature our Earthly journey is approaching to an end when we shall not have it in our power to write to one and other.

After giving you this weakness of mine, hope you will write me in haste and let me know all about you and your family and all others belonging to Rousay so far as you know.

A letter from you Margaret would greatly oblige me and your stepmother.

Dearly beloved son, your friends are all well and doing well.  Your Uncle John of Ervadale has lost the most of his memory but still keeps quiet and is in good health.

Dear Margaret, your sister has a boy and a girl, healthy stout bairns.  We have got no letter from James your brother for 20 months.

If you see Louttit tell him his father allowed me to write you concerning him and that he is surprised that he has forgotten him in the time of his greatest need, not so much as write him.

Dear Margaret, I find you promised to send your portrait but never did.

Dear Margaret, your friends in Stenisgorn, Newhouse, Tratland and Cruesday are all well in health and well to do and no changes either by death or marriage.

You may tell the Gibsons that their father, mother and brother is as usual and doing remarkable in that house so please let us know all about them.  And tell Inkster that I have wrote him and never got an answer.  Tell him also to write and let me know how he is doing.

James Grieve is going to cod and herring fishing as usual.

Yours with Esteem.

Robert Sinclair

Letter from Thomas Marwick (A4) in New Zealand to his son Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia.

October 28, 1869

My Dear Son and Daughter and Children.

I take this opportunity to write you this few lines to let you know that I am as well as can be expected at present, thanks be to God for his mercies.  We received your letter and is glad that you are all well.

Isabella is well and is got another added to their family.  It is a girl and her name is Mary Ann.  Your brother Isaac and wife is well.  Her name is Isabella Miller.  She is a Scots woman and they are stopping in their house you put up. They have about 10 acres under crop this year.  

Your brother Thomas is well and is stopping with your brother in law as grieve.  Your sister Ann is well and is in town as a servant.  Mr Yorston and wife and family is all well.  Their son James is learning for a schoolmaster if he can get the opportunity.

Mr Sinclair Harrold and wife never forgets to speir for you and how you are getting on and why be not coming here.  They say they would be very glad to see you here again.

Hugh Marwick of Guidal is gone home.  We had a letter from home just now and your brother John and wife is well and doing well, and so is your sister Margaret and family.  Your Uncle John of Ervadale is not very well.  I hear that he is very forgetful and can do no business himself.

We are having very fine weather here for these last 2 months and it is like to be a dry season here too.  Cattle is very cheap here at present.  Rootwork is very dole at present too, but we hope things will soon be better.

I am going to send you my portrait to keep in remembrance of me.  You will see your brother in law standing along with me.  He is my best friend.  He is very kind to me.  He is as kind as your sister Bella and you know she is kind enough and I want for nought.

I would like to know of John Harrold, how he is getting on, and of John Gibson, how is he getting on, and of Thomas Inkster, how is he getting on, and Mrs Gibson, how is she getting on?

We had a letter from home and all your friends are well at present.  But your Uncle of Ervadale he is very forgetful and can do nothing himself unless somebody is with him.

Your brother John is well and family and so is your sister Margaret and family.

I have no more news at present.

I remain your father.

Thomas Marwick

Letter from James Harrold in Australia, on a visit from NZ, to a cousin, probably of the Hugh Marwick (A19) family in NSW.

Richmond River, NS Wales
8th September 1873

My ever dear Cousin.

Your kind letter of the 30th June came to me and I need not tell you that I was thankful to hear of you all being well, for I shall always love to hear from your dear kind wife and family.

I would have written before to you, but I was expecting to see you myself in Melbourne, as I sent for my wife to come there for a short time, but she was not able to take the voyage.  So I am to go to her soon now, but shall with God’s help see you and some more of my old friends yet in Melbourne as soon as I am able.

I expect to be in New Zealand in about 4 months time.  I do love this part of the world well, for I am found some kind friends in it and I should much want to stop here if my home was not already established on Stewart Island.

I have been through New South Wales and Queensland and admire its fine rivers and inland country, and once I began to know and trade with them I thought long to leave them.  I was about 90 miles up this said river and the people is so kind and homely in their way.

You will please to remember me to your Brother and tell him that I shall come out to his place and see him if able, when I see you.  Our friends in New Zealand is all well and doing very well I believe.

I hope this will find you well as it leaves me and shall always be glad to hear from you and family.  Remember me to your children and do tell your dear wife from me that I shall still think of her will all love and respects for her kind acceptance of me.

I must say farewell just now, until it is the will of God that we shall meet, and am with all love and respect.

Your very true and affectionate friend

J Harrold

Letter from James Yorston (A59) in New Zealand to his uncle Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia. First part of the letter is missing. Date unknown, but probably late 1870s or early 1880s.

……….James Harrold is in Stewart Island, yet I have heard no word from him this last year.  He was building a craft, but I am afraid it will never be finished as he has no money.

Hugh Marwick is a carpenter.  William Gibson is keeping fine and earning plenty of money.  His sister Janet is pretty badly off.  The man is an idle whelp;  all he is good for is to drink.  They have no money.  They were nearly sold out 8 months ago.

Sinclair Harrold is doing well.  William Harrold does not starve.  Christ knows he plants not his loaf in the…..(??)…..for himself but shares it frugally with his Mrs and family.  All the rest of the Orkney people as far as I know is doing well, except David Trumbton;  he is expected to die very soon and all hopes of his recovery is vain.

Otago is a pretty flourishing condition at present.  Flour is pretty cheap here.  Oats 2s 9d per bushel, wheat 3s to 5s do.  Farming scarcely pays a man here, for to hire labour the oats will scarcely clear expenses.  The road works is going on pretty well here just now.

If you intend to cross come quickly.  Stay not, take up your bed, Mrs and family, make the attempt.

James of Tireola (?) has gone home.  He ruined himself in London with his chest and he will not sneeze so bright in Orkney as he expected when he left here.

We have heard no word from home this last 5 years.  They are forsaken us.

When you come across, you will remember that tools is cheaper there than here, so you will take a good supply of them with you.  I should like very much that you take one or two of them.  Affectments for fencing which bores the ground up like an auger (?).  I don’t know their name but you will.  It would be very handy here for fencing with, as I don’t think there is any of them at this side.

Write and let us know when you get this, when you intend to start and when you think you would be in Dunedin.  We would be with the horse and cart to take you out immediately you land.

Walter and family is in good health.  He is getting on with his farm.

I have no much news in particular to write you or else I would fill pages to you.  I expect to be here and then you will know everything as well as I.

I remain yours affecly

James Yorston

Letter from Robert Sinclair (A606) of Swandale, Rousay to his daughter Margaret Sinclair (A622) and her husband Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia. Probable Date 1879/1880.

Swandale, Rousay

Beloved Brethren.

This tells you how the people of Stenisgorn (Hugh Sinclair A612 & Isabella Gibson A235) are doing.

Their oldest daughter (Mary Sinclair) is married with the Laird of Hullion (John Inkster Craigie A649). 

Their daughter Ann Sinclair with James Alexander (B395) in Faraclett have one boy and a girl.

Their other daughter Janet Sinclair (A282) with James Craigie (A810) of Claybank.

And Isabella Sinclair a very strong young woman unmarried (she m. David Inkster in 1885).

David Sinclair their oldest son goes to the fishing.

Their son Hugh Sinclair goes on the Steamer Packet – married the youngest daughter of Hullion.

Their son James married to Betsy Alexander, went to Edinburgh to an aunt of hers and is stopping with them.

Their son John he is a joiner and works at the house.

Newhouse have only one son (Hugh Sinclair A637) and a daughter (Anne Craigie Sinclair A636).  She is married with David Gibson (A242) of Langskaill in a farm in Walls with six girls and one boy.  Hugh Sinclair (A637) their son married Maggie McKinlay – no child as yet.

Dear Brethren, this will tire you in reading it but I do it for your amusement for I like news myself.  I am obliged to Mr Thomas your son for the wise letter he wrote me – compliments to Thomas your son and family. 

I know it would be too troublesome on your part Margaret to ask for your likeness and your beloved husband and little Margaret and any of the rest that have a desire to put it.

Now I conclude, may the Lord work in you all a work of grace for his own namesake.

Your much esteemed father and faithful friend.

Robert Sinclair
Christian Inkster or Sinclair

Letter from Robert Sinclair (A606) of Swandale, Rousay to his daughter Margaret (A622) and her husband Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia.

Swandale, Rousay
August 15th 1882

Thank God we have one another to write together, dearly beloved son & daughter & the children.

This leaves us much the same as before, but the old are getting weaker and worse.  My wife has been confined for 6 weeks, but she is a little better but very weak and likely will be the same.

We had a letter from our Robert lately but no news on it worth speaking of.  He does not say whether he is to come home and stop.  Neither did you learn if he was to marry with anyone there.  We heard he was to marry with Harriet Begg, a daughter of one that he stopped with.  She came to Orkney some 2 or 3 years ago and stopped with her uncle Mr Calder, Mr Balfour’s factor, until he died.  Whether she went away or is still in Orkney I know not.

Robert is getting on and has passed the age forty four mark (May 8th 1882).  And if he married and had children, when his eldest child is twenty he willl be sixty four.  It is time he had been married twenty years ago.  (Robert Sinclair (A628) went to NZ and m. Jane Mutch in 1885 in Dunedin.)

I went to John of Woo (John Marwick A21) to give him a bit of a scolding why he did not write you.  Dear Thomas I went to Woo to give him your compliments and wishes to your sister.  They seemed to pay no attention to you at all.

Your brother John (A21) had a son whose name is Robert and he has been with Samuel of Bigland since he could do a man’s work.  He is in love with a daughter of William Louttit (B8) and her name is Matilda (B14).  Leonard of Woo and Bigland does not want him to marry her as her mother is a daughter of old Peter Leonard (B300).  I cannot tell you now but if spared I shall tell you afterwards. 

If you see John Marwick Craigie’s brother Jim, could you tell him his mother is a poor widow and if he could write her a note it would do her good.

Tell John Harold his father is working on The Loam every day, getting old Alexander Grieve labouring with him when he is not at the sea. 

I cannot give you much more news at this time; give me all the news you can. 

We ………. all your pictures in safety.

I give a father’s affection for your remembrance of us.

Write soon Dear Margaret.  When I write you it takes a tear from your mother’s eye.

Yours truly

Robert Sinclair

Letter from Richard Craigie (A827) in New Zealand to his Brother in Law, Hugh Marwick (A19), in Australia.

Riverbank Farm
Taieri Ferry
Sept 25th 1882

Mr Hugh Marwick,

My Brother in Law It is now so long since I had a letter from you that I am sorry to say we have almost lost acquaintance.  In the meantime I send a letter from Rousay for your perusal which you will be kind enough to forward to your Brother William also, after you have read its contents of course.  The letter will speak for itself.  You will see my reason for sending it to you.  I do not know William’s address or I would write to him.  But I trust you will do that for me.

My family is all well at present.  All your friends here is in good health.  Your brothers Thomas and Isaac is stopping with us at present.

My three oldest boys is now working our farm.  They are growing tall 6 feet and 13 stone weight.

A few lines from you at your convenience would be gladly received.  My wife wants to be remembered to you and Mrs Marwick.  If William Yorston is near to you, tell him I would be glad to hear from him.

Yours Respectfully

Richard Craigie

Taieri Ferry
Henley P.O.

Letter from John Craigie (A819) and his wife Betsy Sinclair (A625) in Rousay to Hugh Marwick (A19) and his wife Margaret Sinclair (A622) in Australia.

Rousay August the 25th 1883

Dear Brother and Sister.

I now write you this few lines to let you know that we are all in our usual state of health thank God for it, hoping this may find you enjoying the same.  There is very little of importance to write you of.  Our harvest work is coming fast on and the herring fishing is about finished and they have made a very grand fishing.

We are happy to hear from your father’s letter that you were all well, but we were surprised that you did not write us and let us know how you were doing and how our son John was getting on.  Please be kind enough to write as soon as you receive this and let us know how John is getting on, for he has given his mother very much uneasiness concerning him, as he never thinks of writing her to let her know whether he is dead or alive.  Please let us know what his employment is, if he is able to do any work, or is he in the hospital.

You mentioned in your letter that he visited you frequently, but you never said what his employment was and (what) he has been doing since he came to Melbourne.  Please do your utmost to get him to write a few lines to his poor mother.  If he is still out of health we think that he would be better to come home as it appears he is not keeping his health in that country.

When you write, let us know how all your family is employed and how all the Rousay people is getting on.  Betsy wishes her sister Margaret to write a few lines herself to her and let her know all the particulars concerning herself.

No more at present, but remain your affectionate Brother and Sister till death.

John and Betsy till death.

Letter from David Craigie (A657) in Rousay to his aunt Margaret Sinclair (A622) and her husband Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia.

Faldown, Sourin, Rousay
26 August 1883

Dear Uncle & Aunt.

I now take the pleasure of writing you this few lines to let you know that we are all in the usual state of health thank God, for it is for all his other mercies from time to time for they are very many.  Hoping that this will find you all the same. 

Well we have had a very fine summer here this year, so for as yet, and it is looking to be a very fine harvest and the crops are looking fair.

My Grandfather received your letter last night and saw that you were all quite well and my mother wished me to write now and see how my brother John Harrold was.  Thomas said in his letter that he came up to your house occasionally and we would like to know where he is making his abode and if he is working, and what he is working at.  Mother thought that he is unwell and that he is stopping in the hospital.  Has he been working at any work since he went to Australia or not, so I hope John will try and get his heart softened and see if he will not write a few lines home to his mother.  Well, I think that will be enough on that subject.

I have been serving a time for a joiner in Rousay and now my apprenticeship is finished and I am working to the same old Master yet, but it will not be long now if I be spared.  I wish I was only in Melbourne beside my old Aunt.  I don’t think I would be so hard up.  If I only could save half as much now as Cousin Hugh did at his apprenticeship I would be very contented.  We are working in Rousay here for 10s a week and if we had no other help that would not keep us.

My father is writing a piece to you too and it is no use to me to give you more news.  The fact is I have no more to write of, but be sure when you write to tell all my cousins to put in a bit since it is the first time that we have ever spoken to one another and I would like very well if your youngest daughter would put home her likeness then I will put off mine.

Since I have gone home, Uncle Samuel’s wife and family is stopping in our house at present.

Now I think since my paper is getting little I will be as good to say goodbye.  With best wishes to Uncle and yourself and all the family and also brother John.

No more but remains

David Craigie

Letter from Robert Sinclair (A606) of Swandale, Rousay to his grandson Thomas Marwick in Australia, son of Hugh Marwick (A19) and daughter Margaret (A622). The date is probably 1883/1884.

Swandale, Rousay

Thomas Marwick, Dear Respectable Sir

We received your wise and welcome letter dated the 24th May and we were sorry to hear of your mother being so very unwell.  You told us all about John Harrold and all about the Begg lass and how she met with two of her brothers and went to see India with them.  But where she is now you could not tell.

But as for Robert my son (A628) you know nothing about him for he is many miles away from you across the sea (in NZ).  Well, well, you write him and tell him to write to his parents that we may know where he is and what he is doing.

From us all together I hope you will excuse my bad writing for my hand shakes.

We have news of some help.  We fall down sometimes and must be carried in to get some refreshment to make us better.  Then it may be a day or two before the old wife and me get out of bed again.

I hope you will tell Robert my son to write by the first Mail and tell us all about himself.

Our daily support is from Hugh [youngest son]. Chiefly we do get what he thinks is good for us God bless him and do him good.

I cannot give you a long letter at this time for I am tired of writing.

Your obedient servant

Robert’s affectionate father and mother until death.

Robert Sinclair
Christian Inkster (Mrs Sinclair)

Letter from David Craigie (A657) in Rousay to his cousin in Australia, probably Hugh Marwick, son of Hugh Marwick (A19).

Faldown, Sourin, Rousay
January 10th 1884

Dear Cousin

I now take the opportunity of writing you this few lines in answer to your letter and we were glad to see from it that you were all right as it leaves us at the present time.  My grandfather has not been well for some time back but he is a little better now again.  We are hoping that he is on the recovery again.

We have had a fair Winter here this year, very little snow fell.  We had a very beautiful New Year’s Day here this year and a very happy one.  In the morning I went to Swandale, then Uncle Hugh and me went across to the island of Egilsay and spent most of the day there.  And in the evening we came back again and I went to Scockness to a dancing which was at night.

Your mother will know about that house when she hears about it.  My sister Christina is stopping in it.  My youngest sister is still going to the school.  She is in the 6th Standard.  She is not going longer or this quarter.

I had a letter from James Tulloch yesterday and he said on it that he had received one from Cousin Hugh just before and he said that John Harrold was got down to you from the sheep shearing.

That was very glad news to my mother to hear from him that he is well.  He says that he is going out again in 5 weeks.  I am also thinking to go out with him if I can get ready.  I was in his house in Shapinsay a night after he came home and he gave me lots of news about Australia and New Zealand.

You can tell your mother that she put my mother in a bad state about that rings which you put home with Tulloch.  She thought that one of them was to her and so did he.  For you said that it was to my sister so she thought that it was to her and she was very proud.  It would only go on her little finger so she had it keeping till Swandale got that letter which told them that the ring was for Mrs Stevenson.  When my mother heard of it she was very vexed so we put it over to her.

My mother has got a coat wrought for your mother of her own sheep.  If I come off I will have it with me and if not we will put it with Tulloch.

I got that cards and papers which you sent.  Mother thought Aunt was very well like still.  You can tell your sister that I was very glad to get her card.

I have nothing of any importance to write you about at present.  I will write you again before I start.  Give my best wishes to all inquiring friends not forgetting yourself.

Yours truly

David Craigie

Letter from Elizabeth Craigie (A658), age 13, in Rousay, to her cousin Margaret Marwick in Australia, daughter of Hugh Marwick (A19) and Margaret Sinclair (A622).

15th Jan 1884

Dear Cousin

I now sit down to write you this few lines to let you know that we are all well at present, thank God for it.  My mother has not been very well for some time but she is a little better now.

I have not a New Year’s card or else you would have got it.  I was telling you before that my mother was not very well, but I forgot to tell you that the doctor was twice at her and they told that it was cold and damp feet that she had got.

Isaac Marwick of Essaquoy has got married with a daughter (Sarah) of John Harrold this year.  David is sitting here and he will not let me alone.  Jane and Thomas Sinclair of Swandale is still going to the school.  Jane is in the fifth std and Thomas is in the second std.  Grandmother is wearing three gold rings on her fingers.

I am going to enclose my letter with some of my hair and you must send me some of yours.  You will tell me how John (Harrold) my brother is and if he has got all right again.  Tell your mother to write to my mother a few lines because she thinks that she is forgot all about her and she wants to know the reason.  Grandfather has been very unwell for about two month and has hardly been out of his bed.

You must write to myself and not to David.  Give my best respects to uncle and aunt.

I am yours truly

Elizabeth Craigie

To Margaret Jane Marwick  

Letter from David Craigie (A657) in Rousay to his cousin Hugh Marwick in Australia, son of Hugh Marwick (A19) and Margaret Sinclair (A622).

Faldown, Sourin, Rousay
Thursday 20th March 1884

Mr Hugh Marwick jun.

Dear Cousin

I now improve the opportunity of writing you this few lines, to let you know we are in our usual state of health thank God, for it is for all his other mercies from time to time for they are very many.  Hoping this will find you the same.

We have had a very awkward Winter here this year of very high winds and rain.  It has kept the work rather behind, but I hope that it will soon be taking a change for the better.

Just the other day there was 2 well known men belonging to the island [William Louttit, Lower Blackhammer, and John Kirkness, Grain] that was going across to Evie for the Doctor.  It came a breeze of wind and the boat upset and both of them were lost.  It has put a great gloom over the whole island.  They left their widows and small families.

Your brother said in his last letter that he was going to get brother John to write home, but we have seen none.

Well Hugh, I intend coming off to your place with the mail steamer (The Orient) along with the Tulloch men.  We will leave London on the 16th April so I would be very much obliged if you would try and meet the Steamer when she comes for I will be no ways aquaint when I come there.  And if you would also tell John Harrold I would like very much to see him also.  We would have left a fortnight sooner but I had a letter from Tulloch yesterday and his sister in law has not been very well and was not very able to take a sea voyage, so they put it back 2 weeks.  James Tulloch is not going at this time but 2 of his brothers is going.  It will be company on the ship for me.

My mother has not been very stout of the winter and she is not well yet.  My old Grandfather died and Grandmother I don’t think that it will be long that she will trouble anyone neither.

I will have to be drawing to a close now as I have nothing more of any importance to tell you of.  Give my best and kindest wishes to all inquiring friends not forgetting yourself.

I remain your affectionate cousin till Death.

David Craigie

Letter from David Craigie (A657) in London, while on his way to Australia, to his sister Elizabeth (A658), (age 13) in Rousay.

During the voyage 21-year-old David died of heatstroke as the ship passed through the Red Sea.

April 11th 1884

Miss Elizabeth Craigie

Dear Sister.

I now embrace the opportunity of writing you this few lines to let you know that I am quite well at present, hoping this will find you all the same when you receive it.  I suppose that you have got the few lines which I wrote in Aberdeen.

We did not start the time that I said in the letter which I wrote home, but the ship was delayed for 12 hours in Aberdeen and I can assure you that we were not sorry for that because we had a very fine view of the town.  We went into a music hall that evening.  It was just about as fine a sight as ever I saw.  It was a very fine ornamented room and then there was 2 most beautiful girls came out and danced to the music and they could do it.

We arrived in London this day at 12 o’clock noon.  It was a very fine sight coming up the River Thames.  The wheat was all growing about the river banks and when we came into the pier there was a man all ready for taking up our chests and luggage.  And now we are stopping with him for the time that we will be in London.  We pay 2/6 a night for 5 nights that is bed and board.  It was the cheapest that we could get.

I will have plenty of money to do me.  I bought a waterproof coat in Aberdeen and now I am as well fitted up as any of my companions.  I am enjoying myself very well.  We had a very fine passage from Aberdeen to London.  I felt no sickness.

You can tell Mother that I finished my hen, but that I will have cheese to last me to Melbourne.

Well Dear Sister, I am sure I do not know what more I will write you about, because everything is new to me and I am not acquainted with it.

Tell Mother that I would like an oat bannock and a sap of sweet milk now fine.   But that is not to say that I cared for milk and the white bread well enough.

You will have to excuse me for bad writing, for I am in a hurry for my dinner.

The black cow will not be calved yet.  I should think that her time will now be up.

Give Uncle Tom and Mary my best wishes and all the little ones.  Tommy would not shake hands with me before I left.  He said ………. but he will shake hands with ………. of Swandale.  I am going to write him the next night as I don’t have any time just now.

I will write Father and Mother before I start.  Ask Christina if she got her letter all right.

I am your affectionate brother till Death.

David Craigie

Part of a letter from Hugh Sinclair  of Swandale, Rousay to his half sister Margaret Sinclair (A622) in Australia regarding the recent death of their nephew David Craigie. The date is probably June/July 1884.

…..I am writing this myself without asking them anything, but I write for you the particulars.  Some time after they will be telling you what for to do with his effects.  I heard the mother saying that she would like John Harrold for to get the whole lot, but the sister is anxious that some of the things should come back.  Agan I think they will write and tell you all about it when they recover from their great trial.

David was a very fine lad and I had a great liking for him myself.  He just made as homely on Swandale as I did.  He had a very lightsome turn about him, and as I have heard ever so many say, that he about the best natural lad that ever they saw.  I hope that it will all be for his good and that he will be in a better land than Australia.

Your mother is keeping middling and has thought rather lonely since father died, but still she is wonderful mulling putting a headstone to the remains some time soon.  The ones in the churchyard are of free stone and cost about £3, but I would have an inclination of having one of granite stone.  They are made either in Aberdeen or Peterhead.  Aberdeen’s is of a reddish colour and Peterhead’s of a grayish colour.

Your daughter will find one from your sister.  There are two pairs of fancy socks, one each for your two sons.  I think it is all ticketed.  I think there were two pairs for John Harold wrought and given by his sister.  There were also I think two pairs of common ones, wrought and given by his grandmother.  If the fancy ones are not ticketed I am sure of one pair of them for they were wrought the rock pattern and not another pair in the chest the same…..

Letter from Elizabeth Craigie (A658) in Rousay to her uncle and aunt in Australia, Hugh Marwick (A19) and Margaret Sinclair (A622). The probable date is late 1884 after the death of Elizabeth’s brother David Craigie on 6 May 1884 during the voyage to Australia. – The first part of the letter is missing.

……….Now Dearest friends, do with his things as if it had been your own.  My mother would like well if you could get his clothes to wear make the best of it you can, and send home the money to his sister Christina because she gave him £6 10s.

When the letters came mother was in an awful state.  Uncle Hugh of Swandale and father had to bear her in.  Christina has not much money and she is coming home to stop with us and she wants my brother John Harrold to come home too, and so do we all.  My mother would like very well to see him.  You will try to get him to write.

The people of Swandale is all finally well and Uncle Tom has got a little baby.  Uncle Hugh has been a true friend to us.  He was in a great distress about David and said they were not a brother he loved like him.  He gave him £5 in a present when he went off to buy a watch with and he gave Christina her blacks.   Christina was in an awful state when we got the news.  They had to cart her home and she was beside my mother one week.  We are afraid of her that sets down on to lungs.

I will have to be drawing to a close for I have to go out with the cow.  Tell Margaret Jane to write a letter to her cousin Elizabeth.

No more at present but remaining your affectionate cousin till death.

Elizabeth Craigie

Letter from Robert Sinclair (A628) in NZ to his sister Margaret Marwick (A622) in Australia.

Oct 5th 1885

Dear Sister

I take the pleasure of writing you this few lines to let you know that I am in good health.  Hoping this may find you and your family in the same.

Well Margaret, I have got something new to tell you of this time.  Just fancy, I have got married at last.  I daresay you will be thinking that it is not before time, but better late than never.  At least I think so myself and I may tell you that I have made a very good choice.  The young lady I have married I have known her for this last 20 years.  She is an only daughter.  Her parents are farmers here and they belong to Aberdeen in Scotland.  Her maiden name is Jane Ann Mutch, now I am happy to say has been altered to Mrs Sinclair.  She is very much esteemed by everyone that knows her.

I daresay you will be fancying that I am like to the rest of old fools getting married to some young thing about 18 or 20 years old.  But such is not the case.  She is 32 years old.  So you see that we are not so very badly matched. [Robert was 38 years old when they married].  I think that she is very much about your own size, as far as I can recollect of you.  She sends you one of our photos, also some of the cattle.

I made the final plunge last month.  We were married on the 15th of September in Dunedin by the Rev Doctor Stewart and I can assure you that I am not regretting the step I have taken because I have got a good partner throughout life.

I just fancy I can see little Hugh laughing when he hears of this wonderful event.  I wrote him some months ago but did not mention anything about it to him.  I am surprised that he has never answered my letter.

Now Dear Sister I must conclude.  Jane joins with me in sending her kind love to you all.  No more at present.

Your affectionate Brother and Sister, R & J A Sinclair

R Sinclair
c/o Mrs Wm Paterson

Letter from Thomas Craigie (B32) in New Zealand to his cousin Thomas Marwick, son of Hugh Marwick (A19), in Australia.

Henley P.O. River Bank
Otago, N.Z. December 7th 1885

My Dear Cousin.

I received your letter some time ago, but I have been so busy lately I could not find time, but it is better late than never as the good proverb says.

When I first heard of my Dear Cousin’s death (Hugh Marwick), I was almost panic struck.  He was such an intimate friend of mine that really it came very hard on me.  I used to have regular correspondence with him and we used to write each other very jolly letters too.  But everything must come to an end.  He was very warmly welcomed over here by everybody who knew him and his Death was deeply regretted by all who knew him.  However, it is all over now and we can only hope to see him at our own Call.

The weather here has been excellent for some time back and the crops are looking well.  The heat here has been very great, more than it has been for some time back.  I see by the papers it has been very warm over with you too.

I received the papers which you sent me all right and I can only thank you for being so kind to send them.  And I am still thankful that I have still somebody to correspond with.  I know the death of your Dear Brother must have been a dreadful stroke to you, but I hope you will get over it all right.

How is Will Yorston getting on now.  I never hear from him at all.  I suppose he is busy sheep-shearing now.  The shearing over here is in full swing now, but wages are very cheap this year.  A lot of the run-holders clubbed together and it was decided to bring it down from 16s 8d a hundred to 12s 6d, but really it was not fair.  Wool has been selling at 6d a pound over here, and as wool was so cheap that’s how wages was reduced.  We are going in for stock now more than cropping.

The Yorstons and Sinclairs are all enjoying good health at present and Thank God we are all doing the same.  I hope that through our correspondence we will get more intimate and I shall be able to write a longer letter next.  Well I must conclude with best respects to all and not forgetting yourself.

I remain your affectionate Cousin

Thomas Craigie

To Thomas Marwick

Letter from Hugh Sinclair of Swandale, Rousay, to his nephew Thomas Marwick in Australia, son of Hugh Marwick (A19) and daughter Margaret (A622). The date is probably 1885/1886.

Swandale, Rousay

Mr T Marwick

Dear Nephew

It was with great sorrow that I read your letter regarding the death of your brother (Hugh Marwick d. 1885).  It was no doubt a great shock to you all his hard parting with those we love although for their own God.  But it was a great comfort for to see him dying in the full hope of meeting his God in peace.

Dear nephew, you may tell your dear mother, father and sisters that we all sympathise with you in your affliction.  I may tell your mother that her sister (Betsy Sinclair A625) got as great a shock when she got the news of the death of her son, and now her dear husband is laid aside and there is no hope of his recovery.  The disease is a very bad one, a cancer on the back bowel, so you see what trouble some is born to.

They have daughters, one (Christina Craigie) is I believe about to get married to a William Grieve, second son of Robert Grieve that was in Furss.  He has been some time out in America.  She is 24 years of age and the other one (Elizabeth Craigie) is 14. She will be a great comfort to her mother.

They built a nice house on Faldown a few years ago.  They very likely will quit the farm and stop in the house.  Farms are not worth having at the present time.  I never saw such poor times in Orkney in all my life.

A few years ago times were good and farms were paying splendidly and they rose in value, some double. Now, cattle is about a third down, horses and sheep nearly half. The proprietors in the good times borrowed lots of money for improving their lands and paid at the rate of 6%.  When the times were good I did well enough with proprietors and tenants, but now when cattle is come so low and produce of all ………. the same. They have got their outwarning. I understand that it is Mainland that they are spiteful at and they are afraid John is not fit for to sit up to it.

We have one of the most tyrannical proprietors in Orkney.  The farm of Woo is £50 of rent.  It is a good farm but there are no houses on it except the stable.  John was at him the other day and he told him that there were lots of offers in for it and he did not think that he could hire it to him, but he may soften yet.

John is beginning for to fail very much.  There are lots of other farms on the stages and most likely they will be looking after some of them.

George Gibson’s brother [David of Knarston] is all right again.  He married Ann Gibson of Broland.  They have had two of a family, a son and a daughter.  The son died when about 3 years of age.  The daughter got a paralytic stroke some time ago and she can barely walk.  You see that troubles are not left to one only.

I am sorry to say that my mother has not got her likeness and I am rather afraid that she will not be able to go to town.  We will see through the year.  I may say that everybody is astonished for to see her.  She will like now have passed 80 years of age.

This has been the poorest fishing year that I think the oldest men remember and I may state that the cod boats have not been out I think except once.  These 4 or 5 weeks you will think that strange in the middle of summer.  The herring fishing is at hand and there is none of them agreed.  Yet last year was a bad year for the curers and I understand they have been offering 10/- per cran.  I remember them at £1/4 so you see what poor times we are having.

We are now in the midst of another election.  It is only about 8 months since we had one before our government divided upon an Irish question.  The Liberals are wanting that country for to get Home Rule.  The Tories wants for to rule them by the British Government.  So they have appealed to the country.

The government has of late passed what they call the Crofters Bill.  It extends to £30 of rent.  I do not come under it.  It will help them a little but their great cry was for more land and I believe there will be something done in that respect yet.

I must now close with kind love to you all meantime.

I remain your affectionate uncle Hugh Sinclair.

Try if you cannot get any information about John Harrold. 

Letter from Hugh Sinclair (A632) in Rousay to his nephew Thomas Marwick, son of Hugh Marwick (A19) in Australia.

Swandale, Rousay
July 24th 1886

Mr Thomas Marwick

Dear Nephew

I received your kind letter and was glad to see by it that you were all in your usual way, as I am happy to say the same of ourselves.

We are now almost through with our turnip singling which is now about the latter end of summer which has been a very cold and wet one.  We had a very severe Winter what we call nowadays one of the old Winters which your mother can tell you about.  After such a one we expected one of the old Summers but we have been disappointed.  The weather is nothing like what it was in your mother’s childhood.  She will can tell you about them being troubled with the cows running in the hot weather.  I have not seen them doing so this 20 years.  It may be another kind of cattle, but no doubt the weather is nothing near so warm.

John Craigie (A819) died on the 4th of May and was buried on the 6th, just 2 years after the death of his son (David Craigie who died of heatstroke in the Red Sea on his way to Australia).  Betsy (A625, widow of John Craigie) is very much broken down.  The oldest daughter (Christina A656) is going for to get married to William Grieve (B253), son of Robert Grieve of Furse.  He has been out in America.  He is precentor in the Free Church.  He will most likely stop in Fall Down (Fa’doon) and work on the land, and Betsy will live about hands.  The other daughter (Elizabeth A658) will likely take service in times, and home in times they are not reduced.

I do not know if ever your mother got the copy of her father’s will.  I can send it if she likes.  I may state that she has the same as the rest.  My mother is life rented.

You were wanting for to know about your Uncle John.  I am sorry to say that he is likely to be evicted from his farm at the term.  There was one Peter Mainland in the farm with him.  Some of the children was suspected to write some threatening letters to the Laird, but everybody was certain that it was none of them.  It makes the farmers not able to pay their rents and plenty of the Lairds is not able for to give them the downcome that they would need so what it will turn to one cannot say.

In our large cities there is thousands going starving.  I saw in a paper the other night 60,000 unemployed going through the streets of London, and in some of these large towns the authorities is giving them a diet for a penny just for to keep them alive.  Trade of all kind appears to be at a standstill.

You said that John Harrold was still in Melbourne, but did not say if you knew what he was doing.  A letter from him to his Mother I am sure would be a great comfort now in her time of trouble.  If you see him, be kind enough for to tell him that I would make a few lines very welcome and I would give him lots of news about the young girls.

Dear Sister (he’s writing to his nephew!) Mother wishes to be remembered to you.  She is now over 80 years of age and is still able for to be out of bed, and move about.  She is still able for to knit my stockings, for you see, I have not got anyone for to do it but her.  I have not been so fortunate as got a wife to myself.  I keep a old young wife for to keep the house in order.

Tom is still stopping at the house.  He goes to the fishing and works to me when not at sea.  He has got four of a family.  The eldest is a girl and she is 11 years of age.  2nd a boy who is 8, the other two are girls 6 and 3 years of age.

Samuel (Sinclair A631) is still in the PO in Edinburgh.  He has got four of a family.  The oldest is a son 17, the next two girls 13 and 6, the youngest a boy 3.

Now I will have to be drawing to a close.  I hope this will find you all in good health. I see that you have shifted from your old place of abode which you were at for a long time.  Please be kind enough for to write me soon again, and with kind love to you all.

I remain yours truly

H Sinclair

Letter from Elizabeth Craigie (B33) in NZ, to her cousin Thomas Marwick, son of Hugh Marwick (A19), in Australia.

River Bank
March 2nd 1887

My Dear Cousin.

I have been a most shameful time in answering your letter, but better late than never.  We are all in our usual state of health at present and so are all our friends so far as I am aware of.

We are having a very hot summer and plentiful crops, though we had a very heavy storm of wind about three weeks ago which destroyed a great deal of property.  The oldest settlers never remember having such a storm before.

Well dear Thomas, we are still fighting the battle of life as best we can, though I can assure you the loss of our dear mother [Isabella] has been a great blow to us all, for she was so kind and gentle to all around her, that one could not help loving her.

I remember so well the day your brother Hugh went away.  She followed him up the road as far as Mrs Mitchell’s and she told me when she kissed him and said goodbye to him, she said she would never see him here again and he said to her that they would meet in heaven.  I have no doubt they have met there now.  Not so very long between their deaths either, but it is the way of the world and our turn will come too, sooner or later.

I am sorry to tell you that Mrs Mitchell, that is George Gibson’s sister, has lost her respect in the district all together.  There was a man, the name of Brooks, came to work at the New Bridge, a very little worth man.  He had been married twice before, one wife still living, and he has taken up with her and she has had a child to him.  The two oldest girls are at service and now none of her old friends take any notice of her.  It is a great pity to think she has so far forgotten herself.

Let me know when you write how cousin Annie and Will Yorston are getting on.  Give our best love to dear Aunt and Uncle and tell Uncle I want his photo.  Also to dear Maggie and your own dear self.

Believe me dear Thomas

Your affect cousin

Lizzie Craigie

Letter from Hugh Sinclair of Swandale, Rousay,  to his nephew Thomas Marwick in Australia, son of Hugh Marwick (A19) and Margaret Sinclair (A622).

Swandale, Rousay
July 20th 1887

Mr Thos Marwick

Dear Nephew

I once more take the opportunity of writing you. I am happy to say this leaves us all in our usual way except mother who I am sorry to say has been confined to bed for these 2 months.  I rather don’t think she will ever be able to be out of bed any more.  She is very weak.  The doctor says there is a little of bronchitis about her but he must say something.  More than likely death is the disease. (She d. 19 Aug 1887 of chronic bronchitis).

She sends her best wishes to you all and although not likely for to meet you in this world, hopes to meet – meet you in a far better place, never for to part.

I will think very long for mother.  She was very lightsome and always telling us something.  She had a wonderful memory and still has.  Yet she has been a long time on this sinful world and all we shall wish for is that she may be preparing herself for the next.

I suppose you will likely know that we are having very poor times for these 3 or 4 years past and still continues.  There is a great lot of the community that has got relief at last, I mean the crofters.  There is of late a Bill passed in Parliament called the Crofters Bill.  It fixes fair rents compensation for improvements and fixture of tenure.

I am sorry to say that I do not come under the Act being over the rent. The commissioners have not been in Orkney yet.

Your Aunt Betsy is keeping middling.  Her daughter Christina has got a son.  Your Uncle John (A21) is stopping at Bigland, yet he will very likely be looking out for a house this year.  His son Robert (A62) has got an appointment in the Post Office in Coatbridge, a small town near by Glasgow.  He is a letter carrier.  The wages are not very great but steady from 16/- to 18/- per week.

There are very poor prices in all kinds of animals and horses are more than 1/2 down.   Cattle are about 1/3 down and sheep are also about 1/3 down.  You can get the best horses now for £30 and the best cattle for £15.  I remember it double.  So you see farmers are having hard times of it.

I hope this will find you in your usual way.  Kind love to you all.  Write Robert!

Yours truly

Hugh Sinclair

Letter from James Sinclair (A611) in Newhouse, Rousay, to a 1st cousin (name unknown), son of Robert Sinclair (A606), in Swandale, Rousay, concerning Robert Sinclair’s will.

Newhouse, Rousay, Orkney
17 Dec 1887

Dear Cousin.

I received your letter of 31st Oct yesterday, asking to act for you in your Father’s Will.  Me and Mr John Craigie was executors in your father’s will.  Mr Craigie was dead before your father.  The reason I did not act was that I could not act conscientiously and carry out your father’s wishes.  I could not please all parties and therefore I could not act.  I have no objection to act for you and my cousin Mrs Marwick if she wishes me to do so but on one condition about your brother Tom.  You say that if I thought that he was left out he should have something.  You must state to me what that something is to be.

Your father’s will was made at the same time as Tom took Hurtiso; as far as I can understand he did not give him forth as much as would set up the farm.  Hugh gave him nearly as much as he did, he was only one year in it and he had not much more than half stock.

Had I been acting as executor, I think I would have found out whether Tom paid back your father or not.  Your father never kept money laying about in the home.  What Tom got had to be taken out the bank.  The year Tom took the farm if it was paid they would find it was put in the bank as he says he has done.  Whatever he got should be deducted.  Tom is the poorest one of you all and surely he should get fair play and nothing more.

It make little matter to me whether Tom gets anything.  I am only speaking my own opinion.  Let you and your Sister say what you are to do with Tom if you are to give him anything; state what it is and I will abide by your advice.  As I did not act I did not see your father’s deposit receipts but I think he has about £900.

I just have two children, Annie and Hugh.  Annie has got 8 children, 4 girls and 4 boys.  Hugh has got 3 boys.

Our good wife is not very strong, but she is up every day.  I have good health myself, but the infirmity of old age is creeping on. Mrs joins me in sending best respects to Mrs Sinclair and yourself.

I am your affectionate cousin

James Sinclair

Letter from Elizabeth Craigie (B33) in NZ, to her cousin Thomas Marwick, son of Hugh Marwick (A19), in Australia.

River Bank
February 1st 1888

My Dear Cousin

I now have time to answer your welcome letter which came to hand in due time.  We are in our usual state of health at present, but Mary Ann is still rather delicate, and to tell the truth, I don’t think she will ever be very strong.  (Mary Ann Craigie (B34) lived until 1940, age 71.)

We have got thoroughly over the holidays now, but they were pretty quiet all through.  We had some friends from town staying with us and that made it a little livelier.

We had Uncle Isaac seeing us too.  He is stopping at Gore working for Perkins, that is cousin Betsy Yorston’s husband, but I don’t think he is getting on very well.  I am afraid he takes more whisky than is good for him..  His little boy is growing such a nice little fellow.  He still stops with his Aunt.

We were all very sorry to hear about poor Uncle Willie but it is to be hoped he is better off.  You asked me to let you know about cousin Maggie Grieve, that is Aunty Maggie’s daughter.  Well I have not had a letter from her for some time, but last word I had they were getting on very well.  Her husband is a sort of manager on a farm in Southland, and Uncle John’s son, his name is Thomas too (A63), is getting on fine.

I think he is glad he came to New Zealand for he would not had much prospect of getting on so well in the old country.  I daresay his people would have been better off had they been out here too.

Little Mary Ann Knarston is fighting her battle in life too and I daresay it is not the easiest, for her father married his third wife and there is now six of a family of them beside Annie and she is such a little thing too.  But a more loving and kind hearted girl you never met.  She has a good bit of her mother about her.

About Mrs Mitchell, old Brooks is still living with her occasionally, but she nearly did for herself a short time ago.  Well Thomas, it is not a nice thing to write about, but she had got in the family way again, and it appears she took drugs to remove it and nearly lost her own life thereby.  But she has got all right again with a hard struggle.  The doctor said it would be a long time before she would get her strength again.  Her oldest daughter is to be married soon, but she does not stop at home.  The three oldest are in service.

I was seeing Mrs Sinclair, that is cousin Julia (A56), today.  She has got another daughter.  Just fancy, this is the thirteenth.  There is seven years between the last one and this.  I was just telling her this one was surely meant to be a comfort to her in her old age if she is spared.

We are having very dry and windy weather here and everything looks parched up and crops in general are very backward.  The Yorston Family (B211) are all in their usual and are getting on nicely, but the old people are beginning to fail a good bit now.  But Aunt works as hard as ever and never seems to give in.

Well dear Thomas I don’t think I have any more to tell you about at present.  Give my kind love to dear Uncle, Aunt, Cousin Maggy and the Yorston family.  Please ask Annie if she has any photos of herself or the family and if so, I would very much like to have one.  And please tell me when your birthday and Maggie’s is, as I want to write your names in my birthday book.

And now I must stop as they are all coming in to tea, so goodbye with fond love.

I remain your loving cousin

Lizzie Craigie

To dear Thomas  xxxxxxxxxxxx

Letter from Elizabeth Craigie (B33) in NZ, to her cousin Thomas Marwick, son of Hugh Marwick (A19), in Australia.

River Bank
March 30th 1888

Dear Cousin Thomas.

Your welcome letter is to hand.  I am so sorry to hear that dear Aunt is so ill, but I trust she will soon be strong again.  We are all in our usual state of health with the exception of Mary Ann.  She does not keep strong at all.  She has been in town for three months now under the doctor’s treatment.  I do hope she will soon get strong again.

Thank you very much for all your birthday dates.  I see cousin Maggie’s is just four days after mine on the twenty second of June and her the twenty fourth.

There is very little excitement here at present.  A lot of the young men about here got up a Harvest Home about a week ago and it passed off very nicely.  The shooting season has just commenced and there is a great number of fellows from town staying in this district.  But there is not so much game now as there used to be.

We are having very bad weather here at present.  We have not had a fine day in a long time and we have a lot of stooks not in yet.  I am afraid there will be a lot of grain spoilt this season and that makes hard times for the poor farmers.

All our friends so far as I know of are well and enjoying good health.  The Yorstons are busy with the threshing and getting on fine.

Dear Thomas, I have no more news this time, everything is so quiet at present.  So with best love to all.

I remain yours, affect cousin

Lizzie Craigie

To Dear Thomas  xxxxxxx

In Print

Newsprint – 1943

1943 January 13 Orkney Herald

EVIE – EARLY SPOOT EBB. – At new moon last week there was a “good ebb,” and on three successive afternoons spoots were taken on the Evie Sands. So early in the season, few observed the favourable conditions, only two fishers appearing on the scene. These were very successful and brought home good catches which were shared by many friends. The delightful odour of the molluscs in the process of being cooked whetted the appetite, and a most enjoyable feast followed.



The purple night is hushed and calm,
Save here, where crashing breakers roar,
And sigh again with ceaseless moan,
On northern shore….

The velvet sky above, illum’ed
With myriads of silent stars:
How vast and bare its beauty is
Seen from afar!

Anon, from out the darkness black
A shrieking whitemaa wings his flight,
And hovers ghostly o’er the foam
By pale moonlight….

And o’er the heaving, restless deep
The golden lights of harbour gleam;
There life goes on with endless roar –
No time to dream….

But give to me this lonely isle
Where sweet salt odours ever flow,
To live alone with bird and flower
And fear no foe….

G. M. B.


OBITUARY. – Mr Robert Grieve Harrold, retired watchmaker, died at his home in Kirkwall on Friday, 8th January, in his eighty-first year. For nigh on sixty years Mr Harrold had carried on business in Kirkwall, and was known and respected by thousands throughout the county.

A native of Rousay, he served his apprenticeship as a watchmaker with the late Mr Donald Morgan in premises at the Big Tree, Kirkwall. On the opposite side of the street, on the site at which it is still carried on, Mr A. M. Morgan, son of Mr Harrold’s master, later established the business of A. M. Morgan & Son.

By 1883 Mr Harrold, was in business on his own account in premises in Victoria Street, now occupied by W. H. Irvine, shoemaker. Later he occupied premises at the foot of Laing Street, now Messrs R. Garden’s drapery shop, and subsequently moved to a shop on the opposite side of Albert Street, now occupied by Mr L. Celli, confectioner, where he remained until he retired some years ago.

In his early days in Kirkwall Mr Harrold was a member of St Magnus Mutual Improvement Association, which met once a week in the vestry of St Magnus Cathedral under the presidency of the late Rev James Walker. To this body Mr Harrold contributed some very interesting papers.

His principal relaxations were trout fishing and bowls, at both of which he was an adept. He was also a keen gardener and spent much of his time during his retirement in his garden at the Willows.

He was a keen Free Mason, and was in fact, one of the oldest members of Lodge Kirkwall Kilwinning, No. 38.2, of which he was a past master.

He was a member of King Street Church, and was the oldest elder of that congregation.

Mr Harrold was twice married. His first wife, Miss Elisabeth Tulloch, of North Ronaldshay, died fifty-five years ago. His second wife, Miss Jane Clouston, Orphir, predeceased him by a few years.

The death of his son, Squadron-Leader John H. C. Harrold, in August 1942, in the Middle East, following an operation for appendicitis, was a severe blow to Mr Harrold, who had failed noticeably since then.

The funeral was held to St Olaf Cemetery, and the services, both at the house and at the grave were conducted by Canon E. V. Kissack, St Olaf Church, Kirkwall.

[Robert Grieve Harrold, born 15 September 1862, was the sixth of seven children of Robert Harrold, Hammermugly (Blossom), and Mary Grieve, Egilsay.]

1943 February 17 Orkney Herald

EVIE – SIGNS OF SPRING. – Though winter is still very much with us, spring is not far behind, and signs of the cold earth wakening up from its winter sleep are evident in earth and air and sky. Punctual to time, the snowdrop is here again, and is strikingly noticeable in a large carpet spread over the lawns and burn-sides of the Manse garden, where it flourishes in great beauty. This meek, wax-like blossom no weather can blight or stain, and we welcome it as the harbinger of all other vernal flowers. Wild birds have become vocal and are hopping about in lively chatter. Thrushes and blackbirds are making love to one another and are busy gathering twigs for nest building. The lark, blithe spirit, has again been heard – singing as it soars and soaring as it sings, its joyous notes gladdening the earth. Daylight is now rapidly increasing.

1943 February 27 The Scotsman

NATURE NOTES – COMMUNAL ROOSTING OF RAVENS. – …..A friend tells me of the curious tale of a pair of Orkney ravens. Over a Neolithic burial chamber at Westness, Rousay, a large cover house was built. At one end of the building is a large observation window, and the plate glass is held into the wooden frame by a thick bed of putty. A pair of ravens took a fancy to this putty and dug holes out of it, so that it had to be repaired more than once. Putty has a curious fascination for some birds, and I have known a pair of crossbills dig it out of the bedding of a skylight window.

1943 March 10 Orkney Herald


STOCK. – Work Horse (10 years old), Work Mare (5 years old), 4 Cows (three May calvers, one newly calved), 5 Young Cattle, 1 Calf, 2 Ewes, 1 Pig.

CROP. – 2 Stacks Oats, 1 Stack Hay.

IMPLEMENTS. – 2 Box Carts (one almost new), Sledge Cart, pair Cart Wheels, Single Plough, Grubber, One-Horse “Albion” Reaper, set Iron Harrows, set Wooden Harrows, Scuffler, Wheelbarrow, Turnip Cutter, Cart and Plough Harness, set Scales (Avery’s 3 cwt.), Sack Barrow, 2 Henhouses, Egg Boxes (30 dozen size), 10 doz. size Egg Grader, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Lanterns, Dairy Utensils, “Darling” Washer, Wringer, Zinc Pails, Baths, Tubs, etc., One Horse Van, in good condition.

FURNITURE. – Sideboard, Sofas, Dining Room Chairs, Fireside Chairs, 4 sets Chests of Drawers, Tables, Bedsteads, Dressing Table, Washstands, Writing Desk, Carpet (9 x 12), Linoleum, Mats, Sheepskin Rugs, Blankets, Bed Linen, Table Linen, Cushions, Pictures, Mirrors, Companion Sets, Ornaments, Barometer, Books (including 10 volumes Children’s Encyclopaedia), Spinning Wheels, Orkney Chair, small Kitchen Girnel, No. 8 “Plantress” Stove, Crockery, Cooking Utensils, Lamps, Scales, Cutlery, and a variety of other articles.

Sale to commence at 10.30 o’clock.

Four months’ credit on approved bills for sums of £5 and upwards, or discount thereon for cash.

T. SMITH PEACE, Auctioneer.

1943 March 17 Orkney Herald



One day last week no little excitement was caused in the vicinity of Kirkwall Harbour when an uninvited guest decided to do a little social round of her own making. The “visitor” was four-footed, with a pair of horns and a tail, and as she was being escorted to her destination the “coo,” displaying admirable discernment and good taste, decided to call upon mine host, Mr Andrew S. Johnston of the St Ola Hotel.

The visit was not carried out with the decorum and gentility one would expect from a perfect lady, as her ascent to the first floor was marred by some very rough treatment of the balustrade.

When it seemed that the St Ola Hotel was due for some further and possibility more extensive damage, the Army was called in and executed a very clever pincer movement which resulted in the cow carrying out a strategic retirement.

Cow and escort, having been seen safely on their way once more, peace and quiet reigned on the Kirkwall front.

1943 April 21 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY PROPERTY. – The farm of Hullion, Rousay, extending to about 20 acres of arable land, together with hill ground and a shop, store and slaughterhouse, was sold by public roup in Kirkwall last Thursday, and was purchased by Mr C. E. S. Walls, solicitor, Kirkwall, for a client. The property was owned and occupied by Mr James Gibson, and realised £960. Upset price was £500.

1943 May 5 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – THE LATE MRS DOUGLAS CRAIGIE. – A sudden gloom was cast over the island last Monday when it became known that Mrs Douglas Craigie, Hunclett, had met her death in a most distressing accident. Alice, as she was affectionately known to all her friends, was in her twenty-first year, and had been married for only nineteen months. She was a member of the Woman’s Guild and the Frotoft Entertainment Committee, to both of which she gave willing service. Quiet and unassuming, but of a cheery disposition, she always had a happy smile and bright greeting for all who met her. Young and old will cherish her memory and deplore her loss. Deepest sympathy is felt for her husband and all relatives in this sudden bereavement.

[Alice was the daughter of John Donaldson and Margaret Stout, Watten, Egilsay. Husband Douglas was the son of Alexander Craigie, Turbitail, later Hunclett, and Rose Ida Gibson, Hullion]

1943 May 19 Orkney Herald

NEW RATION BOOKS. – The issue of the new identity cards and ration books will begin in Orkney on Monday, May 31. The public are urged to see that page 38 of the current ration book is accurate and up to date. Fill in page 3 as directed on it. On no account take it out. On page 4, disregard what is put on it. Write across the top “Milk,” and the name and address of present milk retailer. In the green book (RB2), underneath “Milk” write also “Meat and eggs,” in each case giving the names and addresses of the retailers. At the proper time call at the office specified with current identity card and ration book, or get a friend to call instead. If in order, new documents will be issued. Sign the new identity card, but write nothing on the ration book until instructed later.

The Orkney Herald at this time was full of reports of wartime stories from across the globe. Closer to home, here in Orkney the population had risen dramatically, due to the presence of Royal Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force personnel. There was also a massive influx of civilian workmen, engaged in the building and maintenance of the Scapa Flow naval base, Grimsetter, Sparrowhawk [Hatston], and Skeabrae airfields, and barracks and other related buildings throughout Orkney. Orcadians that hadn’t been called up got on with their everyday life, and more often than not kept themselves to themselves. The newspaper columns were full of reports of fundraising for the war effort, how to adhere to the rules of the black-out, rationing of food, clothing and fuel – and endless column inches telling of criminal activity, road traffic accidents, and a multitude of other incidents – many of which had to do with excessive intake of alcohol! This year there has been hardly a word from Rousay at all… I continue to scan the pages, and extract items of interest which give an insight into everyday life in wartime Orkney. Having said that this next item harks back to the early 1600s!…..

1943 May 26 Orkney Herald

SEVENTEENTH CENTURY WITHCRAFT IN ORKNEY. – The first half of the seventeenth century was a time of witch-burning in Orkney. The evidence, as might be expected in a period when people were sunk in superstition, was often of a most ludicrous kind. Sometimes, too, accusations were made from feelings of malice and ill-will.

In the parish of Evie there lived a widow named Katherine Grieve or Miller, with a family of several children. She became suspected of witchcraft, and, in consequence, was feared and hated by her superstitious neighbours, and after a time brought to trial as a witch.

The case against her contains charges of “practising witchcraft, sorceries, divinations, and charms, and giving herself forth to have such craft and knowledge, thereby abusing the people; and that by her cursings and imprecations she wronged and hurt man and beast, which evil was brought to pass by the working of the devil, her master.” Here are some of the items in the indictment: –

At some distance from her house was a hillock called Howan Greeny, on the top of which were the ruins of an old house. The place was thought to be haunted, and people quickened their steps if they had to pass it after sunset. One day in the spring of 1627, a boy named James Frishell, who was herding swine on the hill, took shelter from the cold and rain in this old ruin. Here he found Katherine Grieve, his grandmother Mary Richart, who was also reputed to be a witch, and the devil in the guise of a black man.

Katherine, angry at being discovered, called out “fiercely to her black companion to take him (the boy), for he would tell upon them”; but the boy’s grandmother said nobody would believe the boy, and he was allowed to go. Next day he told his master, Magnus Smith, what he had seen.

Years afterwards, when Katherine and Mary were sitting in the stocks, Katherine reminded her companion of this incident, and pointed out that the boy was now a witness against them.

A few months later a woman in Evie, Ursilla or Osslie Fea, was churning milk in the firehouse of her small farm. There was a big peat fire in the hearth, which stood in the middle of the floor, and was composed of stones built to the height of about three feet on the back and both sides. She worked for hours, but no butter came, and at last, sweating and tired, she heated a large stone, put it in the churn, and got two pounds of butter, or about one-fourth of the usual quantity.

Osslie, believing now that Katherine had “taken away the profit of the milk,” sent her servant to milk the witch’s cow. When the servant came back, the two milks were mixed, and in a few minutes Osslie had nine pounds of butter from the same quantity of milk that she could not, with all her “spaighing and plouting,” get any from before.

But she was punished for daring to milk Katherine’s cow. Within twenty-four hours she was seized with a severe illness, which continued until, after about ‘six weeks’ suffering, she, at the witch’s request, drank from the churn, and was at once restored to health.

But the “profit” of the milk was again gone, and, according to the evidence of witnesses at Katherine’s trial, no amount of churning had since availed to make butter.

On one occasion Katherine, asked to cure a sick horse, advised the owner to get three different kinds of silver, put them in a sieve, and sift them over the back of the horse. It is not recorded what the effect was.

Her daughter once went and took, without permission, cabbages from the yard of one John Brown, a farmer in Evie. His servant reproved the girl, and suffered for doing so, for when the girl told her mother what had happened, Katherine bade her take the cabbages back and throw them at the servant. This was done, and the servant was so seriously injured by being struck on the chest by a cabbage, that she was ill for a fortnight. Katherine herself went to Brown’s house and told him she had dreamt that if this wife would give alms to her daughter, the servant would immediately recover. Alms were given, and the result was as Katherine had promised.

One of Katherine’s sons was a herd-boy to this same farmer, and was dismissed. This angered Katherine and, as her neighbours believed, as a result of her witchcraft one cow died immediately and all the rest shortly afterwards. Another farmer, who had had another of Katherine’s sons in his service had a similar experience.

Before sunrise one morning Katherine went to the house of John Peace, near Kirkwall. John’s wife ordered her off, and was instantly seized by an extraordinary disease, which made her unable to walk from her mother-in-law’s house to her own, though they were close together, and she had to creep on her hands and knees. Katherine was sent for, and laid a hand on the sick woman’s head and gave her a drink of milk. The woman instantly recovered the use of her limbs.

Katherine was tried before a Sheriff and jury in the “wall house” of the Cathedral in Kirkwall on the 29th of May, 1633. She was found guilty, and sentenced to be carried by the lockman to the cross and burned on the cheek.

The sentence was a lenient one, for death was the usual penalty for the crime of witchcraft. Katherine, however, only escaped that penalty by binding herself “that if at any time thereafter she should be found to haunt suspected places, or to use charms or the like, she should in that case be burnt without dome to her death, and that willingly of her own consent.”

Reprinted from Peace’s Orkney Almanac, 1913.

1943 June 9 Orkney Herald

EVIE – FARM. – It has been an exceptionally long seed time – months having elapsed between the first and last sowings of the cereals. The earliest seed sown made slow progress, hampered by wet, wind and cold. Later sowings fared better, responding to more favourable weather conditions. The latest commitments, sown in the end of May, are scarcely showing leaf yet. Potato planting extended over a long period also. Turnip sowing is now well on its way. On one or two of the most forward farms the work has been practically finished, one farm showing little seedlings. Peat cutting is about a month later than usual, hindered by the pressure of work on the land and wet weather.

1943 June 23 Orkney Herald

VITAMIN PRODUCTS. – Expectant mothers and all children holding R.B.2 Ration Cards are eligible for vitamin products – orange juice and cod liver oil. Both the Ministry of Food and the Department of Health are anxious to encourage a wider use of these products amongst eligible persons and parents are urged to obtain supplies from their nearest distribution centre. The local Food Office, District Nurse or Health Visitor will be pleased to give guidance about the scheme to any who are interested.

RED CROSS – SPHAGNUM MOSS. – The demand for sphagnum moss for surgical dressings is steadily increasing. The Red Cross appeals to all those who can gather and dry the moss to do so during the coming season. Last year, because of the inclement weather, very little moss was sent from Orkney. It is hoped that this year, with favourable weather, many sacks may be sent. The moss should be dried and cleaned if possible. The Aberdeen Depot takes uncleaned moss but prefers it to be at least, roughly cleaned. Collectors in the North Isles, to save transport from and to the Kirkwall Pier should send direct to Lady Hamilton-Fyfe, Marischal College, Aberdeen, sending at the same time a postcard to either Mrs W. A. Sinclair, Willowburn Road, Kirkwall, or Mrs J. S. Cormack, 17 Palace Road, Kirkwall, intimating the number of sacks sent.

1943 June 30 Orkney Herald

WINGS FOR VICTORY. – Orkney has done it again! Upholding the standard raised in the War Weapons Week two years ago, and kept proudly flying in the Warship Week last year, the county has this year again, in the “Wings for Victory” Week just ended, doubled its target. Up to yesterday (Monday) evening the sum of £299,221 had been recorded – a magnificent tribute to the patriotism and thrift of Orkney and Orcadians. The total includes £4138 in Free Gifts and £1000 in interest-free loans…..

ROUSAY – FROTOFT PICNIC. – The annual Frotoft picnic was held at Frotoft School on Friday, 18th June, at 3 p.m. Owing to pressure of work on the farms, and to the fact that many of the young people have been called away, the company was considerably smaller this year. There was a record turnout of children, however, and they thoroughly enjoyed their picnic. After the games and races were over, tea was served by the committee. Then Miss [Edith] McLean, Sourin School, presented prizes to the winners. She also handed over to Edith Pirie a prize book which she had won for an essay written in the Essay Competition of the S.S.P.C.A. Votes of thanks were proposed to Miss McLean, Mrs Harcus and the Picnic Committee, and were heartily responded to. Dancing then began, and continued until 2 a.m. Music was supplied by the Wasbister Band, assisted by other local musicians…..

EVIE – CUITHES. – The cuithe season is here and there have been favourable weather and tides for fishing. Several good catches have been landed and distributed in the neighbourhood. Needless to say, the fish have been most acceptable.

PEATS. – The use of peat as fuel here in the county seems to be on the decline. Many have changed over to coal entirely, while others are making a partial use of coal. This is owing to the lack of labour connected with peats and difficulties in transit. But for the force of circumstances, the home-produced fuel would still be preferred, and as many as find it possible to procure peat have been to the moors, to cut a winter’s supply. The turves are now spread over the banks, and the curing process is going on fairly well.

1943 July 21 Orkney Herald

£305,587 9s 5d


Just to hand are the final financial particulars of the Orkney Victory Wings accounts, showing the details in regard to each of the twenty-seven local target areas.

Mr Dickson, M.B.E., County General Treasurer of the scheme, has been enabled to send a total cheque for £305,587 9s 5d, as against the £140,000 aimed at. Every local target area exceeded its objective…..

[The folk of Rousay raised a total of £4,148 0s 3d, the original target being £1,000]

1943 August 25 Orkney Herald

GRACIE FIELDS IN ORKNEY. – Miss Gracie Fields, the theatrical star, paid another brief visit to the Orkney and Shetland Defences at the week-end. This was her second series of performances in the North, her first visit having taken place in June 1941.

ORKNEY RED CROSS. – Mr W. J. Heddle, Hon. Treasurer to the British Red Cross Society (Orkney Branch), begs to acknowledge, with sincere thanks, the following donation…..Proceeds of a dance held by the Home Guard, Rousay, per Mr David Gibson…..£3 12s 0d.

1943 September 1 Orkney Herald



A Ju. 88 which came in from the sea was shot down off a Northern Scottish island by A.A. gunners just before dusk last Wednesday.

It was brought down with 25 rounds in a one-minute action.

The raider came in at about 400 feet, and was instantly engaged. It quickly turned back with smoke pouring from it and crashed into the sea about six miles from the coast.

It was the first time these gunners had fired at an enemy aircraft for several months.

The Aberdeen “Press and Journal” account of the action states: –

There was a light anti-aircraft troop with Bofors guns on the island. Just before dusk on Wednesday the alarm went. The Ju., flying alone, was sighted 1000 ft. above the sea.

The troop commander, Lt. Reynolds, Exeter, a night mail train postal sorter between London and Carlisle in peace-time, hurriedly dropped a letter he had been writing to his wife and hurried out to direct fire. The cook and the batman manned the Lewis gun.

Less than a minute later the Ju. 88 had crashed into the sea six miles from the coast. It had been hit several times by Bofors shells.

The gunners stationed on the island are relieved about every three months. Their last opportunity of firing against the enemy occurred over two months ago.

In the future Home Guards may man the same type of guns in the defence of Scotland.

1943 September 8 Orkney Herald


On Friday, 3rd September, by the express wish of His Majesty, the whole nation was united in prayer. It was the King’s desire that prayer should be offered up so that “we should enter the fifth year of war with undiminished constancy of purpose,” and “to give thanks for the success already granted to our cause.”

Millions joined in the act of worship, and special day and evening services were held in every city, town and village from Orkney and Shetland to Penzance.

It can easily be imagined with what heartfelt gratitude the people of Britain gave praise to God when it is remembered that He and He alone, in His infinite mercy, watched over and guided us in our darkest hour as, in 1940, we stood alone to face the might and hatred of a nation of bestial fanatics whose only faith lies in brutality, torture and the rule of the jackboot.

Let us hope with all our hearts that on September 3rd, 1944, final victory over the most evil thing the human race has ever known will have been achieved, but at the same time, let us always have before us those stirring and beautiful lines of Rudyard Kipling: –

No easy hope or lies
Shall bring us to our goal,
But iron sacrifice
Of body, will and soul.
There is but one task for all –
For each one life to give,
Who stands if freedom fall
Who dies if Britain live?

1943 September 22 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – NATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY (ORKNEY AUXILLARY). – The hon. treasurer. Mr W. J. Heddle, solicitor, Kirkwall, begs to acknowledge the sum of £1 2s, being the amount collected for the current year in the island of Rousay on behalf of the above Society, and to thank Mrs Lily Miller, Wasbister Schoolhouse, and the following collectors, viz., Misses Nettie Marwick and Edna Clouston for their kind services.

1943 September 29 Orkney Herald


Battle of Britain Sunday (September 26) was commemorated at a special service in St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, on Sunday morning at 10 o’clock.

The service was an all-Services one, and was attended by Mr Alfred Baikie of Tankerness, C.B., Lord Lieutenant of Orkney and Shetland, and Major-General J. N. Slater, General Officer Commanding the Orkney and Shetland defences, and other high-ranking Navy, Army and Air Force officers.

Royal Air Force personnel, as was fitting, were by far in the majority, and paraded to the service accompanied by a strong contingent of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force and the local unit of the Air Training Corps. Fleet Air Arm and Naval officers and men represented the Silent Service, and were accompanied by a Women’s Royal Naval Service contingent. A full company of a Scottish regiment, headed by their very fine pipe band, also paraded.

The R.A.F., W.A.A.F. and A.T.C. contingent, numbering in the vicinity of 500 all told, was led by the silver band of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, which is still on tour in Orkney and which, it will be remembered, gave a very fine orchestral concert in Paterson Church, Kirkwall (along with the church choir), and another in Stromness just over a week ago.

The Servicemen and Servicewomen were accommodated on Sunday morning in three rows of three seats abreast the whole length of the Cathedral – khaki in the centre, R.A.F. blue on one side and Navy blue on the other – producing a very striking effect.

Special prayers at the service included one minute’s silence for those who had given their lives in the Battle of Britain, and hymns sung are known and loved by all – “Immortal, Invisible,” “Praise, My Soul,” “The King of Love my Shepherd is,” and “Fight the Good Fight.” The scripture lesson and the short address was in keeping with the special occasion, and the service terminated with the National Anthem. A collection was uplifted in aid of the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund. The service lasted about three-quarters of an hour.

After the service, the various units formed up in front of the Cathedral, in Broad Street, and at the side in Dundas Crescent. The R.A.F., W.A.A.F., and A.T.C. contingent marched off first, again led by the A. & S.H. Band, and – in a different direction – the Navymen and Wrens were started off with the skirl of the Highlanders’ pipes, who afterwards headed their own company through part of the town.

The whole parade and service was an impressive one but, from a local point of view, it was unfortunate that the local Civil Defence Service was not invited to take part.

1943 October 20 Orkney Herald

“GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN….” – Last Thursday was a melancholy anniversary for Orkney. Four years ago, on October 14, 1939, the newly-overhauled “Royal Oak” was sunk in Scapa Flow by a submarine. It has never been made really clear how the U-boat managed to enter Scapa Flow, nor is it likely to be now until after the war.

Though an old one, the Royal Oak was a fine ship, and the eight hundred and ten men who were lost with her were of Britain’s best.

Among the casualties were one or two Orcadians, and it is to their memory, and to the memory of every other mother’s son who made the supreme sacrifice that day, that these lines are dedicated.

“Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for another.”


EVIE – HARVESTING. – Harvest work is now far advanced, and the end is in sight. A big push last week effected a quick march forward. Acres of uncut grain fell to the reaper and fields of stooks were cleared. Rows of huge stacks now appear in the corn yards and in the open. ln another week, granted good weather, the farmer should see the fruits of his labour safely stored.

1943 November 3 Orkney Herald

EVIE – SILLOCKS. – Sillocks are plentiful round our shores at present. They are in grand condition, big and fat, and every opportunity is taken to get to sea in pursuit of these fine little fish, which are so acceptable these days of fish scarcity. Some heavy catches have been brought in, and there has been a general distribution through the district.

THE HARVEST ENDS. – The crops have now been safely gathered and the harvest has proved most satisfactory. There is ample evidence of good grain and good bulk, the large number of huge, healthy coloured stacks spread over the fields, presenting a veritable cornucopia of the earth’s yield. To look round and see this rich abundance is to rejoice and give thanks.

1943 December 15 Orkney Herald

WYRE – NATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY – ORKNEY AUXILLARY. – The hon. treasurer, Mr W. J. Heddle, Kirkwall, begs to acknowledge the sum of 15s., being the amount collected for the current year in the island of Viera on behalf of the above Society, and to thank Mr William Craigie, Russness, the collector, for his kind services.


Alexander Munro – General Burroughs’ Ground Officer

Alexander Munro – 1841-1916

Ground Officer to Lieutenant-General Frederick William Traill-Burroughs, Rousay 

Compiled by W. Nicol Manson and forwarded to Rousay Remembered by
Janis Munro, Stromness, Alexander’s great grand-daughter.

Alexander Munro was born in Lyth, in the Parish of Bower, Caithness on the 19th of April 1841, to Angus, (born Kildonan, Sutherland, 1809) and Janet Munro, nee McDonald, (born Reay, Sutherland, 1813). Angus and Janet had married in Bower in 1834. The 1851 Scotland Census has Angus and Janet and their family of five daughters at Blackpark in the District of Lyth and Alterwall in the parish of Bower, Angus a tenant farmer of 6 acres. Alexander Munro, aged 9 years old, a cowherd is at a neighbouring farm at Lyth, tenanted by Alexander Dunnet.

The census for 1861 shows Angus his wife and one daughter at Alterwall, Bower, and Angus’s occupation given as shoemaker. Alexander Munro, when aged 19, was a ploughman at Lynegar Farm, Watten, where Alexander Murrison was the Farm Manager. It was from here that Alexander Munro was to begin a long-lasting association with the Murrison family, George Murrison, the Lynegar Farm Manager’s brother in particular.

Alexander Murrison’s son, Robert became gamekeeper to Lieut.-General Burroughs on his estate on Rousay, showing up on the 1881 census with his wife and son at Trumland. Alexander Murrison’s brother George, was Farm Manager at nearby Blackpark Farm, Alterwall, Bower and was destined to become Factor to Lieut.-General Burroughs on his Rousay estate in the mid 1870’s, taking Alexander Munro with him. George and Alexander Murrison were the sons of Arthur Murrison and Margaret Wallace who were both born and married in Cruden, Aberdeenshire; they had a family of 12 children. In 1852, son George married Margaret Miller from Papa Westray, Orkney, with whom he had a daughter, Ann, born in 1854. In the 1861 census for Westray, Margaret Murrison aged 43 has reverted back to using her maiden surname of Miller and is a Dairymaid working at Brough, Westray. Her daughter Ann was at school, 8 years old. The 1871 Scotland census shows 18 year old Ann Murrison at Old Machar, Aberdeenshire. The 1861 census shows George Murrison, a visitor at the farm of Quoy Hill, Kirkwall and St. Ola, belonging to Forbes Henderson, a farmer born at Tyrie, Aberdeenshire. That same year George Murrison’s brother, John Murrison aged 50, is a farmer at Upper Berry Hill St. Ola, living there with his wife and two sons.

In 1861, now employed as a Farm Overseer to Sir John Sinclair of Dunbeath at Barrock Mains in Bower, George Murrison aged 40, met and married his second wife, Mary Johnston, aged 33 from Thurso, on the 6th of June at Barrock House. Mary was a domestic servant working at Barrock House, Bower.

The 1865 Valuation Roll has Angus Munro, one of 13 tenants on the Farm of Alterwall in the Parish of Bower, paying a rent of £3 5s to the Proprietor, Sir John Sinclair of Dunbeath. Alexander Steven, whose daughter Christina his son Alexander was to later marry in 1876, was a neighbouring tenant farmer at Alterwall Farm. By the 1871 census, Angus (62) and Janet Munro (53) are in the Hamlet of Alterwall, Bower with daughter Ann (27) and son Alexander (29). There are also three grandchildren in the household as well as Janet’s sister Christina (52) a farm servant. Angus is a Farmer of 6 acres paying rent of £4 10s. Son Alexander’s occupation is given as a labourer. In the parish of Bower 1881 census records and 1885 Valuation Rolls Angus (72) a Crofter of 5 acres and Janet (67) are both Gaelic speakers paying a rent of £4 10s. They are living at a farm in Alterwall with their granddaughter Christina (15) at school.

Angus passed away on the 29th of December 1886 aged 77 in Bower and Janet died on January 31st 1899 aged 90 in Watten, Caithness. They had raised five daughters and three sons and had worked most of their lives as Crofting Tenants to Sir John Sinclair, Baronet of Dunbeath and Barrock, then to his grandson who succeeded him, Sir John Rose George Sinclair and his Factor, Col. Alexander Learmonth. Sir John Rose George Sinclair was married to Marion D’Oyly a niece of Lady Eliza D’Oyly Traill-Burroughs of Trumland, Rousay. Children of Angus and Janet Munro were:- Christian, b.1835, George, b.1837, Hugh, b.1839, Alexander, b. 1841, Ann, b.1844, Johan, b.1846, Jennet, b. 1849, and Elizabeth, b.1851.

From the 1874 Valuation Rolls George Murrison, Ground Officer, was living at Roadside, Lyth, paying an annual rent of £2 10/- for the house and £20 for a grass park, working for Sir John Rose George Sinclair’s Factor, Col. Alexander Learmonth, who was residing at Barrock House, Bower. Lieutenant-General Frederick Traill-Burroughs retiral from the army in 1873 coincided with the retiral of Robert Scarth as factor for the Rousay estate. He had married Eliza D’Oyly on the 4th of June 1870, Eliza staying at Westness House until he completed his army service. On the 1st of February 1852, his 21st birthday, Lieut.-Gen. Burroughs succeeded to the Rousay estates from his grand-uncle George Traill who died in 1847. Robert Scarth, an agricultural reformer, had overseen the second Quandale Clearances between 1855 and 1859 on behalf of George Traill of Westness and Woodwick. A strict disciplinarian from his army days the new laird was to continue the system of “clearance” instigated by Robert Scarth on behalf of George Traill. By 1875, George Murrison took on the roll of factor of the Rousay and Veira estate along with the farm of Skaill in Sandwick. By the time of the 1875 Valuation Roll George Murrison is living at the Mills of Rango on the farm of Skaill in the Parish of Sandwick, Orkney, paying an annual rent of £60 to the proprietors, representatives of William Watt of Breckness and Graham Watt of Kierfiold. The 1876 Valuation Roll for the Mills of Rango shows George Murrison renting for £60. Another Valuation Roll for the same year shows that he is also paying £16 rent for Veira Lodge, Frotoft, Rousay to Lieut.- Gen. Frederick William Traill-Burroughs. In 1877 George Murrison is still acting as Factor at the Farm of Skaill, renting Mills of Rango in Skaill, Sandwick, rent £60, from the proprietor Mrs Barbara Watt (Liferentrix) of Breckness and on the Rousay estate of Lieut.-Gen. Burroughs, renting the house and grounds of Veira Lodge for the sum of £16.

On 14th of July, 1876, Alexander Munro aged 35, a road contractor, married Christina Steven, aged 26, at Alterwall. Witnesses James Oliphant and John Geddes were both neighbours of Alexander and Christina who was the daughter of Alexander and Janet Steven (m.s. Calder). In the 1881 census Alexander, a general labourer, foreman, aged 39 and Christina aged 36 and daughters Malcolmina, aged 2 and Agnes, aged 9 months are living at Trumland Lodge. Living with them are Alexander’s brother George, aged 44, an unemployed forester and John Geddes, aged 32, a blacksmith and wire fencer who was a near neighbour when at Alterwall Bower and had been best man at Alexander’s wedding in Bower in 1876.

On the 9th of May 1878 the birth of Alexander and Christina Munro’s first child Malcolmina Calder Munro was recorded by Thomas Reid, the Rousay Registrar. Alexander, a road contractor, and Christina are living at the Lodge of Trumland, Rousay. So sometime between 14th July 1876 and the 9th of May 1878, Alexander and Christina Munro arrived in Rousay. On June 21st 1880 Agnes Macdonald Munro was born at Trumland Lodge, Rousay, her father Alexander a road contractor. George Murrison Munro third child to Alexander and Christina Munro was born at Old School, Sourin, Rousay on June 18th 1882. Alexander James Munro was born at Cubbierow Cottage, Rousay on May 11th 1884. Father Alexander was still employed as a road contractor, and from the 1884 Valuation Roll he is paying £2 rent to Lieut-Gen. Burroughs for the farm of Cubbierow.

Alexander Munro with children Hugh, Malcomina, and Agnes

The 1884 Valuation Roll for Veira Lodge Frotoft shows that George Murrison, Esquire, Factor, is paying £16 rent for the house and grounds.

From the1885 Valuation Rolls, Alexander Munro is paying £6 6s 6d rent to Lieut-Gen. Burroughs for the Old Schoolhouse and Grounds.

Hugh Munro, fifth child of Alexander and Christina was born on the 25th of July 1886. David William Munro was born to Alexander and Christina Munro on the 17th of October 1887 at Old School, Rousay, Alexander now recorded as a merchant.

Lieut.-General Frederick Traill-Burroughs had advertised through Messrs. J. Watson Lyall & Co., Land Agents, No. 15 Pall Mall, London, S.W., the “Beautiful & Valuable Estate of Rousay and Veira in Orkney, extending to 12,000 acres with handsome mansion house, excellent shooting lodge, fishing’s, etc, etc, which will be offered for sale by public auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, Bank of England, on Thursday, the 7th of June1889, (unless previously sold by private bargain)”. He did not find any buyers and remained on Rousay, becoming a County Councillor in 1889 and appointed Vice-Lieutenant of Orkney and Shetland in 1900. He received a Knighthood in 1904.

On June the 13th 1890 after 15 years as factor on the estates of Rousay and Veira, George Murrison had left Orkney to return to Kintore in Aberdeenshire. On his departure he was presented with a drawing room clock with the inscription:- “Presented by Lieutenant-General F. Traill Burroughs, C.B., of Rousay and Veira, Orkney, to Mr George Murrison J.P., as remembrance of his able, active, zealous, and faithful services as factor of his estate from 1875 to 1890, and as a token of his sincere regret at parting with him on account of the action of the Crofter Commission having stopped all estate improvements, and having rendered useless the further services of a resident factor”. He died on the 27th of April 1900 at Braeside of Rothmaise, Warthill, Parish of Rayne, Aberdeenshire aged 83 years old. His wife Mary died on the 26th of October, 1906 at Rayne, aged 79 years.

On the 11th of March, 1890 Mary Ann McKay Munro was born at Old School, Sourin, her father Alexander a merchant. Alexander and Christina Munro complete their family with the birth of their eighth child, Albert Edward Munro on the 5th of February, 1893.

The 1891 census shows the family at Old School, Alexander a Merchant. When Trumland Farm was advertised for lease in 1898 Alexander Munro’s name was given to contact as “Overseer, living at Old Schoolhouse, Sourin”.

In the advertising for the leasing of Westness Farm in 1899 Alexander Munro was delegated to be the one to show the prospective tenants around. He is described in 1899 as “Overseer”. The 1901 England Census shows the Burroughs’ at their London home so he would have needed somebody to see to his estate in his absence.

The 1901 census shows the Munro family are at Old School, Alexander a farmer. From the 1901 census, son Alexander James Munro is at Westdale, a 16 years old apprentice joiner at the home of William Reid and his family.

Alexander Munro with wife Christina and son George

Below are the written instructions given to Alexander Munro, Ground Officer for the estate of Rousay and Veira, hand written, unlikely by him, in a notebook, dated 24th November 1902, in which he took details of the various jobs which needed to be done on the properties he had visited. Although not signed, it was most likely that the instructions would have been written in the hand of Lieutenant-General Frederick William Traill Burroughs, Proprietor of the estate.


Alexander Munro, Woo, Sourin, The Ground Officer, Rousay

Commenced; 24 November 1902
Instructions and Memoranda For Ground Officer

To visit every Farm and Holding on the Estate at least once a quarter and see that the Estate Regulations are adhered to
and report any contraventions thereof without delay.
To see that Buildings, Dykes and Wire Fences are kept in good repair;
also Farm Roads and Gates.
To see that Woodwork is periodically painted for its due preservation;
also Ironwork.
To see that Ditches and Drains are regularly scoured and kept clean.
To see that weeds are regularly cut down.
To see that Roads are kept in good order and that loose stones are removed.
To see that Quarries are not ill-used, and only used by those having the Proprietor’s permission.
To Superintend all Building and Draining, or other Improvements and see that they are properly done.
To report any Poaching by land or water. To protect Grouse, Trout, and all Game.
To stop and report any unauthorised Heather burning.
To see that Hedges are trimmed annually.
To see that Farms are properly stocked, and cultivated, and not mis-cropped.
Wire fencing along Public Roads to be according to the law.
To prosecute persons tethering Stock across the Public Roads.
A multiplicity of dogs to be checked. The Owners of Dogs poaching or trespassing to be proceeded against.
Persons damaging Dykes, Fences, Bridges to be prosecuted.
Not to permit arrears of Road Rates.
To preserve the Peace of the Estate.
Names and addresses to be painted on all Carts as required by law.
The Rules of the Road to be observed by vehicles on the roads.
Disorderly conduct to be reported.



Last dated entry in Alexander Munro’s notebook of visits is January 2nd, 1906. He would have been 65 years old.

In a 1902 “The Scotsman” newspaper carried a report of a fire in the stack yard of a property in Sourin, the tenant of the farm was made known as the “assistant factor of General Burroughs. Police were called when five stacks of bere and oats and one stack of hay were burned. Since the passing of the Crofters Act, relations between the proprietor and the crofters have become strained and it is supposed that the fire may have been the work of incendiaries”.

In 1904, when the lease of Westness Farm was again advertised, Alexander Munro, was the “Ground Officer” to be contacted for viewing the subjects of the lease.

Sir Frederick William Traill-Burroughs KCB, died in London on April 9th, 1905 and his wife on the 1st of February 1908. A memorial was erected in St. Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall by Lady Edith Marion D’Oyly Dunbar or Sinclair, wife of Sir John Rose George Sinclair, 7th Baronet of Dunbeath, Barrock House, Bower, who was executrix of Lady Burroughs’s will and niece of Lady Eliza D’Oyly Traill-Burroughs. Sir John Rose George Sinclair and his predecessors were the proprietors of the estate at Alterwall, Bower, Caithness, where Angus Munro and his family lived and where Alexander Munro was born in 1841. One of his crofts was let to Angus Munro who worked all his life as a tenant crofter to the Sinclair’s.

Alexander Munro became tenant of Woo, Sourin in 1900, getting a loan of £200 from General Burroughs. From the 1905 Valuation Roll recording the farm and house of Woo, Sourin, Alexander Munro was paying a rent of £25. He was Sub-postmaster, Inspector of Roads and Collector of Rates. He lost two of these appointments when he became bankrupt but retained the post of Sub-postmaster and returned to Old School, Sourin. The Trustees of the Rousay Estate were persuaded by Lady Burroughs to leave Alexander Munro in Old School after they had applied to have him removed from there in 1905. The 1911 census has Alexander Munro, aged 69, a Small Farmer and Sub Post Master. Christina Munro, aged 60, (they had been married for 34 years 8months & 8 days), Agnes McDonald Munro, aged 30, was a cook, home on a visit, Hugh Munro, aged 24 and Albert Edward Munro, aged 18, were horsemen and Mary Ann Munro, aged 21, a general domestic servant. Alexander James Munro a stonemason and building contractor, was at Hallbreck in Sandwick aged 26, a boarder at the home of James Flett Hourston and family. Malcolmina Calder Munro, aged 32, was a domestic servant at the United Free Church Manse, Rousay, where the preacher in residence was Andrew L. P. Jamieson.

On the 2nd of October, 1912 at Sourin Public School, Rousay there was a Munro family double wedding. Alexander James Munro, 28, stonemason, Old School, Rousay, was married to Agnes Lyon, 21, Ervadale, Sourin, Rousay. Agnes M. Munro and James Robert Lyon were the witnesses. Alexander and Agnes were married by the Rev. Alexander Spark of the Church of Scotland. James Bowie, grocer, 36, (widower), 173 Albert Street, Glasgow, was married to Malcolmina Calder Munro, 34, postmistress, Post Office House, Sourin, Rousay. David Munro and Jessie Harcus Reid were witnesses. James and Malcolmina were married by the Rev. Alexander Irvine Pirie of the United Free Church of Scotland.

Alexander James Munro and wife Agnes Lyon

Aggie and James Russell with their children, Roy, Chrissie, and Hugh, at Brendale in 1924.
In front is Georgina Munro, Breval, Alexander James and Agnes’s first-born.

On the 4th of September, 1914, James Roy Sinclair Russell, 26, Farmer, Brendale, Sourin, Rousay, was married at School, Rousay to Agnes McDonald Munro, 34, Postmistress, Old School, Sourin, Rousay. Hugh Munro and Mary Gillespie were witnesses. James and Agnes were married by the Rev. Alexander Irvine Pirie of the United Free Church of Scotland.

Agnes McDonald Russell died at Brendale, Rousay, on April 26th 1934, aged 53. James Roy Sinclair Russell re-married in 1946 to Agnes’s sister, Mary Ann McKay Munro. Mary Ann McKay Russell died at Myres, Sourin, Rousay on December 29th, 1962. Alexander Munro (late Ground Officer) died at Old School, Sourin, on September 10th 1916, aged 75, his son, Alexander James Munro was Informant.

Hugh Munro died at Old School, Sourin, Rousay on March 2nd 1920, aged 33. He was unmarried. Albert Edward Munro died in Rousay on the 24th December, 1975, aged 82. He was unmarried.

From “The Orcadian”, 5.6.1919; “Christina Munro, Old School, Rousay, applied as a statutory small tenant for the fixing of a first equitable rent. Duncan J. Robertson, solicitor representing the Traill-Burroughs family trustees stated that in 1912 the arrears amounted to £3 5s and these now amounted to £28 12s. Alexander James Munro, son of the applicant, spoke on behalf of his mother. John Cormack was the solicitor representing Mrs Munro and informed the hearing that she was prepared to pay any arrears ordered by the court”. Duncan Robertson insisted on the return of Old School to the trustees but was not successful.

Christina Munro died aged 81 on August 7th 1931 at Old School, Sourin. Informant was her son, Albert Edward Munro.

Alexander and Christina Munro had three sons serving during WW1. Private David William Munro was killed in action with D Coy., 15th Battalion Highland Light Infantry on the 17th of March 1916. Gunner Alexander James Munro served with the Royal Horse Artillery and was awarded the Military Medal for bravery. Private Albert Edward Munro was in the 4th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders when severely wounded and was discharged because of his wounds.

Alexander James Munro’s medals – obverse and reverse views.

Left: Military Medal. It was an award for gallantry and devotion to duty when under fire in battle on land on the recommendation of a Commander-in-Chief in the Field.

Middle: British War Medal. This silver medal was awarded to officers and men of the British and Imperial Forces who either entered a theatre of war (an area of active fighting) or served overseas (perhaps as a garrison soldier) between 5 August 1914 and 11 November 1918 inclusive.

Right: Allied Victory Medal. The Allies each issued their own bronze victory medal but with a similar design, equivalent wording and identical ribbon. The colours represent the combined colours of the Allied nations, with the rainbow additionally representing the calm after the storm. The ribbon consists of a double rainbow with red at the centre. To qualify, an individual had to have entered a theatre of war (an area of active fighting), not just served overseas. Their service number, rank, name and unit were impressed on the rim.

About 1906, John Logie, a former Butler for the Burroughs family became the Estate Trustees Land Steward and Caretaker, a post he held until the estate was sold to Walter Grant in 1922.

Alexander James Munro died at Braes, Rousay, on 8th October 1960, aged 76. Agnes Munro died in the Balfour Hospital on the 23rd of March, 1949, aged 57. Malcolmina Calder Bowie died on April 13th, 1949, at 5 Wilton Street, Glasgow, aged 70. On 13th October 1914, George Murrison Munro, Police Constable, 738 Argyle Street, Glasgow, was married at 5 Wilton Street, Glasgow to Mary Fraser, The Hydropathic, Kilmacolm. John Fraser and Euphemia Fraser were witnesses. George and Mary were married by Robert Henderson Abel of the United Free Church. George Murrison Munro died at 68 Lumsden Street, Glasgow, on March 10th 1944, aged 61.


Alexander James and Agnes had thirteen children. Two died in infancy, and Byng, born in 1919, died in Carlisle in 1947. The others are pictured above, and family member Bertie Gillespie, Longhope, says: ‘This photo was taken in the Sourin hall at my sister Maureen’s wedding to Tommy Watt on April 20th 1973.’

Back row, left to right: Kathleen Christina Gillespie née Munro, Georgina Jessie Calder Gray née Munro, Agnes Dorothy Munro, Maggie Ann Lyon Gibson née Munro, Daisy Williamina Emsley née Munro. Front row, left to right: Hugh Munro, Robert ‘Robbo’ Watson Lyon Munro, Lionel Alexander Edward Munro, Norman Herbert Munro, Andrew ‘Andy’ Hunter Munro.

In Print

Newsprint – 1942

1942 January 21 Orkney Herald

LOCAL COMMITTEE CHANGES – ROUSAY AND WYRE. – District Council Representative – Mr John Johnston, Testaquoy, Wyre, in succession to Mr Magnus Flaws, merchant, Hellzigarth, Wyre, who is moving from Wyre to Rousay to become manager of the Rousay, Egilshay and Veira Co-operative Society, Ltd., following the appointment of Mr Walls, the previous manager, as packing station manager of Orkney Egg Producers, Ltd., Kirkwall.

BRING YOUR OWN SUGAR. – Now that the increased sugar ration has been discontinued it is only reasonable that when visiting we should carry our own sugar. In smaller households it may be a real hardship to provide sugar for guests. There is little fear of your action being misunderstood when you produce your own sugar – in most cases it is likely to be appreciated. Get the habit now if you have not already adopted it.

1942 February 18 Orkney Herald

HOUSEHOLD RESERVES. – Many households, especially in rural areas, will have had reason to be thankful that they could draw upon small household reserves. Potatoes, oatmeal, and flour, which are still in good supply, provide a most suitable type of reserve, and reasonable supplies of these foodstuffs should be added to make up the inroads which may have been made on them during recent stormy weather. And remember, at least two days’ supply of bread should always be maintained.

1942 February 18 Orkney Herald


The R.N. Cinema, Kirkwall, was filled to capacity with men and women of the forces and a sprinkling of employees from various civilian contractors last Saturday night to welcome those famous artistes, Bud (Oi) Flanagan and Chesney Allen, who had a magnificent supporting company.

Flanagan and Allen were accorded a right royal reception when they made their appearance, and Bud’s overcoat of Orcadian Squirrel, together with his fretwork headgear were a riot in themselves.

One of the highlights of their show was Ches Allen as the racehorse owner giving riding orders to his jockey (Bud Flanagan) on Epsom Downs.

It would be impossible to imagine anything funnier, and it was these two great comedians at their brilliant best. Everything else that they did stamped them as the leaders in their line of business, and at the close they got a wonderful ovation.

The locally based R.A.F. Quintette richly deserved the big hand which was given them; each of its members is undoubtedly a very talented musician.

Cyril Smith compered the show and soon had the house sitting up and asking for more with his inexhaustible fund of clever stories put over in a manner only possible with a raconteur par excellence. His monologue “The Cockney and the Hun” was truly grand stuff.

Mr Stanley Kilburn charmed the audience with his arrangements on the piano, and he certainly is maestro.

An extremely pleasant surprise was provided by the introduction of Sergt. Alex. MacIntosh, vocalist, a Stromness competition winner. His rendering of “I’ll walk beside you,” amongst other excellent numbers, had a very warm reception and a successful future is indicated for this very fine singer.

At the fall of the curtain the whole company received another grand ovation. Seen by an “Orkney Herald” representative, Flanagan and Allen sent a message of good wishes to all Forces readers of the “Herald” (including the ladies) and want them to know how glad they are to be with them in Orkney. They would have been here before this but for previous heavy bookings.

They wish everybody all they wish themselves and the Best of Luck – Oi !!

[A hero of the home front was the singing comic Bud Flanagan. In jarring times his sleepy croon would soothe a nerve-racked city. Born Reuben Weintrop and raised in a Polish Jewish household off Brick Lane, he was a call boy in the music halls and worked up his own act with partner Chesney Allen. When hostilities commenced, the man who had beguiled audiences with ‘Underneath the Arches’ could now calm wartime jitters with ‘We’re Going to Hang Out the Washing on the Siegfried Line’. Almost the last thing he did, before his death in 1968, was to record the theme song to Dad’s Army, ‘Who Do You Think You Are Kidding, Mr Hitler?’ – a nicely nostalgic confection that offered him the perfect exit. – From ‘In the City: A Celebration of London Music’ by Paul Du Noyer.]

1942 February 25 Orkney Herald

NURSING SERVICES – MESSAGE FROM H.M. THE QUEEN. – Her Majesty The Queen has sent a message to members of all branches of the nursing profession, which is being exhibited in all hospitals in Orkney. The message is in the following terms: –

“My thoughts go out to the women who, in this third year of war, are serving the cause of humanity in every branch of the nursing profession.

“May you be granted strength and courage to carry on your selfless labours and may find your reward in the gratitude of those to whom you minister.”

1942 March 11 Orkney Herald

CALL-UP AGES REVISED. – Men of forty-five, girls of twenty, and boys of eighteen are now liable to be called up. A proclamation signed by the King in Privy Council last week giving effect to this decision states, too, that more doctors and dentists are to be recruited.

1942 March 18 Orkney Herald

BASIC PETROL RATION GOES AFTER JUNE 30. – After June 30 no basic petrol ration will be issued, and the Government wants all pleasure cars and motor-cycles taken off the roads.

Petrol will then be allowed only for essential purposes. The ration for May and June will be cut by half.

These decisions, the most drastic yet introduced, were announced in the House of Commons by Mr Geoffrey Lloyd, Secretary for Petroleum, and Mr Herbert Morrison, Home Secretary.

Basic ration for motor-cycles will not be abolished until the October period, as many war workers use motor-cycles to and from their work. There will be a 10 per cent. reduction in the supplementary allowance for the April May period…..

NEW COAL ORDER – TWO CWTS. PER WEEK. – From to-day (Tuesday) anyone in Scotland who has half a ton of coal in stock will not be allowed to buy any more for three weeks. People who have less than half a ton in stock will not be permitted to buy more than 6 cwts. for the following three weeks – an average of 2 cwts. per week…..

ROUSAY – S.W.R.I. – The monthly meeting of Rousay branch of the S.W.R.I. was held in the Wasbister School on Friday, February 27. There was quite a good turnout of members, presided over by Miss Inkster, who gave as her motto, “Face powder fascinates a man, but it takes baking powder to hold him” – most appropriate for the demonstration which was to follow. After the minutes had been read and correspondence dealt with, Miss Inkster called on Mrs William Flaws, Hammerfield, to give a demonstration. This took the form of a currant bun, the mixing and method of which were very keenly followed. A vote of thanks was proposed to Mrs Flaws by Miss Inkster for her very able demonstration, and for the neat and efficient manner in which it was carried out. The competition for the evening was “Something Made from a Sack.” This produced one or two capital entries, such as mats, gardening aprons, etc. The judges, Mrs R. Mainland, Mrs Moar and Mrs Hourie, who had rather a difficult task, finally awarded the prizes as follows: 1 Mrs S. Gibson, Lopness; 2 Mrs McLean, Sourin Schoolhouse; 3 Mrs John Marwick, Breck. After a most acceptable cup of tea, provided by the Wasbister ladies, Miss Anna Yorston favoured the gathering with selections on the mouth organ, and Miss Evelyn Clouston with a song; both items being very much appreciated. Mrs Kirkness thereafter proposed votes of thanks to hostesses, judges and entertainers. The meeting concluded with the singing of the National Anthem. The next meeting will be held in the Sourin School on Friday, March 27. Competition – One pair ladies’ woollen gloves knitted on two wires. Members are reminded of next egg collection on April 6.

1942 March 25 Orkney Herald


From far-off Tahiti, in the Hawaiian Islands, comes a communication to the “Orkney Herald” from one of Kirkwall’s sons, Mr John Moodie. Posted on January 29, the letter had travelled by Trans-Pacific Air Mail from the U.S. naval base, made famous by the Japs’ treacherous attack on Pearl Harbour, to the States, and thence to this country Mr Moodie encloses the following poem…..


I know that I shall never see
Those far-off isles so dear to me
Though in my dreams I often roam
O’er link and braes I still call home:

To Wideford Hill I often go
And view the scene spread out below,
There’s Scapa Flow’s blue waters deep
Where Nazi ships forever sleep;

Sanday, like a monster sprawling;
Stronsay from its claws is crawling,
There Rousay lies curled up asleep,
While Eday’s peats her smoke screens keep;

Old Man o’ Hoy keeps sharp lookout,
To see no “subs” lurk there about.
The longing wish that “winna doon”
Is just once more to see that “toon”:

What would I give to walk once more,
From Clay Loan down just to the shore,
And nod, and smile, and say “Hello,”
To them of fifty years ago.

1942 May 20 Orkney Herald

LIFEBOATS IN WAR-TIME. – The Royal National Lifeboat Institution has just brought out a third edition of its interesting publication, “The Lifeboat Service and the War.” It gives a vivid idea in both letterpress and pictures of the day by day work of the lifeboat service under war conditions – the many new dangers that have to be faced and the unexpected duties that have to be carried out. In the first thirty months of the war, which are here reviewed, the lifeboats round the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland have rescued 4,630 lives – nearly two for every one rescued in the last war and five for every one rescued in the 20 years of peace between the two wars. “War,” it is stated, “has increased their work fivefold. It has increased their hazards much more than fivefold. It has brought them strange new duties. It has added many unfamiliar dangers to the ever-present and familiar dangers of the sea.” The booklet provides a stirring record of bravery and endurance. The many illustrations include portraits of some of the men who have played such a heroic part during these thirty months of war.

1942 May 27 Orkney Herald


£94,000 – that was Orkney’s Warship Week total at the time of going to press, as signalled by the sailor on the mast at Kirkwall Market Green at 1 p.m. to-day (Tuesday).

The county aims at raising £120,000 by Saturday to pay for the corvette H.M.S. Ness. There is confidence that the target figure will be reached, but not over-confidence – every penny is wanted.

There is no slacking of effort as the target figure is approached, and during the week a full programme is being enthusiastically entered into in Kirkwall and throughout the county.

The week was given an auspicious send off on Saturday afternoon with an inaugural address by Vice-Admiral L. V. Wells, C.B., D.S.O., Flag Officer Commanding the Orkneys and Shetlands. The address was followed by a march past of the Services, which provided one of the most impressive spectacles of its kind yet seen in Orkney…..

Vice-Admiral Wells took the salute at the march past as bluejackets, marines, W.R.N.S., soldiers, A.T.S., mechanised units, airmen. W.A.A.F.’s, A.T.C., and Home Guard swung past the saluting base, to the music of the pipes and drums of a Highland regiment.

A large crowd of spectators had gathered at Broad Street to hear the opening ceremony, brought to them by loudspeaker, and to witness the march past.

The large Home Guard contingent included Kirkwall, East and West Mainland platoons…..

On Sunday afternoon two Naval vessels were open to visitors at the harbour, and large numbers of people were conducted over the ships.

Principal Warship Week attraction in Kirkwall on Monday was the war weapons display at the Market Green. Navy, Fleet Air Arm, Army and Home Guard combined in providing a most interesting and comprehensive display of modern armaments.

Personnel of the Services were in attendance to demonstrate and describe the exhibits, which included a Naval torpedo, mines, field and anti-aircraft artillery, mortars, bren gun carriers, predictor, sound locator, searchlight, rangefinder, and a wide array of small arms and automatics. The public were given an insight into the Home Guard’s growing range of weapons, including a new piece of “heavy” artillery.

Crews of light A.A. gun and predictor were seen in action as an aircraft swooped over the Market Green in mock attacks.

The weapons display will be repeated on Thursday, and should be missed by no-one.

1942 June 3 Orkney Herald


£241,000 was invested in Orkney during the county’s Warship Week which came to an end on Saturday. It means that the target figure – £120,000 for the corvette H.M.S. Ness – has been more than doubled.

The figure of £218,000, announced at Kirkwall Market Green on Saturday evening, was augmented by returns from outlying areas since received.

First total signalled on the Naval indicator at Kirkwall Market Green was £60,000 at 1 p.m. on the opening day, Saturday, 23rd May, and from then on investments mounted steadily. The target figure was passed on Wednesday when, at 8 p.m. a total of £124,000 was signalled. The effort did not flag, however, as is evident from the county’s splendid final figure.

Though the Royal Navy was most closely associated with Orkney’s drive, all three services co-operated whole-heartedly with the civilian promoters.

Orkney’s near quarter-million total of Warship Week, brings the county’s total investments in round figures since the Savings Campaign commenced in November 1939, to well over £1,600,000, or more than £70 per head of the population of 22,000. The total is made up as follows: – War Savings £900,000, deposits in Post Office Savings Bank £500,000, Warship Week £241,000…..

1942 June 10 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – NURSING. – Rousay, Egilshay and Wyre Nursing Association announces that while Nurse Moffat is on holiday, from 10th June to 6th July, her duties will be taken over as follows: – 10th June to 16th June, by Mrs Hugh Craigie, jr., Scockness, Sourin (formerly a Queen’s Nurse); 16th June to 1st July, by Nurse Keith, Witchwood, relief Nurse for Orkney, and from 1st July to 6th July, by Mrs Hugh Craigie, Scockness.

1942 June 17 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – S.W.R.I. – A meeting of Rousay branch of the S.W.R.I. was held in Wasbister School on Thursday, May 28. After the minutes, read by Mrs Marwick in the absence of Mrs Paterson, were approved, Miss Inkster introduced Mrs Gardner, M.O.I. lecturer, who chose as her subject “Women’s War-time Activities.” She gave a detailed account of the life of, and the work done by, the Women’s Services – W.R.N.S., A.T.S., W.A.A.F.S., W.L.A., W.F.C., and N.A.A.F.I., and the Nursing Services, and to all she paid a warm tribute. She pointed out that it was the duty of all who could to offer hospitality to the service girls, many of whom were far from home and must necessarily be lonely at times. The various work done by voluntary workers was also discussed, and Mrs Gardner emphasised that all women could be of national service by using as much home-grown food as possible and by making the most of their rations. At this point she told how to bottle fruit and rhubarb for winter use, and dictated the method for the benefit of those taking notes. Throughout the lecture, Mrs Gardner told many stories to illustrate certain points, but most touching of all were the stories of two old ladies, one in a London shelter who made tea and sausages every night during air raids for needy and homeless people, and the other who came back to her bombed out home in Clydebank, after the first blitz, found her stove, gathered together kindling, of which she said there was plenty, and all day made and supplied tea to voluntary workers. In closing, she spoke of the morale of the nation, which was very high, and the future. “Much sorrow,” she said, “lies before the women of Britain. Victory cannot be won without great sacrifice, but British women will face the ordeal bravely and they will realise that ‘Death is swallowed up in Victory.’ ” It was altogether a very comprehensive and interesting lecture, and it is to be hoped that “those in power” will persuade the Ministry of Information to release Mrs Gardner for another lecture tour in Orkney. On the call of Miss Inkster the lecturer received a very hearty vote of thanks, and she thereafter judged the entries in the competition, “Something new from something old.” First (equal) were Mrs Gibson, Lopness, and Mrs Hourie, Quoygreenie, for a child’s knitted dress, knickers and socks from up-runnings of two old jumpers, and a very attractive dress from an old coat, respectively; 2 Mrs Craigie, Furse, for a pair of gloves knitted from up-runnings of old cashmere stockings. The hostesses for the evening were Mrs Flaws and Mrs Moar.

1942 June 24 Orkney Herald

FIRST RAID VICTIM AVENGED. – The death of James Isbister, Bridge of Waithe, Britain’s first civilian air-raid casualty of the war, has been avenged. Colonel Fritz Doench, the German air ace who led the first bomber attack on this country in 1939, and who also led an attack on the Orkneys and Scapa Flow in March, 1940, in which Isbister was killed, is dead. His death was announced by the Nazis on Thursday. No details of how he was killed are given, but it is thought in London that he met his death in a flying accident while directing operations off the North Cape against our convoys going to Russia. During the Spanish War, Doench was one of the pilots in the infamous Condor Legion. Isbister was killed while standing in his doorway watching tracer bullets and bursting A.A. shells. The H.E. bomb was one of nineteen dropped by a fleeing enemy bomber.

1942 August 5 Orkney Herald

GRANNY MAINLAND IS 102. – “Granny” Mainland, of 17 Victoria Street, Kirkwall, celebrated her 102nd birthday on Monday. “Granny,” as she is known to practically everybody in the town, had many callers bearing congratulations and good wishes throughout the day. Among them were Mr Alfred Baikie of Tankerness, Lord Lieutenant of Orkney and Shetland; Provost P. C. Flett, Kirkwall; Mr W. J. Heddle, Town Clerk, Kirkwall, and Mrs Heddle; Bailie Slater, Mr D. M. Wood, County Clerk; Dr MacLeod, and relations, neighbours and friends. “Granny” Mainland is a native of Rousay. She was born on the farm of Banks there. In her early life she spent some years in domestic service in Edinburgh, but has been living in Kirkwall for as long as most of the present inhabitants can remember. She is in good health and retains her faculties to a remarkable degree. All readers will join with us in endorsing the hearty congratulations which “Granny” Mainland has already received.

FAMOUS ARTISTES FOR ORKNEY. – Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon, the London Palladium stars, famous from the “Hi, Gang” radio series, have announced their intention of visiting the Orkney Islands to entertain troops stationed here. These renowned American artistes have still a considerable time to put in with their present show, however. Other famous artistes who have promised to visit the Orkney forces include Sir Harry Lauder and George Formby. The latter has already visited Orkney once. Other stars who have already visited Orkney under the ENSA schedule or on their own initiative include Frances Day, Phyllis Monkman, Gracie Fields, Flanagan and Allen, Evelyn Laye and Arthur Riscoe.

1942 August 12 Orkney Herald

POSSESSION OF TELESCOPE AN OFFENCE. – Two young men, a Kirkwallian and a visitor, were fined 5/- each [by Sheriff-Substitute George Brown at Orkney Sheriff Court this (Tuesday) forenoon], having pled guilty to having a telescope in their possession on the Holm Road. A police car proceeding along the road saw the accused using the telescope to view ships in Scapa Flow. Accused explained that, though they were aware that it was an offence to carry a camera, they did not know that the restriction applied also to telescope or binoculars. The case was brought under the Regulated Areas Order (No. 6), which came into force about 6 months ago.

1942 August 26 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – FROTOFT PICNIC. – The annual Frotoft picnic was held on Friday, 7th August. The weather made outdoor sports impossible, but children, parents and friends assembled in the School and spent a pleasant afternoon and evening. Indoor races and competitions were eagerly contested. Tea was served at 6 o’clock. Afterwards Mrs [Grace] Goar, Wasbister School, presented the prizes to the winners. On the call of Mr William Craigie, Corse, she was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Mr Harcus and committee were thanked by Mr Mainland, Nearhouse, for organising the picnic. Dancing followed and continued until 2 a.m., when the company joined in singing “Auld Lang Syne” before dispersing. The committee wish to thank all who sent gifts of home-bakes, and all those who supplied music for the dance.

1942 September 9 Orkney Herald

PASSING OF “GRANNY” MAINLAND. – “Granny” Mainland, well-beloved centenarian of Kirkwall, passed peacefully away at her home in Victoria Street shortly before midnight last Tuesday. Less than a month before, on her 102nd birthday, she had been visited by a number of civic notabilities, including the Lord Lieutenant of the County, Mr Alfred Baikie of Tankerness, who called with hearty good wishes. On her 100th birthday she was the recipient of Royal congratulations, of which she was particularly proud.

Born on August 3, 1840, in the island of Rousay, Granny Mainland worked in the South as a young woman, but returned to Orkney and settled down in Kirkwall, where she spent most of her life.

Deeply interested in both local and international affairs, she remained alert and keen-witted until within a week or so of her death. Until her 102nd birthday she was able to be out of doors. Latterly, however, she became weaker and was confined to her bedroom, and on Tuesday evening, September 1, after a long life well spent, she crossed the Great Divide.

All who knew Granny Mainland, and all who knew of her, will regret the passing of this staunch old pillar of the Orkney that was.

1942 September 16 Orkney Herald

EVIE – HARVEST. – We are now surrounded with acres of ripe grain, and harvesting is in full swing. Stooks are appearing in the fields in place of level seas of corn. The labour list is meagre, but machinery compensates, and we see large patches of corn diminishing as the self-binder with the tractor trails round them. There is prospect of a plenteous harvest to crown the farmer’s efforts, and the treasures of the field should amply reward him for his industry and patience.

1942 September 30 Orkney Herald

EMERGENCY FOOD SUPPLIES IN THE HOME. – Now that we are on the verge of winter it seems appropriate to give a reminder of the need for looking at household reserves and having them replenished or replaced with fresh supplies where necessary. The Ministry have made it clear what may be regarded as a reasonable reserve. Oatmeal, flour and potatoes are in good supply and are admirable as a reserve because they can be kept without deterioration for a reasonable period and can always be used and replaced. And remember always to have at least two days’ supply of bread in the home.  

DISTRIBUTION OF ORANGES. – There still appears to be a lot of misunderstanding about the Ministry’s orange policy. Oranges are not rationed and are not issued to holders of green (R.B.2) ration books in place of the discontinued tea ration. When supplies are available however – though for obvious reasons that may be only at irregular intervals – they must be reserved exclusively for the first five days for the benefit of children who possess the green ration book. Because deliveries are irregular, retailers should display the oranges so that parents may be able to take advantage of the opportunity. It is desirable that any supplies which may be left after the five days should be made available to young persons.

1942 October 14 Orkney Herald

MR CHURCHILL WITH THE FLEET. – The Prime Minister, speaking in Edinburgh on Monday, revealed that he had just returned from a visit to the Fleet, “somewhere in Scotland.” He had visited ships of all sizes and types and met men of all ranks, men recently returned from action in the Mediterranean and from perilous Russian convoys.

1942 November 18 Orkney Herald

CATHEDRAL BELLS. – The bells of St Magnus Cathedral swelled with their chimes the nation-wide carillon on Sunday morning to celebrate the victory of the Eighth Army in Egypt, and, in the words of a Downing Street statement, “as a call to thanksgiving and to renewed prayer.” Breaking their two years’ silence, the Cathedral bells sounded from 10.30 to 10.45 and from 11.10 to 11.15. The bell-ringer was Mr John Wick, Victoria Street, Kirkwall.

1942 December 2 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – COLLECTION BY SCHOOL CHILDREN. – Mrs Harcus, Frotoft School, has received acknowledgment from the Earl Haig Fund of £7 5s 8d. This sum was realised from the sale of poppies by school children in Rousay. From the Governors of the Donaldson Trust in Edinburgh a letter of thanks has come, for the sum of £8 5s 4d, which was collected by school children. Teachers and pupils are thanked for their kind co-operation.

ORKNEY’S SPITFIRE IN ACTION. – News of some of the operational flights upon which the Spitfire “Orkney” has been engaged has been received by Mr Alfred Baikie of Tankerness, C.B., Lord-Lieutenant of Orkney and Zetland. He has learned that the Spitfire which the county of Orkney gifted to the Government, and was named “Orkney,” has been serving with the operational squadrons of the Royal Air Force for nearly a year, and was in the Battle of Britain and operations carried it to such places as Dieppe, Boulogne, Dunkirk, Cherbourg, St Omer and Lille, and it has shared in most of the squadron’s successes. It has been thrice damaged, but has been repaired and is still in service.

1942 December 23 Orkney Herald

THE BATTLE FOR WASTE PAPER. – Every gun, rifle or grenade used by our fighting men needs paper before it can do its work. Every tank, every ship has to be fed with paper. The supply of paper for these weapons of war must be maintained whatever the cost.

But we now have a weekly deficit of several thousand tons of waste paper for our essential war needs, states the Waste Paper Recovery Association. This deficit must be made good at once.

We must recover 100,000 tons of used paper immediately if victory is to be assured.

The paper is here in this country, without using the shipping so urgently needed to supply our fighting forces abroad. It is nevertheless being wasted, destroyed and burnt by careless people who do not seem to realise how they are impeding the war effort.

Every scrap of paper you can lay hands on is urgently needed NOW. If you do not search every corner of the house for it, you are endangering the war effort. To hoard paper now is as unpatriotic as trying to obtain more than your fair share of rationed foods.

Every old newspaper, magazine, cigarette or soap carton, every old envelope, and even every label from your food tins, can help to make a vital component for some weapons of war.

If each person in the country saves 4½ lbs. of paper or cardboard each month, or if every home will make its target 17 lbs. of paper a month, our war needs can be met. That is the minimum required.

If after combing your home or office for every scrap of unwanted paper, you cannot get it collected, please write to the Waste Paper Recovery Association, Courier Buildings, Dundee, who will advise you how to dispose of it.




“HEDGEHOG,” in modern warfare, is the term used to describe massed resistance – infinitely more effective than scattered strength. The same thing is true in the case of the coal you burn; look on any large lump as your hedgehog. Don’t break it up.


A good sized lump of coal weighs about 5 lb. Broken up into five pieces, it will blaze away fiercely. Left whole and well banked, it will burn for nearly three times as long. The heat won’t go up the chimney either, as it is apt to do when the fire blazes. So go easy with your poker – keep it on the hearth and keep your coal consumption down.


1. Reduce the area of your grate with fire-bricks. Ordinary bricks will do.
2. Bank the fire with slack to make it burn longer.
3. Poke the fire from underneath, when you must.
4. Sift cinders.
5. Remove all unburnt coal from the fire at bedtime.


1942 December 30 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – CHRISTMAS PARTY. – The Frotoft Christmas party was held in Frotoft School on the evening of Wednesday, 16th December. For the first time for many years the schoolchildren gave a concert. Although there were only ten pupils, the programme was pleasing, and was well received by the audience of parents and friends. Among friends welcomed back to the district were Mrs Robertson, from Leith; Mr and Mrs Miller and family, from Evie, and Messrs John and Hugh Yorston, Yorville, who are now serving with the R.A.F. Mrs Paterson, Brinian House, acted as chairwoman. At the close of the concert, Santa Claus visited the children. In spite of war conditions, he had a splendid variety of toys, and every child in the district got a gift from “Santa’s” sack. Mrs Harcus called for a vote of thanks to Mrs Paterson for so ably carrying out her duties as chairwoman, while Rev. R. R. Davidson called for votes of thanks to the teacher and her pupils. Then tea followed. Music was supplied by the Wasbister band. At 1.30 a.m, the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” brought to a close a very enjoyable evening. Annexed is the programme: – Hymn, “Away in a Manger,” pupils; recitation, “The Spider and His Wife,” Edith Pirie; recitation, “I’m the wee chap that can do it,” infants; song, “Twenty Froggies,” pupils; recitation, “My Earliest Recollection,”. Mary Gibson; dance, “Baby Polka,” pupiIs; recitation, “The Mother’s Strike,” Rhoda and John Mainland; song, “How’d you like to be a Baby Girl?” junior girls; recitation, “Envy,” Brian Marwick; sketch, “The Christmas Pudding”; recitation, “The Big Meal,” Gilbert Pirie; song, “The Fox,” pupils; recitation, “Little John Bottlejohn,” Heleanor Mainland; interval: sketch, “Old Yet Ever New”; recitation, “My Uncle Jehoshaphat,” Eileen Mainland; song, “The Birdie’s Ball,” Edith Pirie and Chorus; recitation, “The Mother’s Strike,” Rhoda Mainland; dance, “Schottische,” pupils; recitation, “Mary Ann,” Mae Turner; song, “Dainty Lady Snowdrop,” Gilbert Pirie and Mary Gibson; recitation, “The Origin of the Camel’s Hump,” Sheila Mainland; song, “Christmas Eve,” pupils.

QUIET CHRISTMAS. – Christmas Day in Kirkwall was quiet – almost like a Sunday. The day was observed as a holiday, but no special public entertainments had been arranged, and there was, of course, no ba’. The bells of St Magnus Cathedral rang out the glad Christmas message in the morning, and a carol service was held in the Cathedral at 11.15. On Sunday special Christmas Services were held in the churches. At King Street Church at 11.15 a joint service was held with members of a Highland Regiment. Praise was led by a military band of the regiment.


Rousay Videos

A collection of links to videos with a Rousay content, hosted by YouTube.

Click on the underlined titles to watch.

The BBC2 documentary series Arena visited Rousay in 1977 to learn about the island’s film society.

1977 Rousay Film Society

Orkney Magazine No 1 – The Drift Back. A film produced for the Orkney County Council’s Education Committee by Margaret Caroline Tait (Ancona Films) in 1956. We see Neil Flaws and his family, Alice, John and Sheila, return to Halbreck, Wyre.

The Drift Back

FARA – The Orkney Series – Episode 9. Jeana Leslie and Kristan Harvey visited Rousay in October 2020. After relating the island’s history they visit Jim Craigie’s old home and play his best-known tune – Maggie Watson’s Farewell to Blackhammer.

FARA – The Orkney Series – Ep9

A video I produced of a collection of my Rousay photographs. The soundtrack is The Rousay Grand March, composed by Jim Craigie, and played by Garry Blakeley.

Rousay 1

Another collection of my Rousay photos, with three more of Jim Craigie’s tunes, The Purple Hills o’ Rousay, Guthrie’s Backsteen, and The Brig o’ Vacquoy, played by Garry Blakeley.

Rousay, Orkney ~ pictures and fiddle tunes

Throw another peat on the fire, pour yourself a dram, and watch a video I made in January 2012 – Wester in Winter, Rousay.

Wester in Winter, Rousay, Orkney

Rousay musicians Ellen and James Grieve play the tune – Edwin Flaws of Wyre by Freeland Barbour, and Maggie Watson’s Farewell to Blackhammer by Jim Craigie.

Ellen and James Grieve – Edwin Flaws of Wyre

I ventured out in a westerly blow of force 10 or thereabouts. My vantage point was the top of the Leean, with the Head of Faraclett taking a pounding.

Faraclett Head, Rousay, Orkney – in a force 10

Neil Oliver explores the Knowe of Lairo, assisted by Bruce Mainland, Cott, – a clip from the BBC TV series Britain’s Ancient Capital: Secrets of Orkney

In Print

Newsprint – 1941

1941 January 1 Orkney Herald

CHRISTMAS DAY RAIDER SHOT DOWN. – The most exciting event of Christmas Day in Orkney was the shooting down of a German plane in the county. The raider was apparently a reconnaissance machine, and was interrupted and brought down, according to the official announcement, by Fleet Air Arm planes co-operating with the R.A.F. Residents in certain Orkney districts had an excellent view of the sky battle and its successful culmination. The Nazi machine’s crew of four were captured.

SWAT THAT RAT. – Destroy the loathsome pest which eats £40,000,000 worth of food every year. Swat that rat. In town and country he is helping Hitler to make inroads on our food stores. The major task is for agriculturalists and those responsible for granaries and warehouses, but the householder can do his bit. Keep food and refuse out of the rodents’ reach and make your house rat-proof. There are several excellent brands of proprietary rat poison available, and your chemist will tell you how to use them. Use the bait in prolific manner. Rats are suspicious and one dead rat will warn all others away from the food which poisoned it. In warehouses, factories, shops and restaurants, use spring or break back, wire cage or sticky-board traps. Clear away heaps of waste and scrap. Keep your yards clean and starve out the pests. See that there is no casual water about. Kill them and blockade them. Help in the nation-wide campaign to destroy rats, it is vitally urgent.




VOLUNTEERS, both sexes, ages 18 to 60, as blood donors. An Orkney Blood Transfusion Association has been formed. A blood Storage Bank has been established, and your co-operation is VITAL if lives are to be saved.

Give your names and addresses to the Superintendent, Balfour Hospital,
Kirkwall, or to the Medical Officer of Health, Kirkwall.

1941 January 8 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – SCHOOL AWARDS. – At Wasbister School, before closing on Friday, December 20, for the Christmas vacation, the following awards were made: – Good attendance at day school – Irene Hourie; perfect attendance at day school – Gertrude Moar; excellent attendance at Sunday school – Evelyn Clouston and George Sinclair. Orkney and Zetland Prize – First Class – Evelyn Clouston. Sir Donald A. Smith Scholarship – Evelyn Clouston.

1941 January 15 Orkney Herald

MEAT SUPPLIES. – Please show forbearance with your butcher at this period of shortage of meat supplies; his task is not an enviable one. You are not his only customer and he must be fair, as he will be, in distributing what supplies are allocated to him. Here is the opportunity to practice more assiduously the recommendation of the Minister of Food. Plain fare and ingenuity will tide over this temporary phase, and it is confidently expected that the housewives of the North-east will uncomplainingly “make do” until more plentiful supplies are available.

EMERGENCY BREAD SUPPLIES. – The maintenance of bread supplies under emergency conditions is most important, but it may be that under certain circumstances supplies and deliveries may be suspended for a short time. In order to meet such a contingency, should it ever arise, the Divisional Food Officer asks that all householders should have in the house at all times at least one day’s supply of bread. Experience in other areas has clearly shown that such prudence is not only desirable, but essential.

EVIE – COUNTRY IN JANUARY. – Ploughing has made good progress in the last week or two, and fields of freshly overturned soil, richly brown, contrast strongly with grass fields still vividly green, giving the landscape a rather pleasing aspect these colourless days. With the increase of light, signs of plant life are apparent in meadow and garden. Spring bulbs are forcing their green spears through the soil boldly – not to be checked, we hope.

1941 January 29 Orkney Herald



We acknowledge with pleasure, a copy of the new Orkney publication for the Forces, “The Orkney Blast.” Printed on a large four-page sheet (its pages are bigger than those of the average daily), it contains numerous features calculated to interest and amuse the members of the Services. Strictly speaking, it is more of the magazine than newspaper style, but a certain proportion of bona fide news is a feature, though we imagine the lighter articles and stories will make the greater appeal. Number one of the “Orkney Blast” strikes the right note for the times, and there is little doubt that its weekly appearance will be eagerly awaited by men of the Forces stationed in the Orkney area.

The editor of the paper is Major Eric Linklater, the famous Orkney novelist, and his chief assistant is Captain Frost, a noted London journalist of the “Daily Telegraph.” Editorial staff and contributors are nearly all drawn from the Services in Orkney. Many, of course, are connected with journalism in civil life. Two of Orkney’s best-known civilians, however, have written articles for the inaugural issue. Mr J. Storer Clouston, Convener of the County, has an absorbing story of the history of St Magnus Cathedral, and Provost J. G. Marwick, of Stromness, writes on the nature lore of Orkney…..

The publishing headquarters are given as Stromness, but the paper is printed at Kirkwall by “The Orcadian” newspaper. The cost is twopence. “The Orkney Blast,” however, is not on sale to civilians.

1941 February 19 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – COMFORTS. – During January Rousay W.V.S. contributed the following war comforts: 4 pairs of gum-boot stockings, 10 pairs of socks from W.V.S. Work Party and one blanket.

1941 February 26 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – COMFORTS. – The Woman’s Guild have sent to the W.V.S. the following comforts knitted from their own wool: 56 pairs of socks, 13 scarves, 7 helmets, 3 pairs of gloves, 6 pairs of mitts, 1 pair of mittens, 1 pair of cuffs, and 1 Cranwell collar. At Christmas socks were sent in each of eighteen parcels to Rousay boys in the Services. The committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking all who kindly gifted raw wool, those who knitted comforts, and also those who gifted knitted comforts.

NURSING. – The annual general meeting of Rousay, Egilshay and Wyre District Nursing Association was held in Sourin School on Wednesday, February 12, at 3.30 p.m. Rev. R. R. Davidson, president, was chairman. The secretary gave a report of the Nurse’s work for 1940, and read the statement of income and expenditure. Both were approved by the meeting. Office-bearers appointed were: – President, Rev. R. R. Davidson, West Manse; hon. presidents, Mrs Walter G. Grant, Mrs Lees Low; vice-presidents, Mrs Kirkness, Quoyostray; Mr F. T. Inkster, J.P., Greenfield; hon. secretary, Mrs .Wm. Gibson, Avelshay, Rousay; hon. treas., Mr Alex. D. Craigie, Hunclett, Rousay. Executive Committee – Miss Craigie, Scockness, Sourin; Miss Craigie, Essaquoy, Sourin; Mrs Moar, Saviskaill, Wasbister; Mrs Grieve, Westness, Frotoft; Mrs Flaws, Classiquoy, Brinian; Mrs Inkster, Midskaill, Egilshay; Mr Seator, Cott, Egilshay; Mrs Flaws, Helziegetha, Wyre; Mr Craigie, Russness, Wyre. It was decided to take a five years’ lease of “Witchwood,” Brinian, Rousay, for a nurse’s house, and to move the Association’s garage from its present site to “Witchwood.” Subscriptions shall be collected as soon as the membership leaflets for 1941 have been printed.

[Wychwood was situated between Viera View and Daisy Cottage].

1941 March 5 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. – The annual general meeting of the members of Rousay, Egilshay and Viera Co-operative Society, Ltd., was held in Sourin Hall, Rousay, on Thursday, February 20. Mr J. Inkster, president, occupied the chair. Mr J. Craigie, secretary, read the statement of accounts and balance sheet for year ended August 31, 1940. This showed that the Society had, in spite of many difficulties, a most successful year. The president, in addressing the meeting, said, in part: – “The balance sheet shows you that another successful year of your Society has to be added to the many already passed, and the committee of management has just put forward the undernoted recommendations for your consideration: 5 per cent. interest to be paid on the share capital held by members: a dividend of 1s 6d in the £ on all purchases made by members for the year ended August 31, 1940; a donation of £5 to be given to the Balfour Hospital. All the recommendations were unanimously adopted. This Society started from small beginnings, and has proved itself to be a valuable asset to the island, and can now boast of an annual turnover of over £11,000.” The present committee of management, who were all re-elected, are: – President, Mr J. L. Inkster, Woo, Rousay; vice-president, Mr J. Craigie, Furse, Rousay; and Messrs R. Seatter, Banks; H. Mainland, Hurtiso; H. Craigie, Scockness; J. Craigie, Falquoy; H. Robertson, Langskaill; R. S. Mainland, Nearhouse; S. Inkster, Kirkhall; R. Johnston, Trumland; secretary and treasurer, Mr J. Craigie, Cruar; vanman, Mr Harcus, Gorehouse; manager, Mr W. R. Walls, Store Cottage.

1941 March 19 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – CONCERTS FOR HOSPITAL FUND. – A most successful concert in aid of the Balfour Hospital, Kirkwall, was held in Frotoft School on Thursday and Friday, March 6 and 7, at 8 p.m. each evening. Chairman on Thursday evening was Rev. R. R. Davidson, M.A., and on Friday evening Dr Paterson. Votes of thanks (both evenings) to the chairmen were given by Mr Wm. Gibson. Votes of thanks were given by the chairmen to the concert party, and to Mrs Paterson for playing accompaniments. A dance followed Friday evening’s concert. It was kept up till 2.30 a.m. The committee thank Mrs Marwick, Breck, and Mrs Craigie, Hunclett, for making tea for the dance, and the Wasbister Band for supplying music gratis for the dance. £3 4s goes to the Hospital after all expenses have been paid. The programme was: – Opening choruses; chairman’s remarks; solo, The Rose of Tralee, Mr Wm. Gibson; violin selections, Messrs J. Sinclair and D. Craigie; dialogue, Looking for that Kind of Chance, Messrs R. Stevenson and D. Gibson; solo, A Paradise for Two, Miss M. Mainland; recitation, Mrs McTavish as Matchmaker, Mrs Wm. Gibson; harmonica selections, Mr D. Gibson; duet, The Crooked Bawbee, Mrs J. Grieve and Mr Wm. Gibson; sketch, Paddy’s Mistake; solo, Little Brown Jug, Mr J. Grieve; interval; violin selections, Messrs J. Sinclair and D. Craigie; solo, When Dawn Breaks Through, Miss M. Mainland; dialogue, At the Photographers, Mrs J. Grieve, Miss Gibson and Mr J. Grieve; Highland Fling, Mr H. Yorston; monologue, On the Telephone, Mr J. Grieve; solo, I’ll Walk Beside You, Mrs Wm. Gibson; dialogue, Insuring her Life, Mrs Grieve and Miss Mainland; Club Swinging, Mr J. Grieve; community singing, God Save the King. Accompaniments by Mrs Paterson, Brinian House.

1941 March 26 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – WOMEN’S GUILD. – There was a splendid turnout of members at the annual business meeting and social, in the Wasbister School on Friday evening, March 14. After praise and prayer, Mrs Corsie, vice-president, addressed the meeting, and referred to the absence of the president, Mrs Reid, owing to bereavement, and expressed the Guild’s sympathy. She went on to say how, in spite of wartime difficulties, they had been able to give their usual contributions to the various schemes, and in one or two cases had even increased their donations. After giving a list of comforts sent to the Services, she said how grateful the committee were to all those who had gifted raw wool, as well as to those who had done the knitting, and thanked them all. After the Treasurer’s report had been heard, the committee and officials were re-elected. During the evening the Wasbister members, who were the hostesses, served a sumptuous tea, for which they were accorded a hearty vote of thanks on the call of Mrs Paterson. Rev. R. R. Davidson asked for votes of thanks to all the performers, who gave a varied programme which was very much enjoyed by all, and also to Mrs Corsie for conducting the meeting. Rev. R. R. Davidson was given a vote of thanks for helping with the business meeting. A collection in aid of the Balfour Hospital amounted to £4 3s 6d. Annexed is the programme: – Recitation, The Lasses Noo-a-days, Miss Kathleen Gibson; solo, Beyond the Dawn, Miss Maisie Mainland; encore, Ships that Pass in the Night; talk by Rev. R. R. Davidson; musical selections, Mrs Paterson; sketch, Granny’s Parade, Mrs H. I. Gibson, Mrs Jim Craigie, Miss Margaret Donaldson and Miss Chrissie Russell; recitation, Pastor McKnock’s Address, Miss Irene Hourie; talk by Dr Paterson; monologue, Mrs Pinkerton’s Bonnet, Mrs William Gibson; musical selections, Mrs Paterson; sketch, A Neebourly Chat, Mrs John Craigie and Mrs Tom Donaldson.

1941 April 9 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – COMFORTS. – Church of Scotland Women’s Guild have knitted and despatched to the Forces this further consignment of comforts: – 11 pairs of socks, 4 scarves, and 4 pairs of mitts.

1941 April 23 Orkney Herald

It is regretted that difficulties in the obtaining of newsprint supplies have compelled us this week further to reduce the size of “The Orkney Herald,” from six to four pages. This latest reduction, however, is of a temporary nature, and it is hoped next week or the following week to revert, for some time at any rate, to our recent six-page paper. News of local interest, however, is still fully reported, only “general” articles being cut.

1941 May 21 Orkney Herald

DUKE OF KENT’S VISIT TO NORTHERN BASE. – H.R.H. the Duke of Kent recently paid an informal visit to a North of Scotland port, where he inspected a naval base and chatted with Service personnel. The Duke was in the uniform of a rear-admiral. One of his calls was at Halifax House, a Toc H establishment, where he was shown round by Rev. Eric K. Cross, the padre in charge, a brother of the new High Commissioner to Australia.

At another point H.R.H. stopped to talk with a Portsmouth woman whose husband is serving in the Navy. She told the Duke that her home in “Pompey” had been bombed, and the Royal visitor expressed his sympathy.

At one stage of his visit the Duke spoke to a soldier reporter who was “covering” the Royal tour for a local Service newspaper. He showed keen interest when told that the troops in the area had their own paper, and asked a number of questions about it. The reporter was able to give H.R.H. a copy of the publication to take away with him.

The Duke’s visit was of an informal nature throughout. Many local residents practically rubbed shoulders with the Royal visitor without realising who he was.

[The ‘naval base’ was Scapa Flow. Halifax House was on Hoy, and the local Service newspaper was the ‘Orkney Blast’. Toc H was forces signaller’s phonetics for T.H., the initials of the HQ of the organisation, Talbot House, London…..]

1941 May 28 Orkney Herald



Orkney W.V.S. War Comforts Association wants more sphagnum moss. Woollen comforts are not in great demand at the moment, but, with the wisdom of the busy bee, stores are being accumulated by the W.V.S. Committee. Winter will come again, and a great war goes on and on, absorbing our united efforts, not the least of which is to keep our soldiers, sailors and airmen happy and comfortable.

Even in this season of perpetual daylight, the men like to have some quiet amusements in the camps. Games, packs of cards, books and musical instruments have been included in our issues last month. A portable piano, an accordion and a violin have been gifted, and another piano is almost ready to go to its destination.

The Association would be pleased to hear of any piano or musical instrument for sale. Any instrument which is for sale will be bought at valuation.

Sphagnum moss is in great demand, and the Association will be glad to have consignments sent to Mrs Cormack at Messrs William Shearer’s, Victoria Street, Kirkwall. The moss should be easily gathered, and officials shall be glad to receive it in sacks without being made up into dressings. Some clean sacks are available on application to Mrs Cormack. Moss is urgently required at Red Cross headquarters …..

1941 June 4 Orkney Herald



One of Orkney’s most prominent public figures for over half a century, Mr Duncan John Robertson, O.B.E., died on Saturday at his home, Crantit House, St. Ola. He was eighty-one years of age, and his death followed a period of illness and declining health, during which he had undergone a serious operation. Eight months ago he had retired from the post of County Clerk of Orkney.

Orcadians everywhere will learn with regret of the passing of Mr Robertson. He stood for so many things characteristic of Orkney life and Orkney interests that his death seems to mark the end of an epoch in the saga of the county. To his friends and colleagues, and the people of Orkney as a whole, he seemed a link with a calmer, more dignified and more gentle age, and these islands, it will be generally felt, are the poorer for his death.

Contributions to Orkney Life. – Few Orcadians have in their day been more highly-esteemed by all classes of the community than the late Mr Robertson. Over more than fifty years of public and social life his interests were many and varied, business, literature, administration, sport, etc., but always nearest his heart was the welfare of Orkney. In innumerable ways he contributed to Orkney’s development. Not the least of these contributions was cultural. A poet and writer of exquisite charm, he at one time regularly contributed essays, sketches and verses to leading national magazines, and transmuted into the permanence of print many of Orkney’s historical and scenic glories. This literary work, though not widely known to the present generation (with the exception of his fairly recent delightful book, “Notes from a Bird Sanctuary”), is affectionately remembered by the older school of Orkney folk, and deservedly, for the charm of the Orkneys has seldom had so able in interpreter.

The late Mr Robertson was the only son of the late Sheriff James Robertson, who occupied the Kirkwall bench from 1866 to 1875. He was educated at Edinburgh Academy and Edinburgh University, and after receiving his legal training in the Scottish capital he returned to Kirkwall, where he commenced practising as a lawyer. He entered into partnership with the late Mr J. C. Macrae, the firm thereafter being known as Macrae and Robertson. In a very short time Mr Robertson’s ability in his profession became generally realised, and he went from success to success. In September 1888, while still only 28 years of age, he was appointed clerk to the Commissioners of Supply, the forerunner of the County Council, and when Orkney County Council was formed, soon afterwards, his appointment to the new body was confirmed. It will inevitably as County Clerk that Mr Robertson will be best remembered, in view of his long and distinguished tenure of the office. Readers will recall the eloquent tribute paid to his work by Mr J. Storer Clouston, County Convener, on his retiral from the County Clerkship in October last year, when he was made the recipient of a silver salver from the members and officials of the Council. During the early period of the Council’s existence, Mr Robertson guided its destinies with a sure and devoted hand, and through the entire 51 years of his clerkship his courtesy, kindliness and helpfulness endeared him to all members. While he was Clerk the Council passed through two important stages in the history of local government, the 1889 and the 1929 Acts, both periods which entailed much work of reconstruction. In his retiring speech Mr Robertson mentioned that no member of the original County Council was alive.

By virtue of being County Clerk, Mr Robertson held a large number of other appointments, including those of County Treasurer, County Collector of Rates, and many others.

Balfour Hospital Work. – Other notable service was a senior joint clerk and treasurer to the trustees of the Balfour Hospital, the work of which was very close to his heart. He was also senior joint clerk to Orkney Harbours Commissioners, and senior joint agent of the Kirkwall branch of the Commercial Bank.

For many years he had been head of the firm of Messrs Macrae & Robertson, and had fully maintained its high reputation. In his professional capacity he was factor for some of the largest estates in the county.

Reference must also be made to his long connection with the Bar of Orkney Sheriff Court, of which he was Dean of the Faculty. He was also an honorary sheriff substitute for the county.

Mere enumeration of the late Mr Robertson’s many appointments and offices, however, does not adequately assess what he meant to the life of Orkney or the loss which the county has sustained by his passing.

For notable war-time services he was awarded the O.B.E. in 1918. He was Vice-Consul for all the Scandinavian countries, and Denmark, Norway and Sweden all conferred honours and decorations upon him.

In his younger days Mr Robertson took a keen interest in sport, and he was a fine shot and an enthusiastic boatman. In later years the hobbies which claimed him were photography and natural history (bird-life in particular) and these occupied his leisure time as long as health permitted him to get about. His connection with the island of Eynhallow is a byword in Orkney. He was proprietor of the island, which was a gift to him, and it is one of Orkney’s beauty spots as a bird sanctuary. Mr Robertson’s chief delight was to spend summer days on Eynhallow bird-watching.

[Previous owner of Eynhallow was Thomas Middlemore, who lived at Westness House. After the Middlemores moved from Rousay to Hoy, Mr Robertson was appointed factor for Mr Middlemore’s Melsetter estate.]

Family Life. – In 1890 he married Margaret Keir, daughter of the late Mr Archibald Garden, J.P., of Dyke, Forres. Two elder sons served in the last war. The eldest, Major James [‘Hamish Neil’] Robertson, received the Military Cross and the Chevalier of the Legion of Honour decoration. He was invalided out of the Army in 1928. The second son, Archibald Garden Robertson, served in the Black Watch and the Royal Flying Corps, and was killed in action in Flanders in 1917. The third son, serving in the present war, is Captain Donald Robertson, Seaforth Highlanders, who was a member of the Auxiliary Force, India, prior to 1939.

There are four daughters. [Jean McLeod, Margaret, Mary Beatrix, and Harriet Fernelith.]

The funeral takes place tomorrow (Wednesday) from St Olaf Church.

1941 June 18 Orkney Herald

EVIE – JUNE IN THE COUNTRY. – It is now well on to the Summer Solstice, and nature is wearing its most charming aspect. The countryside is full of beauty spots, and lovely pictures are to be found in every corner. The lavishness of Nature in its richness of foliage and blossom make us want to spend every moment out of doors. Wild flowers are most luxuriant now, and the sward is bright bedecked with blooms of many hues. Burnsides burn with the flame of the marsh marigold, so abundant round here, and mayflowers and buttercups mingle in beautiful displays everywhere. The seaside is fringed with hardy shore plants showing dainty flowerets, and the whin is the glory of every rough valley and moorland slope. Heathery whiffs from the hills blend with all kinds of seductive scents which meet us at every turn and make the air deliciously sweet. Gardens are still resplendent with early summer shows, which combine with the colourful surroundings to make the country a lovely and pleasant place wherein to dwell these long June days.

CROPS. – Generally speaking, the cereal crops look satisfactory, notwithstanding the persistent drought of the past weeks, and with the accession of more moisture and heat – now due – should show more rapid advancement. As to the grain yield, a guess can hardly be hazarded so soon. Pasture grass has been slow of growth, and the hay crop is not likely to be heavy after so dry a May. The turnip seed has all been committed to the soil, and in many fields seedlings are appearing in long green lines. Potatoes are showing up well in most fields, and granted the desired sunshine may prove to be a good crop.

PEATS. – Peat work has been greatly lightened this season by the prevalent dry conditions and the turves are now almost cured and ready for carting home. This kind of fuel has become more valuable and desirable in the country than ever since coal has soared in price and there is the likelihood of it being rationed. Every household has endeavoured to procure this product of the moors, great though the difficulties of labour and transport may be.

1941 July 16 Orkney Herald

ORKNEY SPHAGNUM MOSS. – The following reply, received by Mrs A. Sinclair, convener of the Moss Committee, demonstrates how the consignments sent from Orkney are welcomed at the Red Cross Depot, Aberdeen.

“You will receive an official card of thanks from the Red Cross for your five sacks of moss, but I wish to send a personal note of thanks because the moss is of such splendid quality, was so well gathered, and had been so admirably cleaned. I was particularly glad to handle your moss today, because the greater part of the moss that has just come in is rather damp, and, even when cleaned, can’t be packed into dressings for some days. Much gratitude, therefore to your Work Party. – D. H. F.”

1941 July 30 Orkney Herald

GRACIE FIELDS IN ORKNEY. – Miss Gracie Fields spent a few days in the Orkneys entertaining troops and workers last week. At her opening show on Wednesday last she was assisted by Ivor Newton at the piano and by an R.A.F. band. She scored a success with a new tune for the Lord’s Prayer, and was warmly applauded also for her Ave Maria and her new Victory-V song, “All for one and one for all.” Soon after arriving in Orkney Miss Fields met the “Co-Optimists,” who were headed by Phyllis Monkman. While walking in Kirkwall Miss Fields pleased the onlookers by stopping to speak to the young wife and infant daughter of a local man, Charles Thomson, who is a prisoner in Germany.

1941 August 20 Orkney Herald


His Majesty the King paid his second visit to Orkney during the present war ten days ago. Travelling in an American-built bombing aircraft, escorted by an armada of fighter planes, he landed at a Naval Air Station.

In the course of his week-end tour he visited various shore establishments and several vessels of the Fleet.

His Majesty knows Orkney well. During the last war in which he served as a midshipman and as a junior officer of the Fleet, he was frequently in the county…..

At the naval base where he landed the King met the war at first hand, for the crews of naval aircraft whom he inspected and talked to had been on patrol only a few hours before, and many of them told him vivid stories of the part they took in the recent successful raids on Petsamo [Finland] and Kirkenes [Norway].

Then, entering a car, His Majesty started upon a round of visits to inspect naval, military and R.A.F. bases, and also civilian personnel. His route took him through Kirkwall, where the people had been informed only a few hours earlier of the Royal visit. They crowded the streets and gave a cordial welcome to His Majesty…..

His Majesty’s tour was made by motor car and motor launch, which took him to depots and bases, where he inspected and talked with the personnel.

The main events entailed short journeys by motor launch across Scapa Flow. The King stepped ashore, obviously familiar with the geography. He chose to walk to the parade ground, where he passed a natural grandstand packed with men, women and children, who welcomed him with a real roar of greeting. Marines provided the guard of honour, and their band played the National Anthem, in which the crowd joined lustily.

The King inspected soldiers and sailors, merchant seamen, and civilians. His Majesty stopped and spoke to many of them. He spent most time speaking to merchant seamen, asking about their experiences in taking their ships through mine and submarine-infested waters. When the ribbons of any seaman’s breast caught His Majesty’s eye he halted to chat with him.

Elsewhere he reviewed the 2nd Orkney battalion of the Home Guard, asking beribboned men about their service. Afterwards he went on to an R.A.F. establishment and inspected the airmen.

On His Majesty’s departure the roads were again crowded. Marines lined the route, and behind them men, women and children climbed on carts and windows to catch a glimpse of the King…..


His Majesty the King spent three days with the Home Fleet in Northern waters, and during his visit stayed aboard the flagship, King George V. He met officers and men who took part in the chase of the Bismarck and who have been engaged in many other naval actions, and also saw military and flying personnel.

The King visited aircraft carriers, cruisers, and destroyers which have taken part in recent actions (writes a special correspondent with the Home Fleet). During the whole visit, every ship was under “short notice,” and ready to engage the enemy.

In the Admiral’s cabin in the flagship the King knighted the Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Sir John Tovey, and invested him with the insignia of a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath. It was from this cabin that the Admiral went up to his bridge to direct the Fleet action against the Bismarck. Seven officers and fifteen ratings were also decorated after the C-in-C…..

That day the King went aboard one of our latest aircraft carriers and some cruisers, one of which was manned entirely by West Country men.

In each ship the King found the same “happy family” spirit, and officers and men he talked to told him many stories of their encounters with the enemy…..

In another ship, the King met two ratings, who were “Royal Naval Frenchmen,” Free French sailors who have volunteered to serve in British ships, and one Norwegian. One of the French sailors is listed in the ship’s books as “Horatio Nelson,” and the King, talking to him in French, heard how he and his comrades have chosen famous British names as their noms de guerre, keeping their own names secret. Other ratings he recognised were men who used to serve in the Royal Yacht.

Next day the King spent several hours on a tour of the flagship…..When he went between decks, walking amid the tremendously complicated electrical gear and modern machinery under the glare of electric lights, the Master-at-Arms went ahead of the Royal party, carrying a lighted candle lanthorn, just as they did in Nelson’s day, because the Navy guards its traditions through the centuries. In the ship’s chapel the King saw the Bible that was used every day by his father, and given by him to the ship with the inscription in it in the King’s hand…..

Officers and men lined the side of each of the ships, big and small, and as the King passed their cheers thundered out over the waters, giving a final naval review touch to the Royal war-time visit. It was a marvellous demonstration of Britain’s armed might in the war at sea.

Admiral Tovey went ashore with the King, and as they said good-bye the King gave his last command to the C-in-C, ordering him to signal the Fleet “Splice the mainbrace” – the order to serve extra rum rations in every ship in the Fleet to drink the King’s health….

[At this stage of the war my father, George M. Fletcher, was a Lieutenant aboard H.M.S. Nigeria. I have a photograph of him shaking hands with the King during his visit to the Crown Colony-class light cruiser in Scapa Flow. Having taken part in both Russian and Arctic convoys, Nigeria was about to be assigned to operate in Operation Pedestal, as flagship of a close-escort group escorting a convoy bound for Malta].

1941 August 27 Orkney Herald

BUSY ISLANDERS. – “Norseman,” writing’ in last week’s issue of the “John O’Groat Journal,” paid the people of Orkney the following tribute: – “The people of the Orkneys have adapted themselves to war-time conditions in a way that we on the mainland would do well to take note of. On the islands of South Ronaldshay, Rousay, Shapinsay and Stronsay, together with the Orkney Mainland, nearly two million cabbages are being grown this season, over and above the usual annual crop. About eight tons to the acre is the output, and the work has been carried through in response to an appeal by the agricultural executive officer for the county. In times past poultry farming had been the means of putting Orkney on the map, but curtailment of stocks consequent on the need for economy in the use of feeding-stuffs has been a knock to the industry. But to change over from a hen to a cabbage is a trifling matter to the versatile Orcadian, and in doing so he is helping himself and, the country as a whole…..

1941 September 3 Orkney Herald

PETROL RATION CUT BY HALF. – Motorists are reminded that, as announced on July 1, October petrol rations for private cars will be halved. The Secretary for Petroleum has issued a direction reducing the value of the basic ration unit to half a gallon. A coupon for 2 units will, for instance, now be worth one gallon of petrol instead of two. This reduction does not affect motor cycles or tricycles.

EXTRA CHEESE RATIONS. – County road men are among new classes of heavy workers who are to be granted the special 8 oz. a week cheese ration already allowed to agricultural workers, announced the Ministry of Food at the week-end. The new classes entitled to the ration will be county roadmen, forestry workers, land drainage workers and land girls, workers on threshing machines and tractors, railway train crews (excluding dining car staffs), signalmen, and permanent way men, who have no access to canteens. The special ration will operate from September 22.

BREAD WRAPPING WILL STOP. – Wrapping and slicing bread will be prohibited, and the use of oil and fats in bread making restricted by an Order which takes effect of September 29, says the Ministry of Food…..



£394,893 3s 7d is announced by Orkney War Weapons Week Hon. Secretary William C. Barrack, as the final total of the county’s investments during the week. – The target figure was £100,000…..

The appeal to honorary secretaries of Savings Groups to make great efforts to increase their “business” in War Weapons Week did not fall on deaf ears. Some secretaries put themselves to no end of trouble to get the most out of their group. Astronomical figures were achieved by some. Here are some of the higher achievements:…..[ninth in the list was Rousay, Egilsay and Veira Co-op, with a creditable sum of £255 10s 0d.]

1941 September 10 Orkney Herald

CONTROL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. – The Control of Photography Order No. 3 has been replaced by another Order, No. 4, which entirely prohibits the use of cameras in Orkney and Shetland. Order No. 3 permitted the use of a camera on private property, but this is now no longer permissible.

ROUSAY – S.W.R.I. – The monthly meeting of Rousay branch of the S.W.R.I. was held in Frotoft School on August 26. The meeting was presided over by Miss Inkster, president, who gave as her motto, “It is easy enough to be pleasant when life flows by with a song, but the woman worthwhile is she who can smile when everything goes dead wrong.” The competition for this month was a buttonhole, worked at the meeting. There were eleven entries, which were judged by Mrs Kirkness, Quoyostray, and Miss Mainland, Westness. The prizes were awarded as follows: – 1 Mrs Craigie, Furse; 2 Mrs Gibson, Lopness: 3 Mrs Maclean, Sourin Schoolhouse. A most amusing interlude was caused by Miss Inkster’s suggestion that the members should try to write their names and addresses on a piece of paper held on their foreheads. Some fantastic results were handed in. The hostesses for the evening were Mrs Marwick, Breck; Miss Mainland, Westness, and Miss Anna Yorston, Yorville. A most enjoyable meeting was hurried to a close owing to the darkness coming down quickly. There will be no meeting in September. The next meeting will be held in the Wasbister School on a date to be fixed later.

[Everyone had to be home before the evening blackout came into operation.]

1941 October 1 Orkney Herald

PHOTOGRAPHY ORDER: AMENDMENT AFFECTING ORKNEY AND SHETLAND. – A fortnight ago it was intimated that, under a new Photography Order, the use of cameras in Orkney and Shetland was entirely forbidden. By an amendment to this Order, however, it is again permissible to use cameras on private property but not in public in Orkney and Shetland. This is a reversion to the provisions of the Control of Photography Order (No. 3) of 1940, by which “no person shall, without a written permit, have any photographic camera with him in any public place within the counties of Orkney and Shetland.” A camera may be used on private property, such as a garden or within a house.

1941 October 15 Orkney Herald



Restrictions on the taking of photographs in the Orkney and Shetland area are clarified in an official statement just issued to the Press. A previous Order which permitted the taking of photographs on private property or indoors without a permit has now been cancelled, and although there is still no restrictions on possession of a camera, its use is prohibited except to authorised persons. Any person taking photographs in a house or in a garden or backyard now commits an offence in terms of the Defence Regulations. The term “photograph” also includes any sketch, plan or other representation.

The Control of Photography Order (No. 4) 1941, states that any civilian person desiring a permit to operate a camera should make application to The Commandant, No. 2 Protected Area, whose address is obtainable from the Police or Defence Authorities anywhere in the county.

Permits to operate cameras are issued for essential reasons only, and it is an offence, further, for any permit holder to publish any photograph, sketch, plan or other representation until it has been submitted to and approved for publication by the authority who granted the permit. “To publish” means to make copies of, or circulate copies of, or otherwise exhibit.

1941 November 12 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – S.W.R.I. – The annual business meeting of Rousay branch of the S.W.R.I. was held in Wasbister School on October 31, when there was a good attendance of members and visitors present. Miss Inkster, president, gave as her motto, “We are not here to play, to dream, or drift, we have hard work to do and loads to lift: Shun not the struggle, face it; ‘Tis God’s gift.” Thereafter the Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were approved. The annual reports of the Secretary and Treasurer ware received and adopted. The President, in her remarks, thanked the Committee for their help, and the members who had worked so well for the W.V.S. Voting by ballot for the new committee then took place, the tellers being Mrs R. Mainland, Mrs H. I. Gibson, and Mrs James Grieve. During the counting of the votes Mrs Paterson played some selections, and a competition, “Sing, Say or Penny Pay,” helped to pass the time pleasantly. The new office-bearers appointed are as follows: – President, Miss M. A. Inkster, Cogar; vice-president, Mrs Wm. Flaws, Hammerfield; secretary, Mrs R. E. Paterson, Brinian House; and treasurer, Mrs R. Mainland, Nearhouse. The Wasbister ladies then served tea, a feature of which was a birthday cake presented by Miss Inkster. The competition for the evening – Turnip Lantern – only produced one entry – a capital one – from Miss Dorothy Mainland, Hurtiso, who thus obtained the prize kindly given by Mrs James Grieve. The member who gained the most points in the monthly competitions was Mrs H. I. Gibson, Bigland. It was decided to hold the meetings monthly – the next being in Sourin on Friday, November 28. The competitions for that evening will be: (a) One pair knitted socks from Brora 3-ply wool, to be given to the soldiers; (b) Thin oatcakes, divided in four quarters, without shortening. It was announced that the next egg collection will take place on December 8. Votes at thanks were proposed by Mrs Kirkness to Miss Inkster for the birthday cake, the tellers and hostesses. A very hearty meeting was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem.

1941 November 26 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – FOR GOOD CAUSES. – Miss Gibson, Frotoft School, has received from The Donaldson Trust, Edinburgh, an acknowledgement of £6 5s 6d, which was collected in Rousay recently for the Trust. From the sale of poppies, £7 5s 6d was collected for the Earl Haig Fund. Miss Gibson desires to thank teachers and pupils in Wasbister and Sourin for their kind co-operation in their respective districts.

EVIE – WINTER. – Winter is now very evident over the land, and the countryside is not inviting these dark November days. The cold, bare fields, wet, muddy pathways and chill, damp winds all have wet blanket effects, making life dull and cheerless. About the only sign of life in the open during the short day is the ploughman and his team turning the soil in preparation for next year’s crop. Cattle no longer browse on the pastures, but are housed and fed indoors. The long nights spent longer for lack of the usual entertainments which the blackout, and other exigencies of war prevent.

In Print

Newsprint – 1940

1940 January 3 Orkney Herald

CALL-UP OF 2,000,000 MEN. – An “omnibus” proclamation signed by the King late on Monday night warned nearly 2,000,000 men from the age of 19 to 27 to be ready for a call to the colours during 1940. By the end of the year Britain will have 3,400,000 men in the armed forces or registered for service, in addition to Dominion contingents.

ROUSAY – NATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY – ORKNEY AUXILARY. – The hon. treasurer, Mr W. J. Heddle, solicitor, Kirkwall, begs to acknowledge the sum of £3 11s 9d, being the amount collected in the island of Rousay on behalf of the above society for the current year, and to thank Mr James S. Gibson, Hullion, and the following collectors, viz., Messrs Ernest Mainland, Hugh Lyon, Gordon Taylor, Arnold Grieve, James Pirie, and Misses Irene Hourie, Evelyn Clouston and May Turner for their kind services.

1940 January 31 Orkney Herald



Only now can the story be told of the severe weather which Great Britain suffered in the earlier part of this month. Nothing could be said at the time owing to the ban on weather reports. Snowstorms, described as the worst in living memory, swept the country causing widespread dislocation of transport by road and rail.

Orkney suffered with the rest of the country. The snowstorms in this county are described as the worst for at least twenty years. Snow lay thickly for over a week, and youngsters throughout the county enjoyed an orgy of sledging, skating and other winter pursuits.

For the first time in the memory of the younger generation, Kirkwall’s Peerie Sea was frozen completely over. Youngsters were seen playing on the ice out in the centre, and one Kirkwall gentleman pushed a pram, with his baby son aboard, from one end to the other.

Intense cold accompanied the snow, but no fatalities were reported as a result of the severe conditions. Transport, too, was not too seriously affected, and there was comparatively little interruption of the mail services either by sea or air.

EVIE – THE FARM. – Work on the land was brought to a standstill during the recent severe weather, but as ploughing is far advanced here, the suspension of operations was not regarded as a serious disadvantage. Snow is not accepted pleasantly by the farmer, entailing, as it does, a lot of extra trouble in the prosecution of routine, but it may be looked upon as a blessing in disguise, its effects on the soil being beneficial for the future crop. In the recent hard spell, the farm staff were kept occupied round the farmstead attending to all live stock, whose needs were great, and it was no easy task dealing with frozen turnips, frozen water, frozen everything in the process of feeding the brutes. The ploughing match, which was to have taken place last week, has been cancelled.

“SPOOTS”. – The first “spoot” ebb of the year occurred with the full moon of this month, January, last Thursday being the day most favourable to a good catch. Usually at such time the Evie sands are dotted with fishers in quest of this favourite mollusc, but on this occasion the weather was so Arctic that – even though fish of any kind is rarely seen now in the country – only one brave man ventured forth to try his luck. Digging energetically, he was rewarded in a large bucketful of lovely fish. A general distribution of the catch was made in the neighbourhood, and many “spoot” lovers shared with the fisher in a toothsome feast. From kitchen firesides issued the appetising odour of “spoots” roasted in their shells, the aroma rivalling that of “burnt pig.”

1940 March 20 Orkney Herald



Nazi bombs rained down on Orkney on Saturday evening in the biggest scale air raid launched against Great Britain since the war began.

Fourteen enemy bombers took part in the raid, which was made as dusk was falling. Fleet units in Scapa Flow were attacked and also land objectives. One warship was struck by a bomb and received minor damage, according to an Admiralty announcement. There were seven casualties among the crew. No military objectives on land were hit, despite the hundreds of bombs dropped.

The most serious aspect of the raid was the fact that there were a number of civilian casualties, the first in air-raids in either the Allied countries or Germany.

When a salvo of high explosive bombs was dropped around cottages at the Bridge of Waithe, Stenness, one man was killed [27-year-old James William Isbister] and five other people, including two women, one of whom is 64 years of age, were injured in varying degrees of seriousness. Their homes were badly damaged.

Two Servicemen were injured as the result of bombing on the outskirts of Kirkwall.

Damage to property was considerable. Apart from the devastation wrought at the Bridge of Waithe cottages, there was damage at Holm, the mansion of Graemeshall having numerous windows broken and cottages in the vicinity also suffering. In St Ola, Craigiefield House had many windows wrecked. Haystacks and a shed in Stenness were set on fire by incendiary bombs, hundreds of which were dropped over a wide area.

The raiding bombers were given a terrific reception by anti-aircraft guns from warships and shore batteries and by fighter planes. One raider, the Admiralty announced, was shot down and others were damaged. A German bomber which crashed in Denmark was yesterday stated to have been one of the machines which took part in the Scapa Flow raid.

Germany claimed that four warships were hit by bombs and that three aerodromes, as well as gun-positions, were successfully attacked. The only comment which needs to be made on this is that the Nazi raiders have impressed Orcadians more by their vivid imaginations than by their bombing skill…..

1940 March 27 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – NURSING ASSOCIATION. – Rev. R. R. Davidson, president, presided at the annual general meeting of the Rousay, Egilshay and Wyre District Nursing Association. The minutes of the previous general meeting were read and approved. This was followed by the financial statement for the year ended 31st December, 1939. The secretary then gave a report on the nurse’s work for the year, which was considered very satisfactory. At the end of this report it was stated that Nurse Shaw had resigned from her post as district nurse on 18th December, 1939, and that her place was now filled by Nurse Ferrier. The Secretary was instructed to record the following appreciation of Nurse Shaw’s work in the minutes, and to forward an excerpt to Nurse Shaw: – “The Rousay, Egilshay and Wyre District Nursing Association desires to express its appreciation of the services rendered to the district by Nurse Shaw, who was the first nurse to be appointed after the formation of the Association. Fully qualified for her work as a nurse, the district remembers her for her close attention to duty, her deep interest in the welfare of the sick and aged people whom she cared for, and her willingness to help those in trouble.” It was agreed that the office-bearers for 1939 should be re-elected for 1940. Two members of the Executive Committee, Mrs Corsie, Glebe, and Miss Mainland, Westness, had resigned, and the new members appointed were Mrs T. Inkster, Woo, and Mrs J. Grieve, Westness. The Secretary dated that the collectors would get their collecting books as soon as the membership leaflets for 1940 had been printed. There followed discussions arising out of the Association’s business matters.

1940 April 17 Orkney Herald


Twelve German bombers were shot down and at least five were badly damaged in two raids made on Scapa Flow last Monday and Wednesday. Fighter planes and anti-aircraft batteries shared the honours for this achievement…..

In the Wednesday raid no fewer than seven bombers were brought down, and two were thought to be seriously damaged. Sixty planes, it has been stated by Mr Churchill, took part in the raid.

From the enemy point of view the raids were complete failures. Neither warships nor land objectives were hit. Slight damage to South Isles farmhouses was reported…..The terrific fire put up by the Scapa Flow batteries, however, forced the raiders to a height at which accurate bombing was impossible…..

The action in this raid covered practically the whole of the county of Orkney. In the South Isles, particularly in Flotta, Longhope and South Ronaldshay, islanders had a ‘ringside’ view from safe points of vantage of the tremendous duel between the anti-aircraft batteries of Scapa Flow, the strongest A.A. defences in the world, and the raiding bombers. In the mainland and the North Isles British fighters were seen in combat with single units of the enemy. Stronsay dwellers claim to have seen two bombers brought down in these engagements. One German plane is reported to have come down in the sea off Rousay, one of its crew escaping by parachute…..

1940 April 24 Orkney Herald


Owing to my Assistants having been called up for National Service, and being unable to replace them by others, I regret that I have no alternative but to CLOSE my MEN’S DEPARTMENT to the General Public until further Notice. I shall, as and after Monday, 22nd April, undertake to do Men’s Hairdressing by Appointment only. I hope, in this way, to be able to meet the requirements of my Clients during this difficult period.

To Avoid Disappointment, Please Book in Advance.
Call, or ‘Phone Kirkwall 98.
George Swanson, 63 Albert Street, Kirkwall.




Orkney education has sustained a heavy loss by the death on Saturday morning of Mr George William Reid at his home, 14 Ayre Road, Kirkwall. For only two years less than half a century he had been a valuable part of the Orkney educational machine, first as one of the most efficient teachers Kirkwall has ever had, and latterly as an employee of the Education Authority of the County.

The late Mr Reid was a native of the island of Rousay, and received his early education at Sourin School. While a pupil there, he was the first holder of the Orkney & Zetland Associations school bursary, in 1878. After receiving his secondary education at Kirkwall Burgh School, he attended Edinburgh University, where he took his degree of M.A. He also took a course in divinity. Receiving an appointment in Kirkwall Burgh School, he taught there, under the late Dr McEwan, from 1892 until 1912, when increasing deafness compelled him to retire. He was retained, however, by the School Board, and subsequently the Education Authority, to look after the registration and clerical work in the school. This work he continued until the time of his death. After he ceased his duties as a class teacher, he continued to give instruction in Bible knowledge to candidates preparing for the Highland and Islands bursary examinations.

Of the late Mr Reid an old colleague said: “He was one of the most competent and conscientious teachers who ever taught in Orkney, as can be attested by innumerable former scholars. His natural talents were supported by his many fine qualities as a man. His loyalty and faithfulness were unquestioned. He was, in fact, as near the ideal type of teacher as it would be possible to find.”

The late Mr Reid was a man of wide interests. Everything connected with education interested him, and he was invariably well abreast of all new developments. It was his custom every year to “sit,” for his own interest, the various papers in the Leaving Certificate exams. One of his favourite pursuits was research into old court records, and the piecing together of old manuscripts. He was very skilful with his hands, and his handwriting and printing were used as models of neatness. Astronomy was one of his great interests, and in the study of this he frequently corresponded with men whose names are famous in astronomical science.

With his colleagues Mr Reid was always highly popular and respected, by reason of his pleasant personality as well as the skill and efficiency with which he carried out his work. His death leaves a gap which will be difficult to fill.

The late Mr Reid was predeceased by his wife, Margaret Yorston, some years ago. He had no family. The community’s sympathy is extended to surviving relatives.

[George William Reid was born at Wasdale in 1864, the son of William Reid and Catherine Baikie. His great-grandfather was Rousay’s famous centenarian George Reid. Teacher George’s wife Margaret was the daughter of Capt. James Yorston and Margaret Inkster, Saviskaill.]



People wishing any information regarding the Farm of NEWHOUSE, Rousay,
are requested to communicate with the proprietor, HUGH SINCLAIR, 4435
Ravenswood Avenue, Chicago, who desires the boundaries, grazings, etc.,
of the farm to be respected.

[Hugh, born in December 1882, was the son of James Hugh Sinclair, News, and Margaret McKinlay, Sound, Egilsay]

1940 May 1 Orkney Herald

EGILSHAY – SERVICE TO THE MEMORY OF ST MAGNUS. – At the end of the forenoon service held in Egilshay Church on Sunday, April 21, the congregation proceeded to the monument which was erected two years ago to the memory of St Magnus, and near to the spot where he died and laid down his life for the highest cause. The gift of a wreath of lilies, which was sent by Miss Baikie, Tankerness Hall, was laid at the base of the cairn by Miss Alexander, Kirbust, the grand-daughter of the late Mr Hugh Robertson, who laid the wreath last year. There was a good attendance, and most of the farms were well represented. The elders and managers were present. The service was opened by singing a part of Psalm 100, conducted by Mr James Seator, Howe. The scriptural lessons were taken from the Book of Ecclesiasticus and the Revelations. Prayer and thanksgiving was made by Mr D. Turner, missionary-in-charge, and after paying a short tribute to the memory of the martyr, he asked Miss Alexander to lay the wreath, which was afterwards staked firmly by Mr E. Alexander and Mr John Craigie. The service was then closed with the benediction. To Miss Baikie we return our sincere thanks, writes our correspondent, for keeping the service in memory, and for the wreath, which was much appreciated by the congregation. The service was held under a bright sunshine, although a cold easterly wind was blowing.

1940 May 22 Orkney Herald



The Secretary of State for War’s appeal for local volunteer troops to deal with possible invasion of this country by German parachutists has aroused an enthusiastic response in Orkney. Up to this (Tuesday) morning in the region of 230 volunteers had been enrolled, and there is no appearance of any check in the rate of recruiting, which the “Orkney Herald” was informed at Kirkwall Police Station is increasing rather than otherwise.

Kirkwall’s first recruits were forthcoming last Tuesday night almost before the Secretary of State for War had concluded his broadcast appeal. Names were handed in by telephone. During Wednesday some 40 other recruits were forthcoming at Kirkwall.

The men who have volunteered for the Defence Corps in Orkney are of ages ranging from seventeen to over sixty. There are several youngsters of schoolboy age, and ex-Servicemen of the 1914-18 combat are largely represented. Members of Orkney rifle clubs, as might be expected, have made a whole-hearted response to the appeal.

A considerable number of the Orkney volunteers have already been equipped with rifles and ammunition. Uniforms are also to be provided. The Volunteer Force will be unpaid, and the period of service will be for the duration of the war.

Many would-be volunteers who are already in organisations are wondering whether they can take part in both these important branches of home defence. The position in Orkney is that they may volunteer and adjustments may be made later.

The need for these volunteers, the War office state, is greatest in small towns, villages, and less densely populated areas.

Mr Eden, the War Minister, in his broadcast last week, said that volunteers would not be required to leave their work or live away from home. It would be a spare time job.

The purpose of parachute raids, he explained, was to seize such important points as aerodromes, power stations, railway junctions, and telephone exchanges, and to hold them by treating disorganisation and confusion until reinforcements arrived. The success of such an attack depended on speed, and consequently the measures to defeat it must be prompt and rapid. It was upon this basis that the plans for the Local Defence Volunteers had been laid.

Chief Constable Campbell has made the following announcement regarding joining the volunteer corps: –

“Men wishing to join the Orkney Local Defence Volunteers might please report to the Police Stations in Kirkwall, Stromness and elsewhere in the county.

“Men resident in islands where there is no policeman, should write to me at Kirkwall, stating these particulars: – Full name, address, age, occupation; what knowledge of firearms and what type; what military service, if any, and in what unit; whether willing to serve elsewhere than in the immediate vicinity of home.

“Members of the A.R.P. Service may volunteer, and adjustments will be made later.”

1940 June 12 Orkney Herald

EVIE – FARM ETC. – Fields and flocks are looking well, agriculturists and flock-masters having good prospects at the moment. The cereal crops have been making good progress, despite the dry conditions, and pastures are lush. Potatoes are showing up in the farm lands and in gardens. Good weather has favoured the laying down of the turnip crop and the work has been speedily executed. Rain would now be welcomed for all purposes. Not only is the country very parched, but burns and mills are low, and many households are suffering from a meagre water supply.

LOVELY JUNE. – June is generally regarded to be the loveliest month of the year. Now Nature is wearing her most charming robes and the country has attractions that towns and cities cannot emulate. The green sward covered with wild flowers – daisies, buttercups, and many other varieties of plant life – gives a colour display that baffles description. Seas are intensely blue and the colourings of the sunsets beats the artists’ best attempts. The music of the birds fills the air with surpassingly sweet melodies. Seductive scents greet us with the blending of fragrant odours – sight, hearing, and scent all being catered for.

1940 July 31 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – HELP FOR THE BLIND. – Mr G. W. Marwick has received an acknowledgment of the sum of £8 7s 1d collected in the districts of Rousay, Egilshay and Wyre, on behalf of the Royal Blind Asylum and School, Edinburgh. The Directors desire to express their appreciation for the kindly interest in promoting the collection, and convey their thanks to the collectors who so willingly helped, also the subscribers and all who so willingly gave their support and kindly interest in the general welfare of the blind.

RETIRED FARMER’S PASSING. – The death took place at his home in Bignold Park Road, Kirkwall, last Tuesday, of Mr Thomas Inkster, retired farmer. Mr Inkster was a native of Rousay, and one of a well-known Rousay family. He occupied the farm of Nears, and was held in high respect by the community, being a progressive agriculturist and taking a keen interest in the welfare of his native island. Shortly before retiring to come and live in Kirkwall with his wife, he had a spell of farming in Aberdeenshire. Mr Inkster, who had been in good health until a few days before his death, was in his 62nd year. Of a quiet, kindly and obliging nature, he will be missed by all who knew him, both in Rousay and the Kirkwall district. County Councillor Fred Inkster is a brother of the deceased, who is survived by his widow [Isabella McKinlay], to whom deep sympathy is extended. The funeral took place to St Olaf’s Cemetery on Friday, and was well attended.

[The story of the Inkster family is covered within the Westness Farm page.]

1940 August 7 Orkney Herald


The receipt of a telegram conveying the congratulations of the King and Queen was one of the most pleasant and thrilling moments for “Granny” Mainland of 17 Victoria Street, Kirkwall, on Saturday, her 100th birthday. “Granny,” as she is known to practically everybody in the town, received many other telegrams and messages of congratulation from friends and relatives in Orkney and in the South, but the momentous day was passed quietly. A few friends who called were entertained, and “Granny” had a visit from Provost Peter C. Flett and Mr W. J. Heddle, Town Clerk, who conveyed to her the good wishes of the town of Kirkwall.

A telegram which also gave much pleasure was one from Mr Alfred Baikie of Tankerness, Lord Lieutenant of Orkney and Shetland.

“Granny” Mainland is a native of Rousay. She was born on the farm of Banks there. In her early life she spent a number of years in domestic service in Edinburgh, but has been living in Kirkwall for as long as most of the present inhabitants can remember. She is the sole survivor of a long-lived family. One of her sisters lived to the age of 92. She is in good health, and retains her faculties to a remarkable degree. Her sight and hearing are good, and she is quite active, though she does not now venture out on the streets owing to the danger from traffic. Until a month or two ago her memory was very keen, but recently it has began to fail. She is a great reader, and takes a lively interest in events of the day. She is fully aware that a war is being waged, but so many wars have been waged in her lifetime that she does not view it so seriously as most people. Those who know “Granny” best speak enthusiastically of her powers as a conversationalist. Before her memory failed she could enthral listeners with stories of Orkney life and Scottish life in her young days. She had a high reputation as an expert knitter, an activity in which she engaged until quite recently, and some of her creations in this line – quilts, for example were beautiful specimens of the knitters’ art.

The telegram which she received from the King and Queen reads:

Buckingham Palace.

The King and Queen are much interested to hear that you are celebrating your hundredth birthday, and send their hearty congratulations and good wishes.
– Private Secretary.

The Lord Lieutenant’s telegram reads:

Please accept my hearty congratulations on attaining your 100th birthday.
Baikie, Lord Lieut.

Other telegrams were from relatives or friends in London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and the country.

All readers will join with us in endorsing the hearty congratulations which “Granny” Mainland has already received.

[Mary Mainland was the daughter of Nicol Mainland, Cotafea, later Banks, Frotoft, and Margaret Louttit, Faraclett. Unmarried, she had two sons – Robert, born in 1868, who was a tailor in Kirkwall – and John, born in 1869. He was a grocer, and it was at his house in Victoria Street, Kirkwall, that “Granny” celebrated her 100th birthday.]

1940 August 21 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – S.W.R.I. – The monthly meeting of the Rousay branch of the S.W.R.I. was held in Wasbister School on Wednesday, July 17. Miss Inkster presided, and gave as her motto, “One may do a great deal of good in the world, if one does not care who gets the credit for it.” The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, and also correspondence from Miss Gault, Matron of the Balfour Hospital, thanking the Rousay people for two boxes of eggs received. The President gave a talk on blood transfusion and on sphagnum moss gathering, and appealed for blood donors to come forward to the W.V.S. depot in Kirkwall. The competition for the evening was bere bannocks. These were judged by Mrs Mainland, Nearhouse, and Miss Craigie, Scockness, who awarded the prizes to – 1 Mrs Ronald Shearer, Curquoy; 2 Mrs H. I. Gibson, Bigland; 3 Mrs Hourie, Quoygrinnie. The hostesses for the evening were Misses Sinclair, Craigie and Kirkness, who served an enjoyable tea. Votes of thanks were accorded to the judges, the hostesses, and to Mrs Paterson, for supplying pianoforte music. A pleasant evening was brought to a close with the singing of the National Anthem.

[When sphagnum moss is dry it is not only absorbent but also mildly antiseptic. During the First and Second World Wars it was collected in many parts of the Highlands and Islands and sent south to be turned into wound dressings. It was also used for lamp wicks, bedding and babies nappies.]

1940 August 28 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY PICNIC AND SALE. – The annual Frotoft picnic was held at Frotoft School on Friday, 16th Aug. In addition to the usual sports and dance of former years, the committee arranged a “Bring and Buy” Sale in order to raise funds for the Nursing Association. Although it rained all day a large crowd gathered, and £21 15s was realised.

The committee take this opportunity of thanking the following ladies and gentlemen for donations of money: – Mr and Mrs Grant, Trumland House; Mrs Lees Low, Westness House; Rev. R. R. Davidson, West Manse; Miss Inkster, Mr F. Inkster, Greenfield; Mr and Mrs Mackay, Cruseday, and Miss Mowat, Sourin Schoolhouse. Special prizes for the sports from Mrs D. Wilson, “Sjo Brekka”; Mrs Craigie, Hunclett; and Mrs Grieve. Westness, are also gratefully acknowledged. To those ladies who gave gifts of sugar for the tea special thanks are due.

The sports began at 2 p.m. All the children’s races were held in the school, but the adults preferred running in the wet grass to using the limited space inside.

After tea, served at 5 p.m., Nurse Ferrier presented prizes to the winners, and all the children received chocolates, kindly presented by Mrs Grant, Trumland House. On the call of Miss Gibson a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Nurse Ferrier for presenting the prizes.

Rev. R. R. Davidson then called for votes of thanks to the Picnic Committee and to all who had helped to make the picnic a success.

The sale opened at 6 p.m. All parcels were quickly sold, and the company then patronised the many side-shows. Those who took charge of the side-shows were – Mr and Mrs J. Grieve, Mr and Mrs Wm. Gibson, Mrs D. Wilson, Mrs G. Petrie, Mrs Thomson, Mrs Cormack, Nurse Ferrier, Miss Gibson, and Master J. Pirie.

Dancing commenced at 7.30 p.m. During an interval prizes were handed out to the winners of competitions. At 10 p.m. the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” brought a very enjoyable and successful evening to a close.

1940 September 4 Orkney Herald

ORKNEY NOTES. – The summer has been favourable, and vegetation has made satisfactory progress. Grass came early, in spring, and cattle were grazing outside and getting a good bite during the seeding season. Since then they have done very well, owing to fair conditions and a plentiful supply of grass. Oat crops came away well, and only in a few districts were the ravages of grub apparent. Turnips were difficult to braird in several cases, and there was a good deal of second sowing. Since then they have done well, and are filling the drills. Hay was a good crop, but was difficult to harvest. It was secured eventually in fairly good condition. The potato crop promises excellent, and quality is good.

Peat work has been carried out on an extended scale, and has occupied much time. Early peats were quickly ready, and were easily got, but later ones gave more trouble. They have now been mostly stacked and the supply seems ample. Peats make very good fuel, and burn well, leaving light, clean ashes. It means much hard work to make a few tons of the finished article, and convey this to the homestead. But we must keep the home fires burning these days.

Grass sickness appeared for the second season in Orkney this summer. Three horses on one farm succumbed to this fatal malady. They were grazing on a field of old pasture, and had never been put on to rotation grass. This rather explodes the theory of clover being a probable cause. The field of old pasture was one which may be described as real old natural grass. It seems strange why Orkney had never had this trouble till last summer, and a second visitation this summer. Fortunately numbers both times were few.

Excellent crops of oats and bere are coming on to harvest. A beginning will be made one of these days. There is an increased acreage to handle this time, and hands are few to cope with it. There should be a larger increase in yield of grain and straw, and given decent weather, and ordinary luck, there should be ample to feed man and beast, even though they may have to depend on what the farms grow.

Silage is being made in a few cases, but Orkney has to adapt itself yet to the making of such a foodstuff for animals. No doubt an effort will be made to do this on more general lines. The making of silage is no new thing in these islands but it has never begin universally adopted. Changed times and changed conditions bring about a different outlook, and Orkney farmers are ready to toe the line. They mean to do their best. – By “Orcadian” in “Farming News and North British Agriculturist.”



ln order to accomplish speedily the desire of the public of Orkney to contribute one of those wonderful defenders of the coast of Britain, a Spitfire fighter, it is essential that we “go to it” with determination and without hesitation. Let no-one be held back from contributing, whether large sums or small, for everyone will want to feel that “this is our Spitfire.” It is the feeling of the committee organising the Fund that they want the ‘plane to be truly representative, and therefore shillings will be gladly accepted. It is anticipated that through love of country every man, woman and child be impelled by a flush of patriotism to add their mite…..


Orcadians are rallying enthusiastically to contribute to the Orkney Spitfire Fund. The first list of contributions appears below, and it will be seen that the total is close on £600. Subsequent donations, however, received too late for inclusion in the first list below, bring the actual total to date to over £1000. It is to be hoped that the county will be inspired by the fine example of the public-spirited people whose subscriptions are listed below…..

[The long list revealed donations ranging from £120 [Kirkwall cinema], £100 from a family in Willow Road, £50 from a local firm’s employees, £15 from a Kirkwall garage, £5 from a grocer ‘in appreciation of the patriotic women who bring their paper ration bags again, and again, thus saving waste’, 10/- from ‘A Widow’s Mite’, and many, many others of differing amounts].

1940 September 11 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – S.W.R.I. – On the evening of Wednesday, August 14, the Rousay branch of the S.W.R.I. met in Sourin School. A large attendance of members was presided over by Miss Inkster, who, after the business part of the meeting was finished, gave a talk on the Federation meeting, held in the Grammar School, Kirkwall, on August 12. A quantity of sphagnum moss was cleaned by a number of members, and along with a further consignment will shortly be sent to the W.V.S. Depot in Kirkwall.  The competition for the evening was “Tweed Slippers,” and the judges, Mesdames Mainland and Grieve and Miss Sutherland, awarded the prizes to: 1 Miss Anna Marwick, 2 Mrs Wm. Flaws, 3 Mrs Ronald Shearer. The hostesses, Mrs H. I. Gibson, Mrs R. Shearer, and Miss Mowat, served an enjoyable tea. Hearty votes of thanks were accorded the judges and hostesses, and the meeting closed after the National Anthem had been sung.

[Just a reminder that dried sphagnum moss, also known as Bog Moss, due to its remarkable absorption and healing qualities, was used for field dressings in both World Wars. Its earliest use is on record in a Gaelic Chronicle of 1014 which revealed that the wounded in the battle of Clontarf ‘stuffed their wounds with moss.’ Highlanders, after the Battle of  Flodden in September 1513, staunched their bleeding wounds by filling them with bog moss and soft grass. Stricken deer have known to drag their wounded limbs through beds of Sphagnum Moss.]

LATE MR J. H. JOHNSTON. – Mr James H. Johnston died suddenly on Sunday, 31st August. Deceased came to Rousay from Rendall about sixteen years ago, and became very popular and highly respected by all. Mr Johnston proved to be a farmer of outstanding ability, and the many awards that went to Trumland Farm from local shows justified the success he attained as a stock-breeder. In connection with his career as a farmer, he was ably assisted by Mrs Johnston, who belongs to the Ritch family of Kierfold, Sandwick. Deceased was closely connected with Rousay Agricultural Society for many years, and was president in 1929. Mr Johnston was a loyal and devoted member of the Church of Scotland, and for almost fourteen years led the praise in Trumland district church. He acted in a similar capacity in Rendall Church before coming to Rousay. He was a member of the Congregational Board. The Church has therefore lost an enthusiastic worker, whose service was ungrudgingly given. Deceased is survived by Mrs Johnston and three of a family – two sons and one daughter. The eldest son, Robert, resides at Trumland. James William holds an important appointment at the Rowett Institute Aberdeen. Violet (Mrs S. J. Inkster) resides at Wasdale, in Sourin district. To his widow and family the heartfelt sympathy of the island is extended.

[James Halcro Johnston was born at Crook, Rendall, on 8 June 1880. His wife Margaret Ritch was born at Binaquoy, Firth on 22 June 1880, and died at Bankhead, Sandwick, in 1960]  

1940 September 18 Orkney Herald

ORKNEY SPITFIRE FUND’S SWIFT PROGRESS. – Excellent progress is being made in the Orkney Spitfire Fund, which, as readers will see from the list below, has now reached a total of £3,644 13s 3d, which leaves a little over £1,300 to be still subscribed. At this rate the Orkney Spitfire should be provided in well under a month…..

[The list included – £5 14s 2d collected by counter box in a Victoria Street fruiterers; £2 from a Hoy ‘War Hater’; 52 threepenny bits, being one for every week of the war, from Mrs M.; 10s, A Mite from Eday, from one who wishes to strengthen the arm of those who sweep the dragon from the skies, and hasten the day when the dove of peace will take her flight; £10 from Two Admirers of the RAF; 5s from An Old Soldier from Clestrain; ‘Baby Pittman’, Slater Street, Kirkwall, collection of 350 3d pieces – £4 2s 6d……and many others.]

1940 October 2 Orkney Herald


Orkney’s Spitfire Fund now stands at over £6,000. This is the last week of the Fund, the management committee, at a meeting last week, having decided to close it on Saturday, 5th October. Subscriptions will be accepted up to that date by the treasurer, Mr George Eunson, Union Bank, Kirkwall, and the local bank offices and newspaper offices.

Suggestions for a name for the Orkney Spitfire revealed a preponderance in favour of the name “Orkney.”

It will be seen that Orkney has provided over a thousand pounds more than the £5,000 required to pay for a Spitfire. The additional money will go a considerable way towards the cost of a second fighter…..

1940 October 9 Orkney Herald

ORKNEY FIGHTER FUND NOW TO PROVIDE A HURRICANE. – Orkney Spitfire Fund Committee, at a meeting last Tuesday, reconsidered a previously taken decision to close the Fund, and decided that it shall continue under the name of the Orkney Fighter Fund. Having provided the necessary £5,000 for the purchase of a Spitfire, Orkney, it is hoped, will now go all out to contribute a second £5,000, which will send a Hurricane into the sky…..

1940 October 16 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – RED CROSS. – The Rousay S.W.R.I. have handed over to Red Cross and Hospital 8 pillow cases, 8 pairs of slippers, and one bag of sphagnum moss.

WOMEN’S VOLUNTARY SERVICES. – The Work Party have handed over to the War Charities Depot, up to date, 22 pairs of socks, 6 pairs of gum-boot stockings, and 2 dressing gowns.

1940 October 23 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – S.W.R.I. – The monthly meeting of Rousay’s branch of the S.W.R.I. was held in Frotoft School on October 4. There was good attendance of members and friends, presided over by Miss Inkster, who, after giving the motto of the evening, extended a cordial welcome to the visitors present. After the minutes had been read and the business part of the meeting conducted, a thrift parcel, containing a child’s cot and accessories, and also children’s garments, was on view. The ingenuity displayed in the making of all the articles was wonderful, and everyone agreed that it was a pleasure to see such exhibits. Miss Thora Kirkness, Quoyostray, gave a demonstration of glass painting, and showed a number of decorated articles in glass ware, and also some specimens of jewellery in enamel work. The competition for the evening was a hand-sewn pillow-slip. The judges, Mrs Robertson of Viera Lodge and Mrs Marwick of Breck, awarded the prizes to: – 1 Mrs Shearer, Curquoy; 2 Mrs Grieve, Westness. The hostesses, Mesdames Mainland and Grieve and Miss Mainland, served a splendid tea. On the call of Miss Inkster, hearty votes of thanks were accorded all the ladies who had contributed to the evening’s enjoyment, and the evening’s proceedings closed with the singing of the National Anthem.

1940 December 18 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – EARL HAIG FUND. – The Earl Haig Fund collection for Rousay amounted to the excellent total of £6 12s 3d, made up as follows: – Sourin district, £2 16s 8d; Wasbister, £1 6s 6d; Frotoft and Brinian, £2 9s 1d. Mrs Gibson, organiser of the collection, wishes to thank the teachers in the districts and the children for their help in collecting.

COMFORTS. – The following war comforts have been sent to headquarters: – From W.V.S. Work Party – 18 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of gum-boot stockings, 3 pairs of mitts, 2 pairs of slippers. From Mrs Robertson, Langskaill, per Miss Inkster, there have gone five pairs of socks.

In Print

Newsprint – 1939

1939 January 11 Orkney Herald


The annual ploughing match of Rousay Agricultural Society was held on December 29 on a field kindly granted for the occasion by Mrs [Anna] Marwick, Innister. Two champions and thirteen ordinary ploughmen took part, their work being of a high standard. None too favourable weather conditions adversely affected the attendance of competitors and spectators.

The judges were Messrs James Halcrow, Crowrar; Alfred Leask, Aikerness, and James Scott, Smithy Cottage, whose decisions gave entire satisfaction.

Match arrangements were ably carried out by the following committee: – Messrs Robert S. Mainland, president; Robert Johnston. vice-president; John Linklater, secretary; Ronald Shearer, treasurer; Hugh Craigie, George Reid, John Mainland, William Inkster, James Lyon, Samuel Inkster, David Moar, John Craigie and James Craigie.

Mr Robert S. Mainland, Nearhouse, president, visited the field on behalf of the Highland and Agricultural Society.

During the day, judges, committee and ploughmen were liberally entertained by Mrs Marwick and her daughters, and in the evening the prizes were handed out at the farm house by Mrs Marwick, after which the secretary proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Marwick, for handing out the prizes and for the use of her field and her hospitality to judges, committee and ploughmen.

After the prizes were read out, judges, officials and friends sat down to a sumptuous dinner, and the usual toasts were proposed. Mr Stanley Firth entertained the company with song and story, which were much enjoyed.

The Society takes this opportunity of thanking Mrs Marwick, judges, and donors of special prizes, and all those who made the match such a success.

Prize-List – Champions. – 1 James Craigie, Furse; 2 Hugh Robertson, Langskaill. Feering – James Craigie; finish – James Craigie; straightest ploughing – James Craigie.

Ordinary. – 1 and Highland and Agricultural Society medal, Sinclair Craigie, Falquoy; 2 Emslie Craigie, Trumland; 3 William Moar, Saviskaill; 4 Fred Kirkness, Quoyostray; 5 Hugh Craigie, Scockness; 6 Hugh Russell, Brendale; 7 John Marwick, Westness; 8 Arnot Sinclair, Langskaill; 9 Sam. Craigie, Westness; 10 George Grieve, Langskaill. Feering – Hugh Craigie; finish – Sinclair Craigie; straightest ploughing – Sinclair Craigie; neatest ends – James Marwick, Innister.

Harness. – 1 Emslie Craigie, Trumland; 2 James Craigie, Furse; 3 Arnot Sinclair, Langskaill; 4 Hugh Craigie, Scockness; 5 William Moar, Saviskaill; 6 Roderick Marwick, Nearhouse; 7 George Grieve, Langskaill.

Grooming. – 1 Arnot Sinclair, Langskaill; 2 James Craigie, Furse; 3 Emslie Craigie, Trumland; 4 Hugh Russell, Brendale; 5 George Grieve, Langskaill; 6 William Moar, Saviskaill; 7 Roderick Marwick, Nearhouse.

Best matched pair – Emslie Craigie. Best pair on field – Emslie Craigie. Best turnout, horses and harness – Emslie Craigie. Youngest ploughman – Hugh Mainland.

Cup, presented by Messrs P. L. Johnston, for best ploughed rig, to be won three years – Sinclair Craigie, Falquoy. Cup, presented by Miss Inkster (Cogar) for most points, to be won three years – James Craigie, Furse. Cup, presented by Dr Thomson, for straightest ploughed rig, to be won three years – James Craigie, Furse. Cup, presented by Messrs R. Garden, Ltd., for grooming, to be won three years – Arnot Sinclair, Langskaill. Medal, presented by Rev. R. R. Davidson, for best ploughed rig, to be won two years – Sinclair Craigie, Falquoy. Medal, presented by Wm. R. Walls, Co-operative manager, for 1st in champion section, to be won two years – James Craigie, Furse. Medal, presented by Wm. Brough, jeweller, for best feering on field, to be won two years – James Craigie, Furse. Medal, presented by A Friend, for best finish on field, to be won two years – Sinclair Craigie, Falquoy. Medal, presented by Robert Harvey, Birsay, for feering and finish combined, to be won two years – Hugh Craigie, Scockness. Medal, presented by Wm. Harvey for best harness on field, to be won two years – Emslie Craigie, Trumland. Medal, presented by R. G. Harrold, for best harness in everyday use, to be won two years – George Grieve, Langskaill.

1939 January 18 Orkney Herald

EVIE – JANUARY. – January is speeding on its way and the days are lengthening perceptibly. The darkness no longer falls suddenly on the back of noon, but comes gradually with a kind of weird twilight. As the day lengthens, the cold strengthens, and there have been some very low temperatures lately – though the weather of this month so far has not been so severe as is usually experienced. January being regarded as the most wintry month – associated as it often is, with gales and heavy snowfalls. In the country it is a long, dreary month. All Nature is asleep and the outlook on dank, dead fields is depressing. Indoors there is a re-action after the excitement of the festive season, and things seem flat for a time. But the 25th (’twas then a blast of Januwar wind blew hansel in on Robin) usually stirs up interest and revives life with the anniversary celebrations of our National Bard.

RAIN STORM. – Last Saturday’s loveliness – with its fresh sprinkling of snow and glistening frost – was quickly dissipated by a sudden tempest of wind and rain, to which we awoke on Sunday morning. The scene was completely changed, and in place of the bright snow and frost, a deluge of water encompassed the land, miniature lakes appearing all over the district. Low heavy clouds darkened the atmosphere necessitating the use of lamps far into the day. Burns swelled and became noisy torrents and many fine cascades were formed. The wind blew from the south-east at gale force for a short time, and then veered to the west, abating after mid-day when the rain also subsided. Farm folk whose duties took them outside were soaked to the skin in the shortest of time, while the storm was at its worst. Few ventured out to worship, the attendance at church being very meagre.

1939 January 25 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – NATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY- ORKNEY AUXILLARY. – The hon. treasurer, Mr W. J. Heddle, begs to acknowledge the sum of £3 15s 6d, being the amount collected in the island of Rousay on behalf of the above for the current year, and to thank Mr James Gibson, Hullion, and the following collectors, Misses Gibson and Sutherland, and Mr Shearer, and the scholars for their kind services.

1939 March 1 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – NURSING ASSOCIATION. – The annual general meeting of the Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre District Nursing Association was held in Sourin School on Friday, 24th February. The attendance was small. Rev. R. R. Davidson, president of the Association, acted as chairman. The secretary gave the financial report for the year ending 31st Dec., 1938, and also read a report of the Nurse’s work for the year. All office bearers and members of the executive committee for 1938 were re-appointed. Mrs Grant, Hillhead/Trumland, and Mrs Lees Low, Westness House, were proposed as honorary presidents. Several matters came up for discussion, and there were also some proposed amendments to the constitution and rules. Membership leaflets will not be printed until these amendments have been approved by Association members.

1939 March 29 Orkney Herald

Diamond and Silver Weddings were celebrated in the island of Rousay by Mr and Mrs Magnus Craigie, of Ploverhall, Wasbister, married in Holm 60 years ago, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Alex. Craigie, of Hunclett, Frotoft, married at Hullion on 27th February 1914.

[Magnus was the son of Alexander Craigie, Whoam, later Falquoy, and Ann Murray, Tofts, Quandale. He and his wife Ellen Cooper lived at Claybank, Wasbister, where 12 of their 13 children were born. They then moved to Pliverha’, where their youngest daughter was born. Their son Alexander was married to Rose Ida Gibson, Hullion, and they lived at Turbitail before moving to Hunclett.]

1939 April 26 Orkney Herald

EARTH HOUSE AT GRIPPS, ROUSAY. – A communication by Mr Walter G. Grant, F.S.A.Scot., was read [to members of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland at a recent meeting in Edinburgh], in which he described an earth-house at Gripps, Rousay, found and carefully preserved by Mr [George] Reid of Tratland [Frotoft]. There were no surface indications of the presence of the structure, which consisted of a low passage and chamber, cut into the clay subsoil and simply roofed with slabs, without built walls. The roof of the chamber was partly supported by a built pillar. A few sherds of pottery and utilised stones were recovered.

EVIE – FARM. – A great deal of work has been done in the fields during the last week, and sowing is now far advanced. Conditions would not be considered ideal, the soil being too moist except on very dry ground. Germination must be slow for lack of heat, and the blade will be long in appearing should the present cold atmosphere continue. Grass is coming up very slowly, and will not serve for herbage in the near future, but fodder is not yet scarce and will likely hold out as long as it is required. Many lambs are now skipping about the fields, and seem to be good specimens. As usual, there has been a fair percentage of losses.

SEASON. – A wintry spring has been disappointing to country dwellers, who eagerly watch for the renaissance, and there has been little invitation to leave the fireside and seek the open in a biting atmosphere with cold, dull skies. April, however, has inspired hope with Easter and summer time, and cold and dark must yield to the repeated attacks of sunshine, intermittent with showers. Now all the birds are singing in the early morning. The ecstasy of the blackbird is thrilling, and the music of the wrens delightful. In the garden the floral season has opened with daffodils and wallflowers, and on the wayside banks the primroses are appearing. Trees are awakening, and tufts of vivid green make bright spots on the landscape, all giving the greeting of Spring.

1939 May 24 Orkney Herald

EVIE – PEATS. – Peat cutting is now in full swing, and during the past week of good weather many “banks” were “shorn,” and slabs of turf thrown out to the wind and the drought. The moors are now very dry, facilitating the cutting of the turves, and the peats flung out from the tusker have been very firm and easy to handle. They have been given a very good start, and it is hoped this season may prove more favourable to the curing process than last.

WEATHER AND SEASON. – May has nearly run its course – and still no definite assurance of summer. Sunshine and blue sky have only been occasional, and there has been no real warmth. Temperatures have been mostly below the seasonal average, and frosts common at night. Yet, Nature is spreading her mantle of green o’er the earth, and the country is now looking pretty, in form and colour, with the wakened cultivated fields and the various bright blossoms by the wayside. Marsh marigolds and whin are in great abundance, their flaming gold predominating. Primroses, modest and less gay, are littered everywhere, filling the air with their pleasant, fragrant aroma.

1939 May 31 Orkney Herald

TO LET. – Furnished Cottage; living room, bedroom, scullery, and outhouse.
Apply, Mr Cormack, Daisy Cottage, Trumland Pier, Rousay.

1939 June 28 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – REGATTA. – The annual meeting of the Rousay Sailing Club was held at Trumland Pier on Wednesday evening, 21st inst. A good attendance of members was present. After the reading of the minutes, the treasurer submitted his report, which showed a considerable balance to the credit of the club. The following office-bearers were elected for the coming season – Commodore, Mr Walter G. Grant, Trumland; secretary and treasurer, Mr James S. Gibson, Hullion; timekeeper, Mr James Craigie, Pier Cottage; starter, Mr John Gorn, Trumland. The usual committee was appointed to carry out the arrangements on the regatta day. The event was fixed tor 14th July, and it is expected that there will be the usual trip to Rousay. The races are to be as formerly, and bills posted in the several places interested in the course of a week. For the convenience of visitors, a tea room will be open during the day. From reports to hand it is expected there will be a good turnout of competitors.



There are few things more typically Orcadian than a night at the cuithes. Cuithe fishing is carried on amid scenes of exquisite beauty and romance, and I do not doubt that there could not be a more home stirring thought to an Orcadian exile than the memory of a night at the cuithes, gilded, as all such nights are, with a glorious sunset. I can remember nights of such a nature and I never think of them without feeling a strange tug at my heart calling me again to the sea.

The summer evening was beginning to wrap its mystic folds about the farms and crofts as a fisherman friend and I picked our way down the green path that led to the boat noust. We were going to the cuithes and I carried three bamboo wands in my hand, while my companion (I will call him John) bore on his back an old fashioned leather cubbie in which to bring back the catch. When we reached the beach all was still, and no sound broke the silence except the gentle lapping of the water against the rocky beach.

“Pity hid wisna’ sic a bonny nicht, and we wid hae steud a better chance o’ getting two firs,” said John.

“We can only try our luck,” I replied, and we proceeded to pull the boat down over the rocky ledges, after we had arranged the various necessary articles in the boat, which we needed with us. The sun was just going down as we pushed off, and there was surely never more brilliant sunset than that. The vast expanse of water that waited for this golden orb lay out like a burnished sheet of pure, glittering gold. The scene, however, was more than a mass of colour; it was made resplendent by that living Spirit of Nature which shone through it, giving it real, heart-stirring power. With the quietness and sombre peace one felt almost that same feeling as when in a beautiful cathedral which always exercises the power of true art upon one. Slowly, inch by inch, Phoebus sank to rest, while the whole west was lighted up in indescribable beauty. The land around added enchantment to our surroundings, which were more like a scene in a dream than a real tangible panorama of land and sea. Over the fields, and even the salt water, came the lovely scent of new mown hay, while besides the banks of a slow flowing burn, lay some cattle chewing the cud. We could see the crofters busying themselves about a few last duties before retiring for the night, while from their lums there eddied forth the homely peat reek, which mingled with the mists descending from the hilltops. Save the occasional cry of a lonely curlew, silence was never broken except for the muffled beat of the oars in the rowlocks, which sounded like some phantom warriors of old walking home from their last battle. The sun had sunk and the scene was becoming dim in the semi-darkness when the fish began to take, as John expressed it. Cuithe fishing does not provide so much sport as other kinds but it is very diverting, and three rods will keep a person working if the fishing conditions are favourable.

After two hours fishing we had ten score in the boat and were glad to turn homewards. How can I describe the beauty of that bay on that midnight in summer! The silvery threads of the moon cast their enchanting rays across the sparkling waters, while away to the west all the waste of waters lay like a dormant beast of great latent powers. Across the sky hung wisping, silvery clouds, and all was made more beautiful by the softness created by the semi-darkness.

1939 June 30 Aberdeen Press & Journal

ROUSAY NEEDLEWORK. – The members of Rousay W.R.I., Orkney, met in Wasbister School with Miss Inkster, president, in the chair. She discussed the motto – “None of us get dizzy with doing too many good turns for others,” and introduced the demonstrator, Miss Pexton, who delighted with a demonstration of the making of loose chair covers and afterwards judged the overall competition. There were numerous entries, and the winners were:- 1. Mrs Hourie, Maybank; 2. Mrs Craigie, Furse; 3. Mrs Gibson, Lopness. The latter part of the programme was devoted to entertainment, solos being sung by Miss Pexton and Miss Sutherland, with accompaniments by Mrs Paterson. Tea was served by the hostesses.

1939 July 5 Orkney Herald

GUILDSWOMEN IN ROUSAY – LARGE GATHERING AT SUMMER MEETING. – Over three hundred Church of Scotland Guildswomen from all parts of Orkney travelled to Rousay on Tuesday afternoon of last week for the summer meeting of the Orkney Presbyterial Council, which was held in Trumland Church. The delegates travelled to the island on the steamers Earl Thorfinn and Iona.

On arrival at Rousay, the delegates were entertained to tea in the open by members of the Rousay Women’s Guild, after which the meeting took place in the church…..The meeting concluded with the singing of the doxology and the pronouncement of the benediction by Rev R. R. Davidson. Before the steamer sailed for Kirkwall the party had a short period in which to visit friends and go sight-seeing in the island.

1939 July 19 Orkney Herald

YACHTSMEN’S HECTIC DAY AT ROUSAY. – Shades of their daring Nordic forbears, riding the angry waves in their frail crafts, Orkney yachtsmen had a hectic day at Rousay on Friday. The occasion was the annual regatta of the Rousay Sailing Club, and, although entries were short of former times, the quality of sailing and seamanship was of a very high standard.

The wind, almost reaching gale force, was from the north-west, blowing the whole length of Wyre Sound. All races were from Trumland Pier, and for the sailing races a buoy had been anchored to the north-east near the Avelshay shore, and another across the sound near the Wyre shore, giving a three-mile triangular course.

Seven sailing craft took part – four Kirkwall and three Rousay – viz., Mizpah (W. Grieve, Kirkwall); Vala (D. M. Cooper, Kirkwall); Esmeralda (T. Sinclair, Rousay); Snowdrop (C. Logie, Rousay); Sea Imp (W. Sinclair, Kirkwall); Gipsy (M. Bolt, Kirkwall); and Ivy (W. Marwick, Rousay).

Only three sailing races were sailed on this occasion. The large and small all-comers’ classes were sailed in conjunction, and there no entries for the 17ft. Class race.

Officials in charge at the regatta were – Mr Donald Spence, of Nigeria; Mr John Gorn, Trumland House, and Mr J. S. Gibson, secretary of the club, and they were assisted by Mr George Eunson, Orkney Sailing Club secretary, Kirkwall. Mr Spence the genial and efficient timekeeper, is a member of His Majesty’s Colonial Administrative Service in Nigeria, West Africa, and is at present on holiday in Rousay.

Below we give a brief summing up of the salient points in the various events.

22ft. And Under Class. – Five boats of the 22ft. class were got away to a fine start sharp at 12 noon. The race was twice round the course, a distance of approximately six miles. Sea Imp, Mizpah, and Vala were first across the line, but only a few seconds separated first and last boats. First leg of the course, to Avelshay buoy, was a dead beat to windward, and on crossing the starting line Vala had to give way to Mizpah to avoid collision.

Esmeralda overtook the others, and was first round the buoy at Avelshay, with Mizpah less than one minute behind. Esmeralda had completed the short reach to Wyre buoy before Sea Imp reached Avelshay, and Vala and Snowdrop came next. The first-named four boats had made the beat up the sound in a series of short tacks, while Snowdrop had made two long tacks, and apparently had oversailed the mark.

After the run down to the pier buoy, Mizpah had reduced Esmeralda’s lead by ten seconds to 50. Sea Imp was 3 mins. 30 secs. behind the latter, and Vala crossed 2 mins. 22 secs. later. Vala appeared to be feeling her weight of canvas badly. Snowdrop was well in the rear.

On the second beat to windward, the leader gained almost two minutes on the second boat (Mizpah) and rounded the buoy 2½ mins. in front. Vala’s crew lost precious minutes with a broken mainsheet, and Snowdrop moved up to fourth place. On this round Snowdrop followed the others’ example of making short tacks, and profited thereby.

Esmeralda steadily increased her lead from the others, and was across the finishing line before the third, fourth and fifth boats had rounded the Avelshay buoy for Wyre and thence the finishing line. Mizpah followed the Burray-built yacht across the line 1 min. 45 secs. later, with a lead off Sea Imp of 7 mins. 15 secs. A dog-fight for fourth place saw the former cross the line 18 secs. ahead, to lose place to the smaller yacht on corrected time by 42 secs.

14ft. And Under Class. – Half-an-hour after the 22-footers, two boats of the 14ft. class – one Kirkwall and one Rousay – were got away to a fair start. The course in this case was only once round. The Kirkwall boat, Gipsy, being of longer waterline, quickly moved away from the Ivy, of Rousay. This event became too one-sided to be interesting.  Gipsy’s youthful crew sailed a beautiful race, drawing steadily away from her rival, and on crossing the finishing line was 14 mins. 36 secs. ahead, giving a lead of one minute less on corrected time.

All-Comers’ Race. – A spectacular beginning to the all-comers’ race in the afternoon was marred by the fact that Esmeralda’s jib ripped from bottom to top just after she crossed the starting line. Six boats lined up at 3 o’clock, and on the starting gun all were across the line in close proximity, the first four being dead level. The management committee on the pier decided that the race  should be only once round the course, a distance of three miles.

Esmeralda’s crew downed their torn canvas, and sailed for over ten minutes under mainsail alone before they got another jib bent on. She made surprisingly good time under such conditions, but had dropped to fourth position on reaching the Avelshay buoy. Mizpah took the lead from the start, with Vala and Sea Imp on her tail.

Mizpah rounded the first buoy exactly one minute ahead of Vala, and Sea Imp and Esmeralda 50 and 60 seconds later respectively.

Vala had shortened sail considerably for this race, and showed a tremendous improvement. The Rousay boat Snowdrop had also shortened sail, but did not shine, dropping steadily behind, with the much smaller Gipsy only a short distance in her rear.

It was an inspiring sight to see the first four boats cracking on before the wind with only short distances between. Excitement was tense as Mizpah crossed the finishing line first with Vala pressing hard in her rear. Mizpah was first on corrected time by the narrow margin of two seconds.

Some sort of misunderstanding at the finishing line, whereby Sea Imp failed to cross the line, saw Esmeralda take third place, followed by the smaller classed Gipsy. Sea Imp sailed away from the pier, and only crossed the line when making for her moorings. Strange to say, the Rousay skiff made exactly the same blunder, and made straight for her moorings, failing altogether to complete the course.

Gipsy, being the only entrant for the smaller class for all-comers, was sailed along with the larger boats. She gave a very creditable performance, and was awarded a special prize.

Rowing Races. – Men’s Doubles. – The first of the rowing races – two men to each boat – attracted four entries, one of whom, however, broke an oar at the start and retired. Winners were   – 1 Messrs Craigie and Johnson; 2 Messrs Seatter and Mainland; 3 Messrs Taylor and Swanney.

Men’s Singles. – A broken oar necessitated the retiral of one of the three boats in the singles race for men. During a neck-and-neck struggle one of the contestants threatened to ram the well-known motor boat Otter, but a chorus of yells from the pierhead attracted his attention and saved the situation. A very close finish saw Mr D. Taylor move forward to win by a short (stem) head from Mr Seatter.

Boys’ Race. Two pairs of boys entered for the rowing doubles for boys, and did the round in fine style. Results: – 1 J. Seatter and R. Mainland; 2 R. Stevenson and L. Irvine.

Ladies’ Race. – No entries were forward for the ladies’ rowing race, which had to be cancelled.

Motor Boat Race. – The motor boat race attracted three entrants – one Kirkwall, one Rousay, and one from Wyre. Boats were set to drift before the wind, and on the starting gun headed into the wind at speed. The Wyre boat (Lorna) took the lead, followed by Saga, of Kirkwall, and, third, Austin, of Rousay.

Presentation of Prizes. – Cups, medals, and prizes were presented by Mrs Walter Grant, Trumland House, at 6 p.m., in the Orkney Steam Navigation’s store at the head of the pier. Winners’ names were called by Mr D. Spence, and the presentation party also included Mr Gibson, Mr Gorn, and Mr Fred. Cormack, Swartland House, Dounby. A vote of thanks to Mrs Grant for presenting the prizes was called for by Mr Gibson, and heartily accorded.

1939 July 26 Orkney Herald



In a boiling flurry of escaping air and spouting, plunging, rust-coloured foam, the huge bow of the ex-German battle-cruiser Derfflinger, freed from the sea-bed mud of Scapa Flow, heaved to the surface on Monday afternoon. This (Tuesday) afternoon the stern, at present still lying on the sea-bed, will be raised.

The raising of the Derfflinger is the outcome of about a year’s work by salvage men of Metal Industries Ltd., under the direction of Mr Thomas McKenzie, chief salvage officer.

The 27,000-ton Derfflinger lay, keel uppermost, with a list of 20 degs., in 150 feet of water in the part of Scapa Flow known as the Bring Deeps, between Cava and Hoy, and her salvage constituted the most difficult of the many arduous undertakings by the Scapa salvors. Similar to the Hindenburg, the Derfflinger was one of the newest vessels of  the High Seas Fleet. She is 700 feet long. Divers and men working inside the hull of the submerged ship encountered air pressures of over 50 lbs. per sq. inch.

The sixth scuttled German battleship to be raised at Scapa by Metal Industries, she is the last upon which salvage efforts will be attempted. As recently announced, Admiralty requirements at Scapa and at Rosyth, where the ships are broken up, will result in Metal Industries vacating their shore base at Lyness and part of their premises at Rosyth…..

1939 August 9 Orkney Herald


Glorious summer weather favoured Orkney Sailing Club on the occasion of their annual regatta in Kirkwall Bay on Saturday…..For all the sailing events a full-sail breeze was blowing from about east, and though finishing thrills were few, some magnificent racing was seen of the various legs of the course…..

The premier honours of the day were carried off by the Rousay yacht Esmeralda, owned and sailed by Mr Tom Sinclair. This craft lifted the silver cup and medal for 22ft. waterline boats, and the silver cup and medal for the all-comers’ race…..

Fourteen boats took part in the day’s racing, six of these being “invaders,” namely, the Kyno, Avalon, and Ira (Stromness), the Whitemaa (Finstown), the Annie (Longhope), and the Esmeralda (Rousay).

First of the races began at 12 o’clock, the race for the 22ft. class boats. Four boats were entered for this – the Esmeralda, Sea Imp, Mizpah and Vala. The course was a five-mile one, Kirkwall Pier to Scargun buoy, to a boat moored off Thieves’ Holm, and back to the pier.

Mizpah was first across the line, with Esmeralda, Sea Imp and Vala following in that order. On the way to Scargun Vala took the lead, but Esmeralda pulled up and was first around the buoy. Sea Imp beat Vala for second place round. On the beat to Thieves’ Holm, Esmeralda showed her quality by drawing ahead. Vala and Sea Imp had a great fight for second place, which ended with Vala going into the position of chief challenger to the Rousayman. Esmeralda was first round the Thieves’ Holm mark, with a good lead. Vala was second. Sea Imp was third, but was being rapidly overhauled by the Mizpah.

On the run home to Kirkwall Pier Vala made a fine challenge to the Esmeralda, and decreased the Rousay boat’s lead considerably. As she approached the finish the Rousay boat presented a fine sight. Carrying a load of canvas she was lying over at an angle of more than 45 degrees to the water. Vala crossed the finishing line not far behind the Esmeralda, and Mizpah sprang a surprise on the Sea Imp by coming up into third place…..

1939 August 16 Orkney Herald


Rousay Agricultural Society’s annual cattle show held last Tuesday in a field given for the occasion by Mr Robert Seatter, of Banks, was one of the most successful held in the island for many years.

Entries in all sections showed a considerable increase and the quality of the stock was well maintained. Rousay is practically the only show in the county to reveal an improvement in numbers this year, a fact which reflects great credit on the enthusiasm of the local exhibitors.

Once again the society was fortunate in having beautiful weather for their show, and throughout the day many spectators patronised the showyard. In close proximity to the cattle show was the Horticultural Society’s exhibition, which also helped to draw the crowds to Sourin.

A good number of visitors travelled to the show from Kirkwall in the Earl Sigurd, and were boated ashore, just below the showyard…..

The premier award of the show went to Mr John Craigie, Furse, for the championship in the horse sections, and the reserve ticket to Mr George Reid, Tratland. In the cattle section both the championship and reserve tickets were awarded to Mr Hugh Mainland, Hurtiso…..

At the close of the show there was a combined prize-giving, when the many handsome prizes of the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies were gracefully handed over by Mrs Walter G. Grant, Trumland House, who was cordially thanked for her services.

[There were two very long lists of prize winners – too many to mention I’m afraid, but I now include the after dinner speeches, and Horti-show judges comments]

The Dinner. – The official dinner held at the close of the day’s proceedings in Sourin School was under the auspices of both the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies. After an appetising repast had been served, Mr Robert Mainland, president of the Agricultural Society, proposed the health of the cattle show judges in a speech in which he complimented Messrs Wood and Learmonth on the very able way in which they had performed their task.

Replying, Mr James Wood [Garson, Sandwick] said it was his first time in Rousay in an official capacity, and he had enjoyed himself very much indeed. As for the quality of the stock placed before them, the tops, both in the horse and cattle classes were of a very high standard. The first three in the cross cows were fit to show at any local show. The yearling filly they had placed champion in the horses appeared to them a very nice animal, with Iots of promise about her, and they would be interested to know how she developed.

He would have expected to find a bigger exhibition of sheep in an island like Rousay, but the sheep before them were of good quality. He thanked the Society again for their hospitality.

Mr George Learmonth [Pow, Sandwick] associated himself with the remarks made by Mr Wood. He had enjoyed every minute of his day in Rousay, and had been much impressed by the stock set before them. He appreciated the quality of the cross cows, and the tops among the horses were really very good. Both the horses and the cattle were brought out in very good shape, but he thought the handling of the cattle might be improved. They had once had the same difficulty at Dounby, but they had been told that a good plan was to lead the cattle three times round the house the day before the show. They in Dounby had found that this was a good “cure” for too-lively cattle.

Concluding, Mr Learmonth spoke of the excellent way they had been treated by the Society during the day, and thanked the ladies who had looked after their needs so well.

Mr J. W. Grieve, on behalf of the Horticultural Society, thanked the horticultural and industrial judges for their work during the day, and asked the company to drink their health.

Mr Moncrieff and Miss McVicar replied and thanked the Horticultural Society for their hospitality during the day. Both spoke of the improvement in the sections they had judged, and gave comments on the quality of the exhibits.

The dinner concluded with votes of thanks to the chairman, and the ladies who had carried out the catering.


Rousay’s flowers, fruit, produce, and handiwork have seldom provided a better display than they did last Tuesday when the island’s Horticultural Society had their annual show in the Comrades’ Hall, Sourin. In all sections, except vegetables and industrial items, which showed a slight drop, there was an encouraging increase. Baking and dairy sections were particularly successful this year, and flowers made a brilliant show despite the bad season.

The occasion was favoured with lovely weather, and a large crowd of visitors from all parts of the island, as well as from Kirkwall and the mainland, attended in the course of the day…..

The show arrangements were carried out with notable efficiency by the following attendants: – Miss Mainland, Mrs Kirkness, Miss Kathleen Craigie, Mr J. W. Grieve, and Mr James Craigie, assisted by other members and official of the Society, with Mr John R. Linklater as secretary.

Judges Comments. – Miss McVicar (dairy produce) – “This section of the show is greatly improved since last year. It is a good display all over. Quality has improved, and there are much more entries. The hen eggs are splendid, the first prize-winner especially being lovely eggs.

“Among the preserves the gooseberry jam was the biggest entry and, perhaps, the most difficult to judge. Marmalade was a good class. The best pot of preserves, however, was a pot of gooseberry jelly.

“There has been a big improvement in the butter class, due to the fact that the Society has instituted champion and “amateur” sections. There have been as a result more entries than last year, and the quality is very good. Cheese was also very good, and difficult to judge.”

Mr Moncrieff (baking) – “Baking is a big section compared to what it was when I was here two years ago. Fruit cakes and currant loaves were predominant among the entries, and both these classes were really splendid. Every exhibit was a good one and it was very difficult, especially in the currant loaves, to distinguish what was best.

“Bere scones and queen cakes were about the biggest entry of the lot. Fancy baking showed a big increase, and the quality of both fancy and plain baking was exceptionally good. I can quite truthfully say that in the baking section of the show there was a tremendous improvement from the last time I was here.”

Mr Sclater (fruit, flowers and vegetables) – “The flowers, fruit and vegetables were on the whole a very creditable show. Vegetables were not quite so many or quite so good as they were last year, but the flowers were very good indeed, considering the season. I was very pleased with the winning bowl of cut flowers. It was a very fine exhibit. The children’s display was pleasing, and among the annuals escholtzias were outstanding.”

Mrs Sclater (handiwork) – “The industrial section was a very fine display, and the exhibits showed much skill, and there was evidence that a great deal of time and care had been taken with them. The best of the exhibits was a gentleman’s white pullover, but it was a very good display on the whole.”

[A long and comprehensive list of prize-winners followed the judge’s comments…..]

1939 September 6 Orkney Herald




Britain declared war upon Germany at II a.m. on Sunday. This step was taken following Germany’s invasion of Poland on Friday morning and the Reich’s failure to reply within the specified time to Britain’s ultimatum that unless Germany withdrew her forces from Polish territory Britain would without hesitation fulfil her obligations to Poland.

First act of the war between Britain and Germany was the torpedoing of the 13,000-ton Glasgow liner Athenia 200 miles west of the Hebrides.

On Sunday afternoon the King approved of the establishment of a British War Cabinet similar to that set up in December 1916. The principal ministerial change is the introduction of Mr Winston Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty, the post which he held at the outbreak of the Great War. Mr Anthony Eden becomes Secretary of State for the Dominions. Though not actually on the War Cabinet, he will be afforded special access to it.



Churches throughout Orkney on Sunday concerned themselves almost exclusively with the European calamity, and Britain’s declaration of war on Nazi Germany. In their addresses and their prayers, ministers interceded on behalf of Britain’s cause, and asked the Divine blessing that the principles for which this country had entered the conflict would prevail.

Despite the attraction of wireless sets with their hour by hour news of the grim trend of events, people throughout the county turned to the churches for comfort and guidance…..



Rev. G. Arthur Fryer, M.A., B.Sc., C.A.G.S., minister of St. Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, is to give instructional lectures on A.R.P. work in Stromness and Kirkwall on Sunday first. The lectures will deal with the proper use of civilian gas-masks, and other important matters.

Notice is urgently drawn to these lectures as they may not be repeated. The Kirkwall lecture will take place in Paterson Church at 12.30 p.m., and the Stromness lecture at 3 p.m., in St Peter’s Church. Every adult civilian should make a special effort to attend one or other of these lectures. They are not for children, who should be instructed by their parents or guardians. It is essential, however, that all responsible persons, and in particular all householders, should know what to do in case of an air raid. The lectures will last about an hour.



One of Canada’s most distinguished Orcadians is the Rev. Dr John G. Inkster, minister of Knox Church, Toronto. Dr Inkster is a native of Rousay, with which he still has many close connections. Recently, it was announced in Toronto newspapers, Dr Inkster has left Canada to undertake a six months’ pastorate in New Zealand. With his wife, he sailed from New York on August 22nd. Though he is to return to Toronto, Dr Inkster has now given up active ministry, after 36 years of unsparing labour. Of this period, he has been 18 years as pastor of Knox Church.

After his visit to New Zealand, Dr and Mrs Inkster may pay a visit to Orkney, before returning to Canada. It is not many years ago, as will be remembered, that Dr Inkster paid a previous very successful visit to his native county and island…..

At 72 Dr Inkster is one of Toronto’s most active clergy and one of the outstanding figures in the city’s religious affairs. In his early days in Toronto he was prominent in debating, literary and sporting circles. He is a close friend of Mr Mackenzie King, the Canadian Prime Minister.

In his eighteen years at Knox Church, Dr Inkster has had a fine record. He has performed 611 marriages and 628 baptisms. Close on 2000 had joined his church by certificate, and another 1125 by profession of faith. When he came to Knox Church, the congregation numbered 500. Now it is 1700. He has regularly preached six sermons a week, and in his ministry at Knox has preached over 5000 sermons in all. On the pastoral side, he has averaged 30 visits a day to members of his flock.

Though he has definitely retired as minister in charge of Knox Church, he will have many other duties on his return from New Zealand.

Dr Inkster’s ambition is to complete 50 years of preaching, and judging from his energy and enthusiasm the odds are on that ambition being achieved.

1939 September 13 Orkney Herald

ON THE FARMS. – While political circles are seething under the thunder of war, the peace of the countryside is still undisturbed. Farmers and their men are remarkably calm, and are quietly and efficiently carrying out the great task of harvesting. During war the farmer swings into the limelight. His position only then becomes appreciated. Most townspeople have “roots” in the country. As a result, they can help on farms which they know, and thus prove beneficial to their country. Crops are good this year, and the harvest will be a much better one than last year’s. Work is carried on much more easily, owing to the good condition of the crops, and modern machinery can be used to great advantage.

1939 October 18 Orkney Herald


The British Navy sustained its second heavy blow of the war when, on Saturday, it was reported by the Admiralty that the battleship Royal Oak had been sunk by what was believed to be enemy submarine action. Lists of names of survivors issued total 414, so that almost 800 men have been lost. The battleship had a complement of 1200 officers and men…..

[Strict censorship and rules regarding the release of sensitive information meant that the press were not able to release the fact that the Royal Oak was in Scapa Flow at the time. It was officially revealed for the first time a few days later by Winston Churchill in the House of Commons. The battleship was torpedoed by the German submarine U-47. The raid made an immediate celebrity and war hero out of the U-boat commander, Günther Prien, who became the first German submarine officer to be awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross. Before the sinking of Royal Oak, the Royal Navy had considered the naval base at Scapa Flow impregnable to submarine attack, but U-47’s raid demonstrated that the German navy was capable of bringing the war to British home waters. The shock resulted in rapid changes to dockland security and the construction of the Churchill Barriers around Scapa Flow. Of Royal Oak’s complement of 1,234 men and boys, 835 were killed that night or died later of their wounds.]


Kirkwall had its first air-raid warnings of the war on Saturday, when no fewer than three were given. Though several warnings had already been received in the district, these were the first that have actually been given in the town.

The sirens sounded first at 7.30 in the morning, but the alarm was a short one, the all-clear being given some five minutes later. The second alarm occurred at 10.15 a.m., and was of longer duration. It was nearly half an hour before the all-clear was sounded. The final warning was given at 6 p.m., and lasted some 15 minutes.

No enemy aircraft was seen over the town at any time, however, and no gun-fire was heard.

Kirkwall took the alarms calmly. The early-morning signal caused the biggest thrill though few people were about at the time. The siren’s “fluctuating” wail sounded clearly through the town and outskirts, and gave many inhabitants a rude awakening. People who were in the streets at the time made their way indoors or proceeded to an air-raid shelter. This warning, as has been said, was a short one, the all-clear – a continuous note of the sirens – being heard in a few minutes.

One result of the first alarm was that most workers took their gas-masks with them when they left their homes. Some employers sent home members of their staffs for their respirators in cases where they had not brought them along.

Large numbers of folk were about the streets when the forenoon and evening warnings were given. Again everybody showed admirable self-control, and got under cover in orderly fashion. Policemen, air-raid wardens, and special constables were on duty, advising, instructing, and directing. Children were taken into houses and escorted to air-raid shelters. Outside workers took cover until the all-clear was sounded. Inside workers went on working.

At no time was there any running about. Kirkwall may he said to have behaved admirably in its first “test.” The 6 o’clock warning was, in fact, received not only calmly, but even casually. Many people did not even condescend to let it interrupt their tea.

It was noticed in some cases, particularly during the first warning, that a number of people did not appreciate the difference between the warning signal and the all-clear. The warning is a fluctuating – or rising and falling – note, whereas the all-clear is a continuous note on the same pitch. In any case, the second signal given may always be assumed to be the all-clear.


This forenoon (Tuesday) has been an exciting one for Kirkwall, with three air raid warnings in quick succession. The first warning was given at 10.20, and was the longest yet received in the town. It was an hour and a quarter before the all-clear was sounded.

During this alarm gunfire was heard, and Kirkwall people state that they saw enemy aircraft in the vicinity. At the time of going to press, however, no official announcement has been issued.

During the alarm streets were cleared in orderly fashion. A number of shops closed until the all-clear. At Kirkwall Grammar School, local children were sent home. Country pupils were accommodated in the school’s air-raid shelter. The all-clear sounded between 25 and 20 minutes to 12.

At 12 noon another warning was given, but it was short, the all-clear signal being given in ten minutes. At 12.45 there was another warning, which is still in progress at the time of writing. Gunfire was again heard.

EVIE – NO PITCH-BLACK NIGHTS. – Since the black-out came into force, the countryside has been very fortunate in that nights have been unusually bright. “Macfarlane’s lantern” – the moon – has been marvellously radiant, seldom obscuring itself under cloud, but straining, purposely, as it were, to cast its lustre on the earth and compensate for the darkened conditions. In the absence of the moon, there have been beautiful nights of stars, major planets swelling the mighty heavenly host when sea and land were lightened. And, not least, brilliant displays of aurora have illumed the landscape, and shown up the pathways. Getting about has therefore presented no difficulty so far.

1939 November 1 Orkney Herald

BEWARE ON THE SEASHORE. – The Admiralty announce that in present circumstances it is most dangerous to touch any apparatus found washed ashore on account of the possibility that it may be an enemy mine or torpedo or other containers liable to explode. The finder should report the matter to the nearest police station so that steps can be taken to assure its safe removal.

1939 November 22 Orkney Herald



Three German planes, it is reported, were seen over the Orkneys this (Tuesday) forenoon. Air-raid sirens were sounded in Kirkwall at 10 o’clock. Children were dismissed from school and the air-raid wardens and special constables went on duty.

A large number of people saw a black German plane flying in a northerly direction between Kirkwall and Wideford Hill. It was travelling very fast, observers stated, and its height was not more than 3000 feet.

Another two planes were reported to be seen at Stronsay and other parts of the North Isles. No gunfire was heard from Kirkwall, and there is no official statement so far as to whether British planes pursued the raiders. No bombs were dropped. The air raid warning lasted three-quarters of an hour, and the all-clear sirens sounded in Kirkwall at 10.45.

EVIE – SEASON AND WORK. – The clocks have been again put back, and the reverting to Greenwich mean has curtailed the afternoons considerably, making a much longer night. Days will now shorten rapidly as they approach their limit, and we are going to be in for a dark, cheerless time. The outside now is not inviting. Chill November blows o’er the land, and the fields are wet and lifeless. Farm work is mostly centred round the steading these days, the staff being kept busy feeding all the livestock, threshing, cleaning up, and doing many odd jobs. Work on the land can stand still for a time, as ploughing is far advanced. Never has one seen so many autumn-ploughed fields, the result of continued fine weather after the finish of an exceptionally early harvest.

1939 December 13 Orkney Herald

ORKNEY WAR CHARITIES – ENTHUSIASTIC RESPONSE TO APPEALS. – Particulars of donations to Orkney War Charities are given below, and the Conveners of the Women’s Voluntary Services and Orkney War Charities Association wish to express their warmest thanks to all members of the S.W.R.I. branches and church guilds who willingly assisted in making the door-to-door collections for war charities purposes and to make comforts for the Forces. A few returns have not yet come to hand. These will be included in next month’s report.

This is a statement of the work accomplished by the various work parties in Orkney since the movement started. As readers will realise, this report covers only the commencement of the work.

Large quantities of material and wool have recently been distributed. Much work has been held up owing to the difficulty of procuring wool for knitting. Our members are so eager to knit and sew that many more garments will be made now that supplies are forthcoming. The enthusiasm for making comforts will be unabated during the winter months.

Thanks are also due to all who have made gifts in kind, as these are greatly appreciated…..

[A list of financial donations followed – Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre’s contribution amounting to £19 12s 0d.]

THE LIFEBOAT’S WORK AT WAR. – The principle article in the current issue of “The Lifeboat,” the journal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, is on the lifeboat service and the war. It recalls the great record of the service in the last war, when over 5,300 lives were rescued from shipwreck round our shores, and over 180 boats and vessels saved from destruction. The first two months of the present war show that the lifeboats will again play a very important past in national defence. From the 3rd September to the end of October, lifeboats were launched 156 times, and rescued 213 lives. That is 26 lives a week, over twice as many as the average of eleven lives a week rescued since the lifeboat service was established 115 years ago. The lifeboat service is carrying on in face of new dangers at sea, and in spite of many difficulties, for both the Navy and the Army have taken important members of its staff.

1939 December 20 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – EARL HAIG FUND. – Miss [Kathleen] Gibson, Frotoft School, has received a letter from the committee of the Scottish Branch of the Earl Haig Fund. They acknowledge with thanks the sum of £4 14s 8d, collected in Rousay by the school children who sold poppies. In Sourin District £1 15s 6d was collected, 19s in Wasbister District and £2 0s 2d in Frotoft and Brinian districts.

PRESENTATION TO NURSE SHAW. – A pleasing little ceremony took place at Bellona, on Saturday afternoon, when a deputation, consisting of five members of the Nursing Association Committee, called on Nurse Shaw to make her a presentation. Those present were Rev. R. R. Davidson, West Manse (president), Mrs Corsie, Glebe, Mrs Moar, Saviskaill, Miss Inkster, Cogar, and Miss K. Gibson, Hullion (secretary). In making the presentation, Miss Gibson said that they were all sorry to lose Nurse Shaw. She had done her work faithfully and well during the time she had been in Rousay. When it was learned that Nurse was leaving the island, Association members expressed a desire to show their gratitude for services rendered. With some of the money subscribed, a nurse’s gold watch was purchased, and the secretary now asked Nurse Shaw to accept it along with a wallet of Treasury notes. The other members of the deputation associated themselves with Miss Gibson’s remarks, and wished Nurse Shaw the best of luck and happiness in her new post. In replying, Nurse Shaw thanked the Association warmly for their generous gifts. She said she had always longed for just such a watch. Now she would be reminded of Rousay, Egilshay and Wyre daily, as she went about her work. The watch was supplied by Mr J. Kemp, jeweller, Kirkwall, and bears the following inscription: – “Presented to Nurse M. Shaw by R.E. & W.N.A., 18th Dec. 1939.”

1939 December 27 Orkney Herald

ORKNEY’S MERRY CHRISTMAS DESPITE OF BLACK-OUT. – Orkney spent a merry Christmas in spite of Hitler and the black-out. All over the county Yuletide functions were held as usual, and for this week-end at least the war took second place in everybody’s thoughts. Christmas presents, Christmas cards, Christmas parties, Christmas puddings, Christmas carols and Santa Claus – these were the things that mattered, and fortunately they were enjoyed in freedom from air-raid sirens.

If Orcadians had a good Christmas, the season was no less enjoyable for the county’s additional population of Servicemen and Servicewomen. Everything was done by their own organisations and by the Orkney people to make their Christmas a happy one, and from appearances it was evident that members of H.M. Forces within the bounds of the county had, on the whole, a week-end scarcely less cheery than that of their pals who were lucky enough to be on leave. Many Orkney Servicemen were able to get home for the festive season.

There were a large number of Christmas Day functions in Kirkwall, most of which were principally for the benefit of the Services, though civilians were able to participate to a certain extent.

All churches held special Christmas services, which were very well attended. Kirkwall Salvation Army Corps members braved the black-out to embark on carol-singing expeditions, which were greatly appreciated.

Kirkwall’s Christmas Day was notable for the absence of the street ba’ games, banned by the Town Council on account of war-time conditions. As a consequence the streets had a strangely deserted appearance, the comment, which practically everybody made – “What a miss the ba’ is.” The many strangers in town regretted missing this Kirkwall “novelty.”

The Brinian

The Johnstons of Trumland Farm


Margaret Green

The Johnstons had farmed Crook, Rendall, for three generations – but soon after the First World War the farm was sold from under them. They had to find another tenancy and moved to Trumland – James Halcro Johnston, his wife Maggie, his two unmarried sisters Maggie and Clara (who lived at the Old Mill) and three teenage children, Bobby, James William, and Violet.

James Halcro Johnston and his wife Maggie
James William Johnston with his aunts, Clara (left) and Maggie

James took great pride in exhibiting livestock at the annual Rousay Agricultural Society Show. In 1926 he won a number of prizes in all classes of cattle, but it was his Clydesdale mare which won him the highest accolade – the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland’s medal for Best Mare in Yard. Below is a cuting from the Orkney Herald describing the event, and a photo of the actual medal – courtesy of Signy Spence, James’ great-great granddaughter.

Margaret Green, daughter of James William and his wife Johan, has been kind enough to submit the following for inclusion on Rousay Remembered:-

This is James William’s story. Passages in italics are verbatim from his 90th birthday speech:-

My father had a strong musical bent.  He played the fiddle at the local dances. He led the praise in church where there was no organ.  He could strike the key of his tuning fork and read the tonic sol-fa at a glance.  He participated in the concerts in aid of the Red Cross during the war, and my Uncle Jamie once told me he could be heard whistling all day long in the fields.  He was a man of very deep feeling, and always in tears when I was leaving home in later life.

Hay time at Trumland, 1939.  James on the left, sons Bobby centre and James William closest to the camera, and young Margaret standing.
Landing sheep at Hullion pier

My mother put in a great deal of work. She milked twice a day and made butter and cheese and very often was out helping in the fields.

The children had been at Rendall School.

I got on reasonably well at school.  It was a 2 teacher school, with a kind lady for the infants.  The headmaster was an alcoholic who for this reason was probably forced to look for a small school in Orkney.  He was from Dundee and for a time had sailed abroad.  But 2 days every month he was quite drunk and very rarely in school.  But he was a clever little man and made up for it when sober. 

(I think the Rendall teacher must have been an interesting man; he was liable to illustrate a geography lesson with such words as “I remember, as we steamed into Valparaiso…..”.)

I had a turn of good luck in my last year in Rendall primary school.  At that time there was an exam for primary schools in Orkney and Shetland.  I sat this exam and was lucky enough to be 2nd in the county.  When the minister who had supervised in the exam came to Crook with the prize he told my father that it was on condition that the winner went on for higher education.  The nearest school was Kirkwall Grammar School 16 miles away.  So I had to stay in digs.

There was of course no hostel at KGS in those days and the digs were pretty grim. For 5 shillings a week they got bed and light (a candle), no heat of course, and “something from the pot” – a share of the family meal. Breakfast was tea and bread, lunch was two caraway biscuits. The boys were often hungry. James William would cycle home to Rendall at the weekends and his mother would feed him up and send some food back with him.

All went well for two years but in the first term of his 3rd year there came the upheaval of the move to Rousay. There was no way he could commute to Kirkwall, he left school and started to work alongside his brother and sister on the farm.  But the next summer the family had a visitor from Canada, a relative of James’s mother, Ann Wood, who was from Wyre.  He was a man of some education who had made good in Canada (Do we know who this is? William Wood possibly? MG) He took an interest in the boy, particularly when Aunt Maggie showed him some of JWJ’s essays, and when he got back home he wrote to James saying “This boy should be in school”. So back he went.

When I arrived at school after this long absence the headmaster Dr Marwick was stunned.  He told me to go to my old class meantime until he made up his mind what to do with me.  But he forgot and I struggled along in class all 4th year.  Then in the 5th year the Highers were due and I was allowed to sit them.  I got Higher English and History, Higher Maths, Higher Chemistry and Physics and Lower Latin.  So I got my Highers in 4 years.  When Dr Marwick  came in with the results he didn’t say well done, he said “Johnston, you lucky dog.

(Dr Marwick incidentally introduced a lifelong love of poetry; in old age JWJ always enjoyed a good quoting match).

There was no question of going home every weekend. Sometimes he would go home with school friends, sometimes to relations on the Mainland. But he used to tell a story of going home to Rousay, cycling, presumably to Evie, lighting a fire of dry seaweed on the shore and watching the boatman across the water, who had to stop ploughing and unharness the horses before coming down the field and setting out to fetch him. A slow business.

In the holidays there was plenty to do in Rousay.  Working on the farm was expected, but he also had a go at painting in water colours, tutored by John Logie.

One of James William’s superb paintings, showing the steamer arriving at Trumland pier

In the evenings the young folk would sometimes commandeer a fiddler and start an impromptu dance.  Summer visitors joined in, including sisters Jessie and Nan from Aberdeen who came up every year, their mother was a Sabiston of Wyre ancestry and sister of Bab Harrold.   And eventually, after keeping up with the family in Aberdeen, James William married Nan in the island’s only double wedding on July 26th 1933.

Samuel James Inkster was the son of John Inkster and Jane Irvine, Woo. Violet Johnston was the daughter of James Halcro Johnston, Crook, Rendall, and Margaret Ritch, Binaquoy, Firth, later Trumland Farm. They were involved in Rousay’s only double wedding, for on the same day, July 26th 1933, Violet’s brother James William Johnston married Johan [Nan] Johnston Leslie at Trumland church. Johan’s parents were monumental mason George Gerrard Leslie and Johann Johnston Sabiston, Aberdeen, who was a sister of George Harrold’s wife Barbara Sabiston, and having been a regular visitor to Rousay on holiday since childhood. At the time of the double wedding 27-year-old Sammy was farming the land at Wasdale and 23-year-old Violet was employed as a housemaid. James William was a 26-year-old research worker, living at Strathcona House, Aberdeen, and Johan, also 26 years of age, a ‘clerkess,’ living at Bedford Place in the same city. The ceremonies were conducted by the Reverend Robert R. Davidson, and the witnesses were Sammy’s brother Tommy Inkster, and Isabella Craigie of the Sourin school house, and Robert Ritch Johnston and Robina Ann Johnston, Testaquoy, Wyre.

Front row, from left: 1 George Leslie, Aberdeen, father of Nan. 2 James Johnston, Trumland Farm. 3 Margaret Johnston, Trumland Farm. 4 Mrs Johann Leslie, Aberdeen. 5 Bridesmaid, Isabel Grieve, Fa’doon. 6 Groom, Sammy Inkster, Wasdale. 7 Bride, Violet Johnston, Trumland Farm. 8 Flower girl, Marian Ritch, Aberdeen, a cousin of Violet. 9 Rev. Robert R Davidson. 10 Bride, Johan [Nan] Leslie, Aberdeen. 11 Groom, James William Johnston, Trumland Farm. 12 Flower girl, Joyce Ford, Aberdeen, daughter of Nan’s sister. 13 Bridesmaid, Ina Johnston, Testaquoy, Wyre. 14 John Inkster, Woo. 15 Jean Inkster, Woo. 16 Seated on grass, front left: Best man, Tommy Inkster, Woo . 17 Seated on grass, front right: Best man, Bobby Johnston, Trumland.

Second row: 1 Maggie Johnston. 2 Mr Fraser,  Feavel,  Birsay.  3  Mrs  Fraser,  Feavel. 4 Jessie Donaldson, Vacquoy. 5 George Harrold, Russness, Wyre. 6 Barbara Harrold, Russness, Wyre. 7 Jeck Yorston, Drydale, Stromness. 8 Bella Yorston, Drydale. 9 Violet Ritch, Kierfold, Sandwick. 10 Eliza Ritch, Myrtledene, Sandwick. 11 ?. 12 Maggie Jean Ritch, wife of Jamie Ritch and mother of Violet’s flower girl.  .

Third row: 1 Clara Johnston [half hidden]. 2 ?. 3 Edda Mainland, Cott. 4 ?. 5 Bella Johnston, Trumland. 6 ?. 7 Lily Fraser, Feaval, Birsay. 8 Louisa  Ritch,  Braehead,  Holm. 9 Anna Mathieson, Sourin Manse . 10 Jessie  Ford,  Aberdeen,  sister  of  Nan and mother of Nan’s flower girl. 11  Tina  Craigie  nee  Mathieson,  Wasbister  School. 12 Peggy Marwick, Ronaldsay. 13 Elsie Shearer, Curquoy, later Housegarth, Sandwick. 14 Jeannie Harcus, Knapper.

Fourth/back row: 1 ?. 2 Jim Craigie, Deithe. 3 ?. 4 Ronnie Shearer, Curquoy. 5 Thelma Shearer, Curquoy. 6 Bill Flaws, Hammerfield. 7 John Cormack, Witchwood. 8 David Craigie, Trumland. 9 Jamie Ritch, the youngest of the Ritch brothers, father of  flower girl. 10 Willie Inkster, Woo. 11 Sandy Donaldson, Vacquoy. 12 Angus Harcus, Knapper. 13

George and Bab Harrold with niece Nan
Violet and Sammy Inkster with daughter Maureen at Trumland

James William went on to Aberdeen University in 1926 to do a BSc (Agri) and on graduation got a job at the Rowett Nutrition Research Institute, then just outside Aberdeen, where he ended up in charge of the poultry department of the attached farm.

Unfortunately the war came in 1939 and it was decided that experimental work would have to be wound up.  So I found myself without a job and with a wife and children in a tied house.  Many people found themselves in a similar situation.  In a desperate moment I offered on a small farm, Greenlands, in Fintray, and was allowed entry in May 1941.  So with a month’s salary in my pocket I bought 20 tons of ware potatoes, cut them up and planted 14 acres.  Luckily there was a small subsidy put on to grow a potato crop that year. 

After struggling through the war he developed a good business selling day old chicks all over the north east (and by plane to Orkney) and when that failed due to the entry of the big firms from the south he moved on to beef cattle and in particular to the Aberdeen Angus Society.

James William’s obituary, printed in The Herald, Scotland’s edition of September 21st 2001, gives further details of his life and times:-

James William Johnston, Honorary president
of Aberdeen-Angus breeders.

Retired farmer and poultry expert James Johnston, 94, farmed at Newton of Fintray, near Aberdeen, for more than 50 years.

Orkney-born Mr Johnston – known to his relatives in the Orkney tradition as James-William and to his friends as Jimmy – hit the headlines in 1951 when his cross-bred heifer, Kilmeny, won the butchers’ cattle championship at the Scottish National Fatstock Show in Edinburgh and went on to win the reserve supreme championship at the Royal Smithfield Show at Earls Court, London.

Second Cross Heifer “Kilmeny”, winner of the Meiklejohn Challenge Trophy for the best Butchers’ Beast at Scottish National Fat Stock Show. First Prize, Breed Champion, Female Champion, and Reserve Supreme Champion at Smithfield Fat Stock Show 1951. Bred by Gordon Cameron, Hillhead Mornish, Ballindalloch. Exhibited by James W. Johnston, Newton of Fintray, by Dyce, Aberdeenshire.
Weight 13 cwts. 2 qrs. 4 lbs. at 2 years 7 months 26 days. – Photo courtesy of Signy Spence

He was born in 1907 in a small, two-roomed cottage on the farm of Crook, Rendall, Orkney, where his family had been tenants since 1840, and moved to Trumland on the island of Rousay in 1922 when his father took on the Home Farm.

After being awarded equal first prize in the Orkney and Shetland Scholarship, he went to school in Kirkwall and then to Aberdeen University where he graduated BSc in agriculture.

Following his graduation, he joined the Rowett Research Institute at Bucksburn as a research worker and carried out an important research project on fowl paralysis which was a major scourge of the poultry industry at that time.

He set up an isolation unit at the Rowett and established that fowl paralysis was a transmissible disease which could be prevented through hygiene and isolation. His findings were published in a paper in the British Veterinary Record.

With wartime cutbacks in research causing considerable uncertainty, he took the lease of Greenlands Farm at Fintray – moving from a comfortable modern house at the Rowett to a house with neither running water nor electricity.

He established an incubator in a shed behind the Banks of Ury Hotel, Inverurie, and built up a business supplying day-old chicks to farmers throughout the north-east – a business which continued for many years.

He bought the adjoining farm of Newton in 1945 and, after being captivated by the view on the south side of Newton Wood, built a house there in 1948 which was his home until he was taken into hospital a few weeks ago.

Apart from his poultry business, his main interest was the bringing on and showing of fatstock, and he also built up a herd of pure-bred Aberdeen-Angus cattle.

At the time of his death, he was honorary president of the North East Aberdeen-Angus Breeders’ Club, in whose activities he had taken a keen and active interest since the club’s foundation in 1972.

He was a regular at the mart at Thainstone, Inverurie, and, along with the late Jim Maitland and the late Willie Lawson, comprised a trio who met for lunch at the mart every Friday and were affectionately known as ”The Last of the Summer Wine”.

ANM Group marketing manager and A-A club secretary Eddie Gillanders, said Mr Johnston would be sadly missed by all his friends at the mart and in the Aberdeen-Angus world.

”Jimmy was a much-loved figure who was always keen to encourage the younger generation and give them the benefit of his long experience,” said Mr Gillanders.

Despite colour blindness, he was naturally artistic and in his younger days painted watercolours which still hang in the homes of friends and family.

Two more examples of James William’s expertise with the brush – his sister Violet baking in Trumland farm kitchen, and the rugged cliffs of Scabra Head and the Hole o’ the Horse

A fondness for poetry stayed with him from school days although – as an Orcadian rather than a Scot – Keats, Shelley, or Wordsworth were more to his taste than Robert Burns.

Mr Johnston was predeceased some years ago by his wife, Nan, whom he married in Rousay in 1933. He is survived by his sons, Robin, who recently retired from Ross Poultry, Hal, an actor currently appearing in the stage musical Fame in London’s West End, and daughter, Margaret, who lives in Coventry. He had seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Much later, mid 1950s.  Tammo Sinclair crossing Jo Grimond, and letting my younger brother Hal have a go at the tiller.

Margaret tells us about James William’s older brother Bobby:-

Bobby was born in 1905. He was said to be very clever but not interested in education; he couldn’t wait to be out working on the farm. He was a stockman at heart, first with the Clydesdales, then with cattle and in his later years he bred Shetland ponies. He was a big man, loud and joking and a born raconteur – he could make a story out of anything. He married Bella Cursiter in 1934; unfortunately they had no children. Bella died in 1959 and he later married Sadie the widow of Billo Gibson. He died in 1971 at the age of 66.

Bobby showing off medals and cups…..
…..his sense of humour…..
…..and a young Clydesdale
Bringing in the kye for milking
Showing his Shetland ponies to visitors above Trumland House

In Print

Newsprint – 1938

1938 January 1 Aberdeen Press & Journal

DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION IN ORKNEY. – Dr Hugh Marwick, Orkney’s director of education, who has been honoured with the O.B.E., is an outstanding Scottish educationist. A native of Rousay, he graduated M.A. in 1909 and D.Litt. in 1926 at Edinburgh University. He was headmaster of Kirkwall Secondary School from 1914 until 1929, when he received his present appointment. A devoted student of archaeology, he is the author of a number of important antiquarian articles.

1938 January 26 Orkney Herald


Gusts of 100 miles per hour, the highest ever recorded in Orkney, were registered at Kirkwall Meteorological Station during the gale which swept the county on Saturday night and Sunday morning.

From every district come reports of widespread damage, of innumerable stacks and henhouses overturned, of roofs stripped and of telegraph wires down, but one of the most amazing features of the gale is the small amount of really serious damage left in its track – so far as Orkney is concerned, at any rate.

The wind velocity at midnight was 43 m.p.h. This rose rapidly till at 2 a.m. a gust of 75 m.p.h. was recorded. A gust of 97 m.p.h. was recorded 15 minutes later, and the peak strength was reached at 2.45 a.m. with 100 m.p.h. From that point the wind gradually fell away till it died down altogether on Sunday afternoon…..

Few farms remained scathless There was scarcely one which did not suffer overturned stacks or henhouses. On one farm as many as fourteen stacks had to be rebuilt and from Shapinsay comes the story of a henhouse blown out to sea.

In Kirkwall a number of empty barrels were blown off the pier and drifted ashore at the Mount. One small boat broke adrift in the basin, but was not seriously damaged. The roof of a large shelter at Kirkwall Gas Works was removed bodily and hurled, intact, for some distance.

Some anxiety was felt for a 12-year-old boy, who had not returned to his home at Orquil at a late hour. Searchers found him clinging to a fence, almost buffeted and breathless, unable to make headway against the wind.

A motorist, stranded on the Stromness road at 2 a.m. on Sunday owing to engine trouble, found the hurricane a distinct advantage, for his disabled car was bowled along before the wind, as far as Finstown, at 20 m.p.h. It’s an ill wind…..

[Nothing from Rousay, or indeed Evie – but there was a wee snippet or two from….]

WYRE. – A storm of short duration but unusual severity was felt on early Sunday morning, states a message from Wyre. Stackyards suffered most, several stacks being blown over. Wooden henhouses were also smashed to pieces. Some houses had slates stripped. The gale was south-westerly at first, later becoming westerly.

WYRE. – Farm Work is far advanced for this time of year. Most of the lea land is ploughed, and about half of the stubble land.

1938 February 2 Orkney Herald

NATURE’S FIREWORKS. – The finest display of “Merry Dancers” (Aurora Borealis) seen in Orkney for many years took place on last Tuesday evening. An unusual feature was the amount of glowing red colour showing principally in the west and north west. Through the rosy glow shafts of pale green light weaved and danced.

FIRTH – WEATHER. – The weather for the past week has continued very changeable, at times very wild. Strong winds have been experienced, accompanied by terrific showers of sleet and hail. On several occasions thunder has been heard, and flashes of lightning after dark have been seen on many evenings. The brilliant display of “Merry Dancers” was seen to advantage last Tuesday night, and much admired by many here. Not for long have we seen such a beautiful picture. More than one resident in our village witnessed for the first time in their lives the mysterious Aurora Borealis, and were enthralled with the beauty of the phenomenon.

SOUTH-RONALDSAY – NORTHERN LIGHTS. – An exceptionally fine display of the Aurora Borealis was witnessed  here on Tuesday evening for over two hours. About half past six, a great bank of red appeared in the west with white beams shooting up to the zenith. In the east the sky was very bright, with banks of green here and there, and soon all the sky from the west and east to the south was a mass of changing red, green and the usual white light of the aurora. At times the light was as good as that of a full moon. This was the finest display of the Northern Lights seen here for over thirty years.

1938 February 9 Orkney Herald


STOCK. – 2 Half-grown Garron Mares (both 4 years old and supposed in foal), Half-Garron Horse (3 years old), Horses all about 15 hands high; 2 Cows in milk, Two-year-old Stot in forward condition, 2 one-year-olds, 2 Calves, 4 Ewes in Lamb, 2 Tups, Sow, 9 Young Pigs, 2 Feeding Pigs.

IMPLEMENTS. – 2 Box Carts, Fanners, set Iron Harrows, S.T. Harrows, “Albion” Reaper, Scuffler, Plough, 2 Henhouses, Boat (9 feet keel), Blacksmith’s Vice, Taps and Dies, Potatoes.

FURNITURE, &c. – “Singer” Sewing Machine, “Tilly” Lamp, Tables, Chairs, Bookcase, Box Bed, Washstand, “New Lister” Cream Separator, E.O. Churn, Pails, Books, and a variety of other articles.

Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. – Five months’ credit on approved bills for sums of £5 and upwards, or discount thereon for cash. – s.s. Earl Sigurd leaves Kirkwall Pier at 7 a.m. on morning of Sale, returning immediately after sale.



Square-stern Boat 10½ feet keel; A.J.S. Motor Cycle, O.H.V. and Sidecar; 6 h.p. Engine; Band Saw (wood frame); “Triumph” Motor Cycle without Engine; some Morgan Car Wheels. – T. SMITH PEACE, Auctioneer.

1938 February 23 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – SERVCE OF PRAISE. – On Sunday, 13th February, in the Ritchie Church, the third of a series of services of praise was held. Rev R. R. Davidson, M.A., officiated, and Mrs Paterson presided at the organ. To the choir, trained and conducted by Miss Florence M. Pexton, is due much credit for the manner in which the members persevered by attending practices under very adverse weather conditions, but they were amply rewarded by the creditable manner in which they rendered their pieces. The following list of praise was enjoyed by an appreciative congregation: – Psalm 145, tune “Wareham,” congregation; Psalm 24, tune “St George’s, Edinburgh,” choir; hymn, “Still the Night,” choir; Psalm 100, tune “Zion’s Temple,” choir; solo, “Nearer my God to Thee,” Miss Pexton; hymn, “Thou Hidden Love,” choir; Psalm 133, tune “Eastgate,” choir; hymn, “Jesus, lover of my soul,” congregation; male trio, “My Times are in Thy Hands,” Messrs R. Inkster, W. Grieve and J. Craigie; hymn, “Be still my soul,” choir; Psalm 23, tune “Orlington,” choir; ladies’ quartette, Paraphrase 43, tune “Stracathro,” Mrs Gibson, Mrs Grieve, Miss Sutherland and Miss K. Craigie; Paraphrase 65, tune “Desert,” choir; hymn, “Abide with me,” choir. An inspiring address appropriate to the occasion was delivered by the Rev R. R. Davidson, based upon the text from Mark xiv. 26, “And when they had sung a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives.” At the close Mr Davidson thanked Miss Pexton for having generously given her services in forming a choir. He also expressed the wish that the choir would continue to give assistance at the praise in the House of God. Thanks were also expressed to Mrs Paterson for the efficient manner in which she presided at the organ, and also to Mr R. Inkster, to whom is due the credit of having first conceived the idea of the service of praise and whose enthusiastic support helped to make the service a success.

1938 March 2 Orkney Herald


Any Person found trespassing with dog or gun, or damaging dykes in pursuit of rabbits, on the lands of Hobbister, Orphir, or Lesliedale, Highland Park, Mayfield, Hillhead or Crantit, St Ola, or Trumland Rousay, will be prosecuted.

THOS. PEACE LOW Solicitor, Kirkwall. Factor

1938 March 23 Orkney Herald

RENDALL – GENERAL NOTES. – On all sides, sights and sounds of spring are now apparent. The farmer’s busy season has begun, as ploughing, carting out farm manure, clearing fields of turnips and potatoes, must all be done. Both turnips and fodder seem to be plentiful this season. Grass fields are now showing a healthy green tinge. In gardens, the show of crocuses is over, and daffodils and primroses are in bloom, while the green foliage of many more early flowers is making a brave show. Chickens are numerous, and wild birds are preparing to set up house, as on calm evenings, lapwings, plovers, snipe, and many more add their quota to the volume of bird song.

DEATH OF EMINENT SCOTS ARCHAEOLOGIST. – A well-known Scottish archaeologist, Mr John Graham Callander, LL.D., F.S.A. (Scot.), Director of the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, Queen Street, Edinburgh, died on Friday at his residence, 11 Osborne Terrace, Edinburgh. He had been in poor heath for some time, but continued to discharge his official duties until a few weeks ago. Born at Falkirk in 1873, Mr Callander spent the greater part of his boyhood on his father’s farm in Aberdeenshire, where he early developed great interest in the numerous archaeological objects to be found over the fields in many parts of the county. Mr Callander had an extraordinary wide knowledge of the archaeology of Scotland, and knew many parts of the country intimately. As a member of the Royal Commission on Ancient monuments in Scotland he travelled over the whole of the Western Isles and also over Midlothian and East Lothian. His papers to the “Proceedings” of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland were of great value, and he will be remembered for contributions on the Bronze Age in Scotland and Neolithic pottery in Scotland. During recent years he visited Orkney in the summer season and conducted important excavation work in conjunction with Mr Walter G. Grant of Trumland, Rousay. Reports on these excavations have been published with great promptitude in the “Proceedings” of the Society of Antiquaries.

 1938 March 30 Orkney Herald



Stromness lifeboat was launched shortly after 7 p.m. on Wednesday, in response to a call from the Coastguard Station, Kirkwall, which reported a vessel ashore at Wyre. The vessel was stated to be badly damaged, and the fear was expressed that she might get into difficulties when the flood tide set in. Mr George L. Thomson immediately ordered the lifeboat to be launched, and she was away promptly.

Visibility was bad at the time, and it was arranged that lights would be shown on the Points of Burgar and Aikerness to assist the lifeboat in proceeding through Eynhallow Sound. The assistance of two Evie men, Mr John Yorston and Mr William Hourston, who are resident in Stromness, was secured, and they, along with three members of the lifeboat committee, and the shore signalmen, proceeded to Evie in two cars. The prearranged lights were exhibited, and although visibility was very poor at times, which occasioned some delay, the lifeboat successfully located the wreck.

The vessel proved to be the Peterhead drifter Confide, at present engaged in line fishing in Orkney waters. She was ashore on Wyre Skerries, but the sea was smooth, and she was in no danger.

After the lifeboat left Stromness, Mr Thomson received a message from Kirkwall Coastguard Station to the effect that the information regarding the stranded vessel having sustained damage was incorrect. This information could not be passed on to the lifeboat as her wireless receiving set had broken down. The transmitting set was in working order, and at 11 p.m. a message was received to say that she had been alongside the stranded vessel, but that no assistance was required.

Shortly afterwards, Mr Cursiter, motor mechanic, located the trouble in the receiver, which proved to be a faulty valve. This was replaced, and messages were exchanged between the lifeboat and the shore station at Stromness.

At 1.15 a.m., visibility was still very bad, and it was decided that the lifeboat should wait for improved weather conditions before making the return passage. She therefore stood by the stranded vessel until she refloated about 4 a.m., and accompanied her through Eynhallow Sound. The drifter then proceeded to the fishing grounds and the lifeboat to Stromness, where she was housed about 7 a.m.

The shore party wish to take this opportunity of thanking the good folks of Burgar and Aikerness for their assistance and hospitality.

1938 April 20 Orkney Herald

TELEGRAPH COMMUNICATION PARALYSED BY MAGNETIC STORM. – Telephone and telegraph communication between Orkney and the South and between Orkney and Shetland was severely affected by magnetic disturbance on Saturday. Till early afternoon lines throughout the North of Scotland were practically unworkable. Strong earth currents made trunk telephone calls from Kirkwall impossible, and telegraphists at Kirkwall Post Office were able to get through only to a few places intermittently, and then with a struggle. In Kirkwall Telephone Exchange earth currents caused the bells to ring for short periods, as though subscribers were calling up. The magnetic storm which thus affected Orkney circuits was one of the most severe and widespread ever experienced. Its effects were felt all over Great Britain and America, being accompanied across the Atlantic by the most brilliant display of aurora of the century. There is a definite connection between the appearance of sunspots, aurora borealis and magnetic disturbance.

1938 May 4 Orkney Herald

THREE MOCK SUNS, one above and one on either side of the sun, the three being linked by a halo, were plainly visible, with varying degrees of brilliance, throughout most of Orkney on Sunday afternoon and evening. A fourth sun dog, below the sun, was barely visible in the early afternoon, and later sank below the horizon. This phenomenon is believed to be caused by light refraction due to the presence of ice particles in the upper atmosphere. Sunset on Sunday was followed by a prolonged and beautiful afterglow.

EVIE – WEEKEND IN EYNHALLOW. – Mr D. J. Robertson with a family party spent the weekend in Eynhallow, this being Mr Robertson’s first visit to his bird sanctuary this season. Bright sunny conditions favoured his short stay in the island.

1938 May 25 Orkney Herald

EMPIRE DAY. – Friday was observed in Kirkwall as Empire Day. All places of business were closed, and as the weather was bright and bracing, large numbers of people availed themselves of the many facilities for spending a day in the country. Excursions were run by motor buses to the East and West Mainland parishes, and these were largely taken advantage of. Steamer trips were run to all the North Isles except Rousay, and the newly acquired steamer Ailsa sailed from Scapa to South Ronaldshay and Burray. Under the auspices of the Kirkwall and District Small Bore Rifle Club an excursion was run to Flotta, Lyness, and Longhope by the s.s. Hoy Head, and the vessel had a full complement of passengers. When approaching Lyness Pier, the steamer circled round the ex-German battleship Grosser Kurfurst, recently salved by Messrs Metal Industries Ltd., and the excursionists thus obtained an excellent view of this immense vessel lying bottom up, but afloat, about 100 yards from the pier, and many snaps were procured. The Grosser Kurfurst, by the way, may be the last of the German ships to be salved.  

EVIE – SURPRISE TO FISHERS. – Last Friday afternoon some lobster-fishers motoring up Eynhallow Sound en route for the fishing grounds were surprised to see a small basking shark between them and the Evie shore. It would have been about fifteen feet long. This is the first time they have observed this voracious specimen in these near waters.

[We are now into the month of June, and since January Rousay’s ‘correspondent’ has been all but silent. So, I continue to rely on that eloquent wordsmith from Evie to tell us what is going on in his neighbouring parish. He’s always good for a read…..!]

1938 June 8 Orkney Herald

EVIE – HOLIDAYING. – Mr Duncan J. Robertson, O.B.E., is at present in Eynhallow spending his annual summer holiday of four to six weeks in the bird season. He is accompanied by his daughter, Mrs Jenkins. Among the visitors to the island last week was Miss Frances Pitt, ornithologist.

FISHING. – Lobster fishing is now at its height, and during the last fortnight, the lobster boats have been out at sea early and late in close pursuit of their object – setting and hauling their creels, not always in ideal conditions but often facing severe buffetings in stormy seas. Their efforts have been fairly well rewarded with occasional very good catches. The cuithe season is here again and a few boats have been out trying their luck, but so far have not been very successful.

WORK AND WEATHER. – The sowing of turnips has fully occupied the farmers during the past week. To begin with, the soil was rather too moist but improved later, and good progress has been made. The weather has been very mixed – one day wet, the next shine, and settled summer conditions are long of coming. The country, however, is looking well generally, and grass and oat fields are flourishing, the oat crop showing evenly green, minus any signs of attack from grub. Peats have not fared well with repeated drenchings of rain, and the curing process has become protracted, and their quality impaired.

1938 June 29 Orkney Herald

EVIE – WEATHER. – The storm of last Tuesday, Midsummer Day, was the worst summer gale of recent years. Squally all day, the wind reached its greatest velocity in the evening, then accompanied by driving rain. Eynhallow Sound was as rough as any day in winter, and some small craft out on the waves in the height of the gale had a tough time making their way to land against the heavy breakers. Considerable damage was done to vegetation, to gardens in particular, herbaceous borders being shattered and broken, and a wreckage of leaves, stems, &c., strewn all over. Weather conditions continue unsettled, and June of this year will be long remembered as a cold, wet, unsummery month.

1938 July 6 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY, EGILSHAY AND WYRE DISTRICT NURSING ASSOCIATION. – At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the above Association, held in Sourin School on 1st July, it was decided to hold a free gift sale of work on 2nd September. Gifts may be handed to the lady members of the committee in each district, or to the secretary, Miss Kathleen Gibson, Hullion. Further details will be given at a later date.

1938 July 30 The Scotsman


[By Professor V. Gordon Childe, D.Litt., D.Sc.]

An incomparably vivid picture of the domestic life of a self-sufficing “Stone Age” community has been afforded by the sand-embalmed village of Skara Brae, on the Mainland of Orkney. Only, the villagers were so self-sufficing that the age of the settlement in relation to other monuments of Scottish prehistory was debatable. A new village of the same kind, discovered this year by Mr W. G. Grant at Rinyo, on Rousay has settled this controversy. Its latest occupation and that of Skara Brae are dated to the period of transition from the Stone to the Bronze Age in Britain. Both may provisionally be put 3500 years ago. Moreover, Rinyo has not, like Skara Brae, been partially washed away by the Atlantic, but is probably intact. Its complete excavation will therefore give a full picture of a Stone Age village as a whole where deductions can be made as to the size, the social organisation, and the economy of such an ancient community as nowhere else in Western Europe. Complete excavation will take many years. In the meantime one season’s campaign in bad weather has already enormously enriched our conceptions of Stone Age life in Britain .

Shelter of the Cliff: The site is not like Skara Brae, on the shore, but seems to have been chosen for the shelter afforded by a steep brae, which rises, in places as a cliff, some 20 feet, immediately east of the ruins. The rock, outcropping in the cliff would provide the settlers with convenient building material. They undoubtedly did quarry the easily split stone, but how much of the quarrying near Rinyo is really prehistoric still remains to be settled. Below the brae the first occupants found a gentler slope of deep soil washed down from above on which they built their dwellings. To secure anything like a level floor for these the land had to be terraced. For this purpose flagstones were piled up in layers, or banks of refuse, supported by slabs on edge, were heaped up. Even so, the house floors slope down noticeably from east to west; and rain water collecting on the hill above is liable to trickle down over the site and seep through the joints of the rock, as the excavators have found to their cost this summer. To counteract this inconvenience an elaborate drainage system, comparable to that at Skara Brae, was constructed.

Stone Age Furniture: On the terrain thus prepared houses were built of quarried slabs, laid in courses as in a dry-stone dyke. The walls have been much denuded by agricultural operations, but the general outlines are clear. The best-preserved dwelling, hut A, is a rectangle with rounded corners some 14 feet long by 11 feet wide, enlarged by a recess 4 feet wide in the west wall. It was entered through a paved doorway, 2 feet wide, west of the centre of the north end wall. In the middle of the room thus entered, the visitor sees a square hearth, framed with kerb-stones set on edge, close west of which a main drain passes under the floor. A sump near the south-east corner of the hearth communicated with the principal conduit by a subsidiary channel under the hearth.

Just south of the latter three stones set in the floor frame is the socket for a post, from which vessels could be hung over the fire. On either side of the fireplace are enclosures separated from the rest of the room by stone slabs on edge. Similar enclosures, partitioned off by wooden slabs, serve as beds in Norwegian peasant houses, and those at Rinyo are clearly just stone versions of such beds. In the southeast corner of the room a cubical box, formed of carefully squared slabs, has been let into the chamber floor. It was found still covered with its square stone lid, but contained nothing but earth that had trickled in under the lid. Finally, in the rear wall are foundations for a dresser, presumably consisting, like those at Skara Brae, of two tiers of shelves.

The Clay Oven: Of course, all these articles of furniture are just translations into stone – the only material available on a treeless island – of wooden constructions. In other parts of Great Britain where trees grew, contemporary dwellings may have been just as commodiously furnished with articles that have perished. To the east of the dresser, a second doorway led through the rear wall into another chamber, B. This occupies the highest point uncovered this year, and is built partly on a platform of slabs, piled up to level the floor. Only a small hearth, a cubical stone box, and a dilapidated bed survive. To the west, at the foot of the terraces on which A and B stand, are ruins of a third dwelling, C; but ploughing has damaged them so badly that only a hearth, a post-socket, a cubical stone box, and short segments of walling can be clearly identified.

The fireplace, over three feet square, was full of a tough mixture of peat-ash, burnt bone, and miscellaneous refuse, save for a hole, eight inches wide, in which a cooking pot could be sunk. The round stone lid for such a pot was found on the brink of the hole. Immediately in front of the hearth stood a clay oven partially sunk in the hut floor upon a slab of slatey stone. It measured 1 foot 8 inches square inside. Its walls were so hard-baked that they could be removed bodily. Thereupon, a shallow depression, hollowed out in the supporting slab and exactly corresponding to the plan of the oven, was revealed. It looks as if it had been cut out, but perhaps the hollow is due to the disintegration by heat of two or three skins of the laminated stone where it was not protected by the clay. In any case, such a clay oven is a new item in the list of Britons’ Stone Age furniture. An exactly similar slab was found under the floor of room A, and another in a fourth chamber, D, so that ovens may have stood in all houses.

Bone arid Pottery Fragments: The solidity of the dwellings, their abundant furniture, and their careful drainage enhance our admiration for the prehistoric Orcadians’ capacity. Of course, they were disgustingly untidy, though not more so than their Norse successors two and a half millennia later. Unburnt bone hardly survived at Rinyo, but everywhere trodden into the floors were bits of burnt bone, teeth, and ghosts of unburnt bones of sheep and cattle, as well as a few pieces of stag’s antler and whalebone blocks. Numerous pieces of pumice stone, often grooved, had evidently been used for sharpening bone pins. Flint scrapers littering the floors, had served for dressing the skins that the villagers wore as garments. Fragments of pottery, often richly decorated with applied strips, were scattered everywhere,

Below the floors of the structures just described, are remains of an earlier occupation. Right under the wall of chamber A we found a hearth and segments of wall on virgin soil. They were built in the same style and on the same plan of those of the later structures, and the relics recovered suffice to prove that they were built by the direct-ancestors of the later villagers. The projected exploration of these deeper levels, presumably older than the transition to the Bronze Age to which the latest occupation can be assigned, may give clues as to the relation between the settlers at Rinyo and the builders of those monumental burial vaults, generally termed “neolithic,” of which Rousay has yielded so many imposing examples.

1938 August 17 Orkney Herald



Brilliant weather favoured annual cattle and flower and industrial shows of Rousay Agricultural and Horticultural Society, held at Sourin on Tuesday. The event attracted crowds of visitors from all over the island, and from the mainland by the steamer Earl Sigurd.

Championships in the stock sections were won by Mr G. Reid, Tratland, in the horse section, and Mrs Gibson, Avelshay, in the cattle classes. Mrs Gibson has now won the championship trophy outright.

Officials in charge of the agricultural display were: – Messrs Robert Mainland, Nearhouse, president; Robert Seatter, Banks, vice-president; Ronald Shearer, Curquoy, treasurer; John Linklater, Blossom, secretary; John Craigie, Furse; James Craigie, Falquoy; David Moar, Saviskaill; Hugh Robertson, Langskaill; John Mainland, Westness; George Reid, Tratland; Robert Johnston, Trumland; Hugh Mainland, Hurtiso; Hugh Craigie, Scockness; Samuel Inkster, Wasdale.

Judges were: – Messrs J. G. S. Flett, Nistaben, Harray; James Sinclair, Graemeshall, Holm; and J. R.  Clark, Millfield, St Andrews (horses, cattle, etc.); Miss McVicar, Kirkwall (produce).

Mr Seatter of Banks kindly gave the use of the park.

Industrial and flower show officials were – Catering – Mrs Gibson, Bigland; Mrs Inkster, Wasdale; Mrs Shearer, Curquoy; Mrs Donaldson, Gripps; Miss Annie Craigie, Houseby; Miss M. Grieve, Cruannie; Miss C. Grieve, Cruannie; Mrs Grieve, Cruannie; Miss C. Russell, Brendale.

Stewards – Mrs Kirkness, Quoyostray; Miss Craigie, Furse; Mrs Mainland, Nearhouse; Mr Gibson, Hullion; Mr Craigie, Pier Cottage; Mr Inkster, Woo.

Assistant Secretary, Mr J. W. Grieve, Whitehall; treasurer, Mr Shearer, Curquoy; secretary, Mr John Linklater, Blossom.

Judges were: – Handicrafts, Mrs Ronald Slater, Kirkwall; flowers and vegetables, Mr John Sclater, Kirkwall; baking, Mr R. S. Spence, Kirkwall.

Judges Comments. – Interviewed by the “Orkney Herald” on the horse, cattle and sheep sections, the judges said that the horse section was a good all round show, and although lacking in numbers, the quality on the whole was excellent. The champion, a three-year-old filly, was a stylish animal, being a good mover and up to a fair size, and would quickly develop into a nice brood mare. The reserve was a prize-winning brood mare, which showed a rather lean condition, and was thus at a great disadvantage. That animal was of a good size, and a fine mover, but would be required to be in better bloom. The champion gelding, a four-year-old, was the outstanding gelding in the show, and was sure to develop into a big useful lorry horse. The reserve, a yearling, showed good promise, with nice flat bone and well developed muscles. That animal only required time.

The cross section cows were the best class in the yard, being a very good class. The three-year-old cows were a good class, the leader outstanding. The cows were judged in two classes, three-year-olds and younger, the latter class being very fine. The leader in the three-year-old cows class was an outstanding animal, which finally became champion. A splendid yearling steer won the butcher’s cup. The calves class were a good, even lot.

The half-bred lambs were a good, show, and the ewes, although a small entry, were of fairly good quality.


SHEEP. – Pen of Two H.B. Ewes – 1 James Lyon, Ervadale; 2 R. Seatter, Banks; 3 John Inkster, Woo. Pen of Two H.B. Gimmers – 1 James Lyon. Pen of Two H.B. Lambs – 1 John Inkster, 2 and 3 James Lyon, 4, 5 and 6 R. Seatter.

CATTLE. – Calves (1st October) – 1 Hugh Mainland, Hurtiso. Calves (1st March) – 1 J. Linklater, Blossom; 2, 3 and 4 H. Mainland. Polled Cows – 1 J. Linklater, 2 Mrs Gibson, Avelshay; 3 H. Mainland, 4 and 5 J. Craigie, Falquoy; 6 H. Sinclair, Knarston. Shorthorn Cows – 1 James Craigie, 2 and 3 H. Mainland. Three-year-old Polled Cows – 1 Mrs Gibson, 2 J. Harcus, Gorehouse; 3 H. Sinclair. Three-year-old Shorthorn Cows – 1 J. Linklater, 2 and 3 H. Mainland. Two-year-old Polled Queys – 1 H. Mainland, 2 Mrs Gibson, 3 and 4 H. Sinclair, 5 James Craigie. Two-year-old Shorthorn Queys – 1 Geo. Reid, Tratland. One-year-old Polled Queys – (1st October) – 1 and 2 H. Mainland. One-year-old Polled Steers (1st October) – 1 Mrs Gibson, 2 H. Mainland, 3 J. Harcus. One-year-old Polled Queys – (1st March) – 1 and 2 H. Mainland. One-year-old Polled Steers (1st March) – 1 and 2 Hugh Mainland. Work Stots – J. Harcus. Department’s Special Prizes for Queys – 1 Geo. Reid, 2 Mrs Gibson, 3 H. Sinclair. Highland Society’s prize for Best Calf – H. Mainland. Highland Society’s prize for best One-year-old Cattle – Mrs Gibson.

HORSES. – Draught Geldings – 1 John Craigie, Furse; 2 James Craigie, Falquoy. Yeld Mares – 1 H. Sinclair, 2 John Leonard, Quoys. Mares with Foal at Foot – 1, 2 and 3 James Johnston, Trumland; 4 Geo. Reid. Foals – 1 and 2 James Johnston, 3 Geo. Reid. Three-year-old Fillies – 1 Geo. Reid, 2 Jas. Craigie. Two-year-old Geldings – 1 Jas. Johnston, 2 John Craigie. Two-year-old Fillies – 1 Jas. Craigie, 2 W. Corsie, Glebe; 3 Jas. Lyon, Ervadale; 4 Sam Inkster, Wasdale. One-year-old Geldings – 1 H. Mainland. One-year-old Fillies – H. Mainland. Ponies – J. Linklater, 2 Sam Inkster, 3 H. Sinclair, 4 Tom Donaldson, Gripps. Department of Agriculture’s Special Prizes for Three-year-old Fillies – 1 Geo. Reid, 2 James Craigie.

SPECIAL PRIZES. – Cup, presented by Mr John T. Flett, Kirkwall, for best animal in horse sections – Geo. Reid; reserve, Jas. Johnston. Cup, presented by Rev. D. D. Davidson, The Manse, for the best animal in cattle section – Mrs Gibson (becomes her own property): reserve. J. Linklater. Cup, presented by Mr Robert Marwick, for best animal in horse sections under £20 rental – Cup and reserve – Geo. Reid (becomes his own property). Cup, presented by Mr Geo. Robertson, for the best milk cow, under £20 rental – Cup and reserve, J. Linklater (becomes his own property). Cup, presented by Mr Wm. Bertram, saddler, Kirkwall, for best Clydesdale mare in yard – Geo. Reid; reserve, James Johnston. Cup, presented by R. Garden, Ltd., Kirkwall, for best mare with foal at foot – Cup and reserve, James Johnston (now becomes his own property). Cup, presented by Mr John Kemp, jeweller, Kirkwall, for the best one-year-old colt or filly – Cup and reserve – H. Mainland. Cup, presented by the Northern Farmers Co-operative Society, Ltd., for the best pair of yearlings – Cup and reserve, H. Mainland. Cup, presented by Mr Ralph Miller, for best two-year-old quey carrying her first calf – Geo. Reid; reserve, Mrs Gibson. Cup, presented by David J. Inkster, for the best Shorthorn cow in yard – James Craigie (now becomes his own property); reserve, J. Linklater. Cup, presented by Messrs T. Smith Peace, Kirkwall, for Shorthorn under 2½ years old – Geo. Reid. Cup, presented, by Messrs P. C. Flett & Company, Kirkwall, for the best cow in yard – Mrs Gibson; reserve, J. Linklater. Cup, presented by Dr Paterson, Brinian House, for the best cog-fed calf – H. Mainland; reserve, J. Linklater. Silver Rosebowl, presented by the O.A.D.S., for the best four cattle drawn from any section – Mrs Gibson; reserve, H. Mainland. E.P.N.S. Vase, presented by Messrs William Shearer, seed merchants, Kirkwall, for the best gelding in yard – John Craigie; reserve, H. Mainland. Cup, presented by Messrs Reith & Anderson, Aberdeen, for best five lambs – James Lyon; reserve, John Inkster. Barometer presented by Mainland Bros., Westness, for the best foal in yard – 1 and reserve, James Johnston. Medal, presented by Mr William Brough, jeweller, Kirkwall, for the best pair of ewes – James Lyon; reserve, R. Seatter. Medal, presented by Mr Stanley Firth for best animal in sheep sections – Medal and reserve, James Lyon. Medal, presented by Mrs Graham, for the best animal in cattle sections, under £20 rental – J. Linklater (now becomes his own property); reserve, G. Reid. Medal, presented by Mr Wm. D. Reid, for the best gelding in yard – John Craigie; reserve, H. Mainland. Medal, presented by Mr Ralph Miller, for horse-shoeing – James Johnston; reserves, Geo. Reid and John Cormack. Medal, presented by Mr A. W. K. Baikie, for the best butcher animal – Mrs Gibson; reserve, H. Mainland. Biscuit barrel, presented by Messrs J. & W. Tait, Kirkwall, for best pony – John Linklater; reserve, Sam Inkster. Prize of 10/-, presented by Mr Rob Roy Macgregor, for most entries – Hugh Mainland. Prize of 7/6, presented by Mr Stanley Firth, for most successful exhibitor – Hugh Mainland.


JUVENILE SECTION. – Embroidery – 1 Dorothy Mainland, Sourin School; 2 Edith Gibson, Sourin School; 3 Evelyn Clouston, Wasbister. Sowing (plain) – 1 Jean Marwick, Sourin; 2 Irene Hourie, Wasbister, 3 Evelyn Clouston. Knitting – 1 Edith Gibson, Sourin; 2 Dorothy Mainland; 3 Evelyn Clouston. Fretwork – 1 John Harcus, Gorehouse; 2 Angus Harcus, Gorehouse. Handwriting – 1 William Donaldson, Wasbister; 2 Thelma Shearer, Sourin; 3 David Leslie, Wasbister.

INDUSTRIAL SECTION. – Home-spun Wool – 1 Mrs H. I. Gibson, Bigland. Home-spun Socks – 1 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 Mrs Donaldson, Vacquoy. Embroidery – 1 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 Miss Cissie Sinclair, Banks; 3 Miss Annie M. Craigie, Scockness. Hand Sewn Article – 1 Miss Kathleen Grieve, Cruannie. Machine Sewn Article – 1 Mrs Hourie, Maybank. Knitting (fancy) – 1 Molly Mainland. Knitted Jumper (Fair Isle jumper) – 1 Mrs Grieve, Cruannie. Knitted Jumper – 1 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 Miss Kathleen Grieve; 3 Molly Mainland, Hurtiso. Knicker Stockings – 1 Molly Mainland. Ladies’ Knitted Stockings – 1 Miss Mary Reid, Gripps. Men’s Knitted Socks – 1 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 Mrs Kirkness, Quoyostray; 3 Mrs Craigie, Furse. Special Prizes – Best piece of knitting – Molly Mainland, Hurtiso; best piece of handiwork – Mrs H. I. Gibson (embroidered cloth).

BAKING. – Bere Bannocks (8) – 1 Miss Craigie, Scockness; 2 Miss Gibson, Lopness; 3 Mrs Marwick, Braehead. Oat-cakes (thick) – 1 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 and 3 Molly Mainland. Oatcakes (thin) – 1, 2 and 3 Molly Mainland. Girdle Scones – 1 and special and 3 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 Mrs Marwick, Braehead. Oven Scones – 1 Miss Cissie Sinclair; 2 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 3 Mrs R. Shearer, Curquoy. Drop Scones – 1 Miss Craigie, Scockness; 2 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 3 Mrs Gibson, Lopness. Sweet Currant Scones – 1 Miss Cissie Sinclair; 2 and 3 Molly Mainland. Pancakes – 1 Molly Mainland. Shortbread (thick) – 1 Molly Mainland, 2 Mrs R. Shearer; 3 Mrs Inkster, Wasdale. Shortbread (thin) – 1 Molly Mainland; 2 Mrs Inkster. Rock Cakes – 1 and 2 Molly Mainland; 3 Mrs Marwick, Braehead. Queen Cakes (16 entries) – 1 and 2 Cissie Sinclair; 3 Mrs W. Grieve. Cheese Cakes – 1 and 2 Molly Mainland; 3 Mrs Shearer. Swiss Roll – 1 and 3 Mrs Shearer; 2 Cissie Sinclair. Sponge Cake – 1 Mrs Marwick; 2 Kathleen Grieve, Cruannie; 3 Cissie Sinclair. Madeira Cake – 1 Mrs Shearer; 2 Mrs Inkster, Wasdale; 3 Cissie Sinclair. Victoria Sandwich – 1 Mrs Inkster; 2 Cissie Sinclair; 3 Mrs Shearer. Gingerbread – 1 and special Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 and 3 Molly Mainland. Sultana Cake – 1 Cissie Sinclair; 2 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 3 Jeannie Donaldson, The Glebe. Fruit Cake – I Mrs Shearer; 2 Mrs Inkster; 3 Miss Inkster, Cogar.

DAIRY PRODUCE. – Fresh Butter – 1 Mrs G. Reid; 2 and 3 Miss Thora Kirkness. Salt Butter – 1 Mrs G. Reid, 2 and 3 Mrs Craigie, Scockness. Table Butter – 1 and 2 Miss Thora Kirkness. Sweet Milk Cheese – 1 and 3 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 Mrs Craigie, Scockness. Hen Eggs – 1 and 3 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 Molly Mainland. Duck Eggs – 1, 2 and 3 Mrs H. I. Gibson. Strawberry Jam – 1 and 2 Molly Mainland; 3 Mrs Craigie, Furse. Apricot Jam – 1 and 3 Molly Mainland; 2 Miss Thora Kirkness. Rhubarb and Cloves Jam – 1 and 2 Molly Mainland; 3 Mrs Craigie, Furse. Rhubarb and Ginger Jam – 1, 2 and 3 Miss Thora Kirkness. Rhubarb and Fig Jam – 1, 2 and 3 Miss Thora Kirkness. Gooseberry Jam – 1 Mrs Craigie, Viera Lodge; 2 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 3 Mrs J. Stanley Gibson. Plum Jam – 1 Mrs Craigie, Furse; 2 and 3 Mrs H. 1. Craigie. Gooseberry Jelly – 1, 2 and 3 Mrs H. I. Gibson. Grapefruit Marmalade – 1, 2 and 3 Miss Thora Kirkness. Rhubarb and Apricot – 1, 2 and 3 Miss Thora Kirkness. Black Currant Jelly – 1 Mrs Craigie, Furse; 2 Miss Thora Kirkness. Black Currant Jam – 1 Mrs Craigie, Viera Lodge; 3 Molly Mainland. Plain Rhubarb Jam – 1 Mrs Craigie, Viera Lodge; 2 Mrs Sinclair, Cogar; 3 Mrs Marwick, Braehead. Damson Jam – 1 and 2 Mrs J. W. Grieve. Rhubarb and Gooseberry – 1 Mrs H. I. Gibson; 2 Mrs Craigie, Furse. Lemon Curd – 1, 2 and 3 Molly Mainland.

FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES. – Cabbages – 1 and 3 Hugh Yorston, Post Office; 2 Dorothy Mainland. Cauliflower – 1, 2 and 3 Hugh Yorston. Turnip (white) – 1 and 2 Miss Thora Kirkness; 3 Irene Hourie. Turnips (yellow) – 1 Jas. Sinclair. Cabbage (lettuce) – 1 and 2 Hugh Yorston; 3 Mrs Craigie, Furse. Lettuce (cos) – 1, 2 and 3 Hugh Yorston. Parsley – 1, 2 and 3 Hugh Yorston. Radish – 1, 2 and 3 Hugh Yorston. Leeks – 1 and 2 Hugh Yorston; 3 Jas. Sinclair. Beet (long) – 1, 2 and 3 Hugh Yorston. Beet (round) – 1, 2 and 3 Hugh Yorston. Carrot (long) – 1 and 2 Jas. Sinclair; 3 Mrs H. I. Craigie. Carrot (stump root) – 1 Hugh Yorston…..

[and so continued the very long and very comprehensive list of prize winners]

THE JUDGES ENTERTAINED. – Mr [Robert] Mainland presided at a little gathering, at which the judges were entertained. The chairman expressed the Society’s thanks to those who had officiated in that capacity.

Replying to the toast of the Judges, Miss McVicar said she had to thank them for asking her to Rousay to judge in the dairy produce section. In some sections the exhibits were disappointing; the butter was rather a small section, with the cheese rather better. It was difficult to judge the latter produce, as they were all very good. The jams were a big entry, and with regard to that she suggested that each competitor should be allowed one pot of jam in each class, because she was sure some ill-feeling might arise through the same person getting the first, second and third prize with jam all from the same boiling. In the butter section, she believed there had been a lot of people disheartened through the same people winning the prizes year after year. She suggested that a championship class should be entered for the for the first prize winners, which would give other people a chance. Quite a number of shows she had attended had adopted that system, especially where the same people were getting the prizes all the time.

Mr Sinclair said he had been very pleased to be at Rousay to judge at their show, along with the other gentlemen. He had been satisfied with the quality of stock which had been placed before them. He would like to see the exhibitors putting more stock into the show. He was sure there was a lot of cattle in the island just as good as those which had secured the prizes that day.

Remarks on Stock Exhibits. – Mr Flett said be thanked them for honouring the toast of the judges, and personally he wished to thank the Rousay Agricultural Society for asking him back to Rousay to judge; it was always a pleasure for him to come to Rousay. Regarding the quality of the stock placed before them, it had been of a very high standard; there was no question about that. Although the numbers were rather lacking, he hoped that their showyard, which he thought capable of housing the Highland Show, would show a large increase next year.

Mr Clark said he had to thank them for asking him to Rousay: it was the first time he had judged at their show, and he had enjoyed himself very much. The standard of the exhibits was very good, and he expressed the hope that they would go forward and attract more entries, to make their show a bigger success. – Mr Linklater, the secretary, Mr Grieve, Mr Inkster, and Mr Gibson also spoke.

Mrs Walter G. Grant of Trumland gracefully presented the prizes, before a large and interested gathering, and was cordially thanked, on the call of Mr Linklater.

1938 August 31Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – SOURIN SCHOOL PICNIC AND SPORTS. – Sourin School picnic and sports was held in a field at Banks, Rousay, on Friday. 19th August. Although the weather in the morning did not look too promising rain held off until all the events were finished.

The children’s races commenced at 1.30 and every race was keenly contested. Mr Harrold and Mr Grieve acted as starters. When the children’s events were finished milk was served and shortly afterwards the adult sports began.

Miss Kirkness won the ladies’ championship with 14 points out of a possible 15. Runners-up were Miss Shaw and Miss Cooper, each with 5 points. The men’s championship went to Mr H. Robertson with 11 points, runner-up being Mr T. Inkster with 7 points.

This year a medal was given for competition among boys 17 and under. The events were keenly contested, and Mr H. Yorston with 8½ points – a lead of one point over Mr S. Moar – ran out winner.

After tea was served in the hall, Miss Sutherland, Wasbister Schoolhouse, handed over the prizes to the successful competitors. Chocolate, a gift from Mrs Grant, Trumland House, was received by each child with great appreciation. Votes of thanks to Miss Sutherland for presenting the prizes, and to Mr Seatter, Banks, for the use of the field were heartily responded to. Mr Davidson proposed a vote of thanks to the committee. At the successful dance which followed Mr T. Inkster and Mr J. Linklater acted as M.C.’s. Music was by the Wasbister Band. The dance ended by singing “Auld Lang Syne.”

The committee take this opportunity of thanking the anonymous donor of the medal for the boys’ championship, all those who gave milk and all who helped in any way.

[It is clear Rousay does not have a resident ‘correspondent’ – unlike nearly every other island and mainland parish – and the above shows and annual events are covered by a visiting Orkney Herald reporter. I shall continue to plough through every issue of his weekly newspaper – in the hope a ‘newsworthy’ story from Rousay crops up. In the meantime, I will continue to use items from neighbouring parishes, which give a flavour of life in Orkney at the time.]

1938 September 28 Orkney Herald

FIRTH – HARVEST. – Harvesting operations, which commenced at the beginning of the month, are still in progress, and, although one or two farmers have finished reaping, generally speaking in most cases the end is yet a long way off. The past week of fine weather has gone a long way to lighten the load, but, in spite of fine weather conditions, harvest work this year requires all the pull that possibly can be put into it. Almost every desirable method of harvesting has been adopted in an endeavour to deal with laid and twisted crops, and in many cases the scythe has had to be resorted to after all other means have failed. The crop in stook appears to be bulky, and in many cases of good quality. Nevertheless, there are considerable patches of crop which will be far from profitable either for straw or grain. Bere is more promising. Some of this crop has already been secured in stackyards. A continuance of the present fine weather would confer an immense boon on the farming community, and go a long way to mitigate the handicap under which the farmers have been placed owing to the failure of the binder to deal with the crop, and the utterly inadequate staff to tackle the job in the old-fashioned way. Pastures are still showing sufficient herbage to provide for the needs of farm stocks; in fact, the last week has shown an improvement in this direction. An absence of clover after hay, however, is noticeable on many fields. Turnip fields are looking well, and roots appear to be healthy. Some varieties of potatoes are reported to be under the average.




The following notice was posted outside the Drill Hall, Kirkwall, on Monday evening: –

“226th Battery A.A. (T.A.)
All men of this unit are called up as a precautionary measure,
and will report at once to Headquarters, Junction Road.”

A full muster reported, and preparations were made for the battery to move should the occasion arise.

Men of the unit also reported for instructions at 9 a.m. this (Tuesday) morning, but were dismissed shortly afterwards. A certain number also reported at 2 p.m. They are to parade again at 7 p.m.

Until further notice, the local Territorials have instructions to muster at the Drill Hall (former Electric Theatre), Junction Road, Kirkwall, once daily at 7 p.m., and to hold themselves at all times in readiness to answer a call at the very shortest notice.

In the case of emergency, it is not anticipated that, in the first instance, they will be sent outside the county.

The calling up of the Orkney Territorials was carried out in accordance with a national precautionary measure announced on Monday afternoon to the effect that, throughout the country, men of anti-aircraft units and coast defence units of the Territorial Army had been called up. Certain defence units of the Auxiliary Airforce, the fighter squadron, and balloon barrage squadron (but not bombers, so far), and the Observation Corps, were also called up.

Officers and men of the Royal Air Force were recalled from leave.

News of the calling up of the Orkney Territorials, though not altogether unexpected, in view of the grave developments over the weekend in the international situation, was received in the county with a certain amount of dismay, and tended to increase the pessimistic view generally held regarding the outcome of the present crisis. It was Orkney’s most vivid reminder of August 1914.

1938 October 5 Orkney Herald


Orkney achieved a commendable black-out on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, when orders were given that the use of lights out of doors, between the hours of 9 and 10.30 p.m., was prohibited. Windows were to be darkened and not even the faintest gleam of light was to be visible outside.

On Wednesday thick haze made the black-out all the more effective, though actually householders were more successful in concealing their lights on the second occasion.

The black-outs were of an experimental nature, notification having been received by Chief Constable Colin W. Campbell, Kirkwall, on Tuesday afternoon that the experiments were to be carried out.

Poor visibility on both occasions prevented Naval war planes observing the black-out from the air, but as seen from the ground, on Wednesday night at any rate, country districts were more effectively blacked-out than Kirkwall. Here, either through misunderstanding of the instructions or failure to realise the strictness with which the measures were to be observed, several householders allowed a certain amount of light to escape from windows and doors on Wednesday evening. Police, however, and civilian members of A.R.P. Observer Corps and air raid wardens, who were on duty, notified offenders as to what was required of them. The result was that on Thursday evening almost a perfect black-out was achieved throughout the county…..

The police were set a formidable task in notifying every householder in the county of the black-out, with barely 30 hours’ notice. In Kirkwall and Stromness police officers distributed the warning by means of door-to-door calls. The town bellman and cinema screen were also pressed into service in the county town. The East and West Mainlands were covered by motorists and motor cyclists acting as special constables and air raid wardens. In the North and South Isles and parts of the mainland postmen and other volunteers did splendid work. Others who proved effective helpers in spreading the warning were sub-postmasters or mistresses, teachers, merchants and ministers.

“Warning” at 9 p.m. and “All Clear” at 10.30 were sounded by the sirens of Highland Park Distillery and Glaitness Laundry.

1938 October 7 Aberdeen Press & Journal

Rousay Jam and Embroidery. – “All for one, one for all, united we stand, divided we fall.” This motto was commented on by the president, Miss Inkster, at Rousay W.R.I., Orkney. The special item on the programme was a talk on embroidery given by Mrs Shearer, Sourin Schoolhouse. She had with her a selection of very fine pieces of embroidery, and these she used to illustrate her remarks. Rhubarb jam entries were judged by Nurse Shaw and Mrs Sinclair, Cogar. The winner of the first prize was Mrs Gibson. Bigland.

1938 November 16 Orkney Herald

FIRTH – WORK AND WEATHER. – The weather over the week-end improved slightly on the sample we have been getting for some time back. Harvest work is being carried out whenever there is any chance. Much crop is still to be seen on the fields in “disses” and “stooks.” Great difficulty is being experienced owing to the bad state the crop is now in, and, indeed, it is questionable if it can now be secured in condition to be of any use. Wet, sprouting and rotting, much of it is long past the stage at which it could be regarded as profitable. The potato crop also is now being considered to be below the average. Owing to the waterlogged state of the ground it has been impossible to progress with the lifting, and it looks as if much of the crop will have to remain in the drills over the winter.

1938 November 23 Orkney Herald




Stromness lifeboat, the L.S.A. [Life Saving Apparatus] companies of Rousay, Westray and Kirkwall, two fishery patrol vessels, two Orkney North Isles steamers, a trawler and an American steamer all responded to the call for assistance sent out by the Hull trawler Cheriton, which struck the Skea Skerries in the Westray Firth during a south-westerly gale on Saturday afternoon.

The Cheriton, exposed to the full force of the gale, was in a position of the gravest danger. Later, in a sinking condition and with no steam she freed herself from the skerries and was beached in a comparatively sheltered bay near Scockness on the north-east corner of Rousay. The crew were taken off in a motor boat by members of Rousay L.S.A. Company, under Volunteer-in-Charge John Cormack.

Early on Saturday afternoon coast watchers on Westray saw the Cheriton aground on Skea Skerries. On receiving information by telephone, Kirkwall coast-guards informed Stromness lifeboat, which set out about 3 p.m. on the 30-mile journey to Skea Skerries. The coastguards broadcast a message, via Wick radio, to all shipping in the vicinity, giving the Cheriton’s position. About 4 p.m. an American steamer, Scanmail, radioed that she was eighteen miles north-east of Noup Head, and proceeding to the help of the Cheriton. About 4.15 the Grimsby trawler, Indian Star, radioed that she would reach the Cheriton in three or four hours’ time. About 4.45 Wick radio received a message from the Cheriton that she was filling with water and heeling over. The crew were trying to launch their small boat, and their situation was very dangerous.

The Fishery vessel Betty Bodie, with the Kirkwall life saving apparatus and crew on board, left for the scene of the wreck, and at the same time the Fishery cruiser Freya and the s.s. Earl Thorfinn left Westray. After a fruitless search of Westray Firth, the Betty Bodie received information that the vessel was ashore and in no danger, and returned to Kirkwall. Kirkwall L.S.A. Company were under command of Station Officer Browning and Coastguard Evans.

Drifts Off Skerry. – About 6 p.m. the Cheriton, which had drifted off the Skea Skerries in the direction of Rousay, radioed that she was full of water, that she had no steam, and requested the assistance of a lifeboat. The crew sent up distress rockets. Shortly afterwards the stokehold fires were flooded out, and the crew had barely enough steam left to beach the vessel at Ham Bay, Rousay.

The crew of the trawler were taken off the vessel by the Rousay Life-Saving crew by motor boat, and were given hospitality in various houses in Rousay. The captain, mate and chief engineer of the Cheriton remained on board until the last possible moment, when they were taken off by a motor boat from the “Freya,” and were accommodated on board for the night. Several members of the crew were taken to Kirkwall on s.s. Earl Sigurd on Sunday afternoon, but left again the following morning to see whether there was a possibility of salving their belongings.

The vessel is not badly damaged, and is expected to be refloated within a short period.

Seen From Westray. – Just before dark, writes our Westray correspondent, the trawler could be seen. The sea was washing completely over her, and she was considered to be in grave danger. Some time after dark her lights could not be seen, and it was feared that she had gone down.

As soon as the wreck was reported the Rocket Life-saving Brigade, under the charge of Mr James Rendall, was called out, and the s.s. Earl Thorfinn and the fishery cruiser Freya left Pierowall to render assistance. The trawler, evidently washed off the skerry as the tide came in, was able to reach Rousay.

The Rocket Brigade returned to the station about 9 p.m. S.s. Earl Thorfinn took shelter in Kirkwall Bay and arrived at Gill Pier about 9 a.m. on Sunday. The Stromness lifeboat is believed to have been seen off the Rapness and Skelwick shores.

Another Stormy Trip for Stromness Lifeboat. – Stromness lifeboat had another stormy trip to the North Isles on Saturday, writes our Stromness correspondent, when she was called to the assistance of a trawler ashore on Skea Skerries, Westray Firth. A message giving information regarding the wreck was received by Mr George L. Thomson, hon. secretary of Stromness lifeboat, from Kirkwall Coastguard Station about 3.30 p.m. on Saturday. The crew were immediately summoned, and the lifeboat was launched at 3.55 p.m. in charge of Coxswain Greig.

There was a gale of south-westerly wind at the time with a very heavy sea. It was realised that a vessel ashore on Skea Skerries in these conditions would be in the very gravest danger, and every effort was made to reach the vicinity in the shortest possible time. It was decided, therefore, not to trouble with wireless messages until the lifeboat reached the scene of the wreck.

Mr John Rae and Mr John G. Sinclair proceeded to Birsay in order to signal any later information to the lifeboat as she passed there. No new information of any value was available when the lifeboat passed the Brough shortly after 6.30 p.m. In a way this was fortunate, as it would have been quite impossible for the lifeboatmen to have read a Morse signalling lamp owing to the heavy seas.

Very bad weather conditions were experienced after rounding the Brough of Birsay. Lightning and showers of hail at times made visibility practically nil.

The lifeboat carried on towards Skea Skerries, but could find no trace of any vessel in distress. After continuing the search for some time she got into wireless communication with H.M. fishery cruiser Freya, which had herself been in touch with the wrecked trawler by wireless. The Freya informed the lifeboat that the trawler had floated off Skea Skerries with the flood tide and was now beached in a safe position in the Bay of Ham, Rousay, and did not require the services of the lifeboat.

The lifeboat then started on her homeward journey, west about, in the face of the gale. She reached Stromness about 3 a.m. on Sunday, and was berthed at the South Pier, being taken back on to her own slipway at 10 a.m.

1938 November 29 The Scotsman

A LOCUST IN SCOTLAND. – [At a meeting of the Royal Physical Society, in the Council Room of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Synod Hall, Edinburgh]…..Mr Waterston also exhibited a remarkable visitor which came to Scotland last September – the Old World locust, which had been captured alive on the island of Rousay, Orkney, and sent to the Royal Scottish Museum for identification. The specimen, a female, belonged to the solitary phase, and it was quite unusual for specimens of this phase to migrate. The speaker outlined the “phase” theory of locust migration and recalled occasional migrations of locusts in Scotland  dating from 1748 onwards. It had previously been assumed that such migrations were composed of locusts belonging to the true migratory phase, and the detection of the solitary phase in Orkney had raised a problem worthy of close study.

1938 December 7 Orkney Herald


FRED. T. INKSTER desires to thank the Electors of Rousay, Egilshay, and Wyre for their renewed confidence in him by returning him unopposed as their representative to Orkney County Council. – Greenfield, Rousay.

1938 December 14 Orkney Herald

EVIE – SILLOCKS IN DECEMBER. – During the past week there hits been an absence of storms, and the unruffled waters of Eynhallow Sound have been enlivened by small craft out fishing for sillocks. These little fish are rare here at this season, their grounds being usually deserted much earlier. Though small fry they are very desirable for the table and welcome when other fish are scarce. Good catches have been brought in of good size and quality, and dried sillocks will appear occasionally on the bill of fare throughout the winter.