In Print

Newsprint – 1896

1896 January 1 Orkney Herald

WANTED, for the Parish of Rousay and Egilshay,
to enter on duties as soon as possible.
Salary, £51 stg. per annum.
For further particulars apply to
Inspector of Poor, Rousay, Orkney,
on or before 15th January, 1896.

1896 January 8 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – The subject studied in the Free Church Bible Class, here, last year, was “Romanism analysed in the light of Scripture, Reason, and History.” A written examination was held at the close of the session. On Sabbath members of the class received valuable prizes, through the Scottish Reformation Society, for proficiency. This society is supported by voluntary subscriptions. If its good work were more widely known, many of those who love reformation principles, would be sure to support it. Miss Brodie, Palace Street, Kirkwall, is collector for this district, and would willingly receive and acknowledge subscriptions, and give information of the society’s doings. At the same time several of the Sabbath-School children received prizes for the repetition of the golden texts for the year.

1896 January 15 Orkney Herald

To be Sold, by Public Auction, on Wednesday,  22nd  January  1896, at the
HOLM of SCOCKNESS, the HULL of the Brigantine “JOLLE,” of Christiania,
345 Tons Register, with the Material, Sails, Spars, Rigging, Anchors, Chains,
and Stores. The Hull is copper-fastened and sheathed in yellow metal.
Sale to Commence at 11.30 o‘clock a.m.,
or immediately after arrival of s.s. “Fawn.”
The s.s. Fawn will leave Kirkwall for Egilshay on Wednesday,
22nd January, at 9 o’clock a.m. Return tickets 1s 6d.
For further particulars apply to Wm. Cowper, Vice Consul for Sweden
and Norway, Kirkwall; or Malcolm Green, Auctioneer.


PRESENTATION TO ST OLAF’S. – A beautiful and costly set of additional communion vessels have this week been gifted to St Olaf’s Church [Kirkwall]. They consist of a large silver flagon, large paten on a stand, and a chalice. The vessels, which are all of the purest silver, are beautifully embossed and engraved, and bear on them the Cross and sacred monogram. The vessels, which formerly belonged to the late Cardinal Howard, have been presented to St Olaf’s by Mr Thomas Middlemore, Westness House, Rousay.

1896 January 29 Orkney Herald

SALE OF WRECK. – The hull and material of the brigantine Jolle, of Christiania, recently wrecked on the Holm of Scockness, Rousay, were sold by auction last Wednesday. The hull was knocked down to Messrs S. Reid & Son, Kirkwall, for £37, and the sails, spars, &c., found purchasers at fair prices.

1896 March 4 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – HOUSE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. – The lodge at Trumland, Rousay, was struck by lightning on Saturday morning. A gable was knocked down, slates torn off the roof, and much damage done. Fortunately no-one was injured.

1896 March 18 Orkney Herald

FAREWELL PRESENTATION AND ENTERTAINMENT TO A ROUSAY MAN IN GLASGOW. – On Tuesday evening the friends of George William Gibson, who is leaving Glasgow for Johannesburg, met in GaIlacher’s Restaurant to express their friendship and to wish him success. Mr John Haig presided, and there were present – Messrs George Craig Stewart, John Thomson, William McDougall, John Hutchison, George James Allison, James Thomson, and others. The Chairman, in the course of a humorous speech, said – Why am I here? You know I am not an orator. You know also holding forth is not in my line, but there are circumstances when we must deviate a bit, and this occasion is one of them. As you are aware, we have met tonight to bid farewell to Mr Gibson, who is leaving for Johannesburg. I take a particular interest in his destination and himself. When I say that I have three brothers in that distant and boisterous land to which he is going, you can readily understand that both for their sakes and his I shall continue to read with unflagging interest any letter or newspaper reports regarding that now important part of South Africa to which tonight especially the eyes of all civilised nations are turned. We hope for the welfare of all concerned that the country will soon be in a settled and prosperous condition. Another thing that makes me take an interest in Mr Gibson is that for many, very many, months we resided together. During that time our intercourse has been that of good-fellowship. Another matter I cannot pass over, I spent with him in his native North my holidays last year. I will ever look back upon these bright and joyous days with satisfaction and delight. There I visited a strange, beautiful, and picturesque country, where I was treated with great hospitality and kindness, not only by Mr Gibson’s relations in Rousay Island, but also by friends in Kirkwall. I felt so benefited and hilarious that I gave full expression to my feelings, and it has been whispered to me in a kind of “murmur of the shell” chorus that when I went away the mermaids sang in their native language, ” Will he no come back again?” So you must understand that I cannot withstand such an invitation, and as soon as holiday opportunity offers you shall hear from me on the north side of the Pentland Firth. Well, although we bid Mr Gibson farewell now we shall not lose sight of him, but look forward to his future career with much expectation, and from what I personally know of him, I feel assured we will not be disappointed. Before I sit down, allow me to present Mr Gibson, in your name and my own, with this calumet*, and may he be spared long to smoke it in many lands in the full enjoyment of peace and prosperity, and when doing so I have no doubt he will have pleasant recollections of our most harmonious and enjoyable meeting tonight. (Applause.) Mr Gibson, in reply, expressed his indebtedness to the company not only for their presence that night, but also for the valuable present they had given him. He was leaving Glasgow with regret, but owing to circumstances of a personal nature and his duty to a near relation, he was obliged to go to South Africa sooner than he intended. He assured them he would not soon forget their words of kindness, which had been so unexpected, and, he was afraid, undeserved on his part, and so considerate and generous on theirs. (Cheers.) Songs, recitations, and speeches followed the introductory proceedings. At the close, on the motion of Mr George James Allison, the chairman was awarded a very cordial and hearty vote of thanks.

(*clay tobacco-pipe used by American Indians, especially as a symbol of truce or peace)

[This is somewhat confusing. There was only one George William Gibson born in Orkney and indeed he was a Rousay man – the son of David Gibson, Hullion, and Ann Sinclair, Newhouse, and was born on September 29th 1874. He emigrated to the USA…where there were two towns with the name Johannesburg, one in Michigan and the other in California! It is also on record he died in the USA.]

1896 April 1 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – GOLDEN WEDDING. – Mr and Mrs Mainland, of Tratland, celebrated their golden wedding last Thursday evening, when a goodly number of their friends and neighbours, together with their children and grandchildren, met at their house to convey to the aged couple their hearty congratulations and best wishes. A very pleasant and happy evening was spent, not only in discussing the current events of the day, but more so in hearing recounted old reminiscences of the past. After supper the friends left for their homes, wishing the old people every happiness in the evening of their days. Mr and Mrs Mainland were the recipients of many kind and useful presents, General Burroughs sending a beautiful wedding cake.

[James Mainland was the son of Nicol Mainland and Ann Craigie Mainland, and was born at the Bu, Wyre, on March 18th 1820. On May 20th 1846 he married Margaret Sinclair, daughter of John Sinclair and Magdalene Craigie, and she was born at Tratland on August 2nd 1821. They had two daughters, Anne, born in March 1847, and Sarah Sinclair, who was born in July 1850. Anne married David Gibson, Langskaill, and had seven children. Sarah was married to John Reid (who drowned with the loss of the Rousay post-boat in 1893), and they had five children.]

1896 May 20 Orkney Herald

THE WRECK OF THE “JOLLE” – REWARD FROM LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION. – Mr Fraser, of H.M. Customs, Kirkwall, having forwarded to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution a report particularizing the services rendered by five men belonging to the island of Egilshay in saving the lives of the crew of the Swedish schooner “Jolle,” which was wrecked at Scockness on 6th December last, has received from the Secretary to the Institution a sum of £1 for each of the men for their laudable services on the occasion in question. The men to whom the Committee of the Institution makes this reward formed the boat’s crew who rescued the Jolle’s crew of eight men. They are: – William McKinlay, James Cooper, James Alexander, Hugh Robertson, and William Robertson.

1896 July 1 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – BOAT CLUB. – The annual meeting was held on Friday the 18th inst. at Trumland Pier. The following were elected office-bearers: – Commodore, General Burroughs; vice-commodore, Mr T. Middlemore; secretary and treasurer, Mr J. S. Gibson, Hullion; committee, Messrs. G. Gibson, John Logie, A. Munro, W. Corsie, R. Mainland, John Garrioch, J. M. Harrold, and D. Wood, jr. With the view of getting the yachts from Kirkwall to compete in the cup race, it was agreed that the race be open to boats up to 35 ft. of waterline, and that the medal race be open to boats up to 22 ft. waterline. It was also agreed to supply members of the club with refreshments, free of charge, on the day of the regatta. Parties desirous of becoming members may be admitted on the morning of the regatta.


ANY Person Trespassing on the ISLAND of EYNHALLOW
after this date, on any pretext whatever, will be  prosecuted.
All permissions granted by the present
or former proprietors are withdrawn.



Notice is hereby given, that an abstract, in duplicate, of accounts of the parish council for the year ended 15th May 1896, duly balanced and signed, together with all Assessment Books, Account Books, Deeds, Contracts, Accounts, Vouchers, and Receipts mentioned or referred to in such accounts, will be deposited in the office of the parish council, and be open, between the hours of 11 forenoon and 3 afternoon, to the inspection of all ratepayers within the parish, from the 23rd day of July to the 30th day of July inclusive, and all such persons shall be at liberty to take copies of or extracts from the same without fee.

Notice is also given, that any ratepayer may make any objection to such accounts or any part thereof, and shall transmit the same and the grounds thereof in writing to the parish auditor, and a copy thereof to the officer, or person or persons concerned, Two clear days before the time fixed for the audit, and any ratepayer may be present at the audit, and may support any objection made, as hereinbefore provided, either by himself or by any other ratepayer.

Mr James Sincalir, Solicitor, Kirkwall, has been appointed by the Parish Auditor. The audit will take place at Kirkwall, in Mr Sinclair’s office, on the 4th day of August 1896, at 1 o’clock afternoon.

James G. Craigie, Clerk of the Parish Council.

1896 July 15 Orkney Herald

THE NEW FIREMASTER OF ABERDEEN. – Mr William Inkster, who has been appointed to the charge of the Aberdeen Fire Brigade, is a man of 38 years of age, and a native of Rousay, Orkney. He served his apprenticeship as a shipbuilder in Stromness, and subsequently took to a seafaring life, serving as carpenter in foreign-going ships for about eight years. He is at present a member of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, which he joined in April, 1889. He was for some time at the Whitechapel Station, and had there abundant opportunities of gaining a practical knowledge of the most approved methods of dealing with outbreaks of fire. For the past five years he has been at the headquarters of the Metropolitan Brigade, finding employment in the carpenters’ department of the workshop. He has thus secured a useful training for the post now allotted to him, his knowledge of the construction of fire appliances being supplemented and completed by his experience in the everyday use of those appliances. His knowledge extends to the repairing of all fire appliances, and he has taken a considerable interest in the internal construction of buildings in general, and in practised methods of providing for the security of inmates. In his letter of application, Mr Inkster expresses the opinion that of the various fire appliances that have come under his notice, he has always found those manufactured by Messrs Shand, Mason, and Co., London, to be the most satisfactory in every respect. Mr Inkster has a connection with the United Presbyterian Church in Rousay, and with the St George’s Presbyterian Church, Southwark, and carries certificates of high character from the ministers of both those congregations. He is also recommended, as a man of exemplary character, of good abilities, and who has a thorough understanding of the duties of a fireman, by Captain J. Sexton Simonds, the chief of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade. Mr Inkster has a large circle of friends in Orkney, who will be pleased to hear of his appointment to the responsible position of Firemaster of Aberdeen.

[‘Fiery Bill’ as he was affectionately known, was the son of William Inkster, Cogar, and Mary Gibson, Langskaill. He was twice married, firstly to Jean Learmonth, Innister, and later to Sarah Folsetter, Dale, Evie.]

1895 August 5 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY HOME INDUSTRIES. – Most of our readers may have heard something of the Scottish Home Industries and of the Irish Home Industries, but few, we venture to think, may as yet have heard of the Rousay Home Industries. The scheme has been introduced there by Mrs Burroughs, who last autumn set about interesting the people in it. Her efforts have been rewarded, and recently an exhibition of cottage home industries was opened in the island. A short drive from Trumland Pier brings the visitor to the cottage in which the handiwork of the inhabitants is displayed. Conspicuous among the articles are fine specimens of the Rousay homespun tweed, shawls, and other articles of apparel, at all prices. Noticeable also are pretty sketches from nature in watercolour, drawn-linen and other fancy work in sewing, knitting and crotchet, besides pieces of workmanship in wood, &c. When we think of some of the advantages to be gained by home industries, such as physical and moral development, the filling up usefully of spare moments, and the pecuniary profit to the diligent worker, we hail the introduction of that institution into Orkney. We congratulate Mrs Burroughs on the present success of her laudable efforts, and we trust that ere long an advance will be made in the way of extending home industries into the surrounding islands, so that next year we may have one large exhibition of Orkney home industries in the county town.

1896 August 15 Aberdeen Press & Journal

THE MOORS – ORKNEY. – The Twelfth in Orkney was ushered in with fine weather, but shortly after midday rain fell in torrents. Not many of the moors in Orkney have as yet been shot over. At Westness, Rousay, in an hour or two on the Twelfth 15 brace of grouse were got for four guns; while on the Trumland moors 10 brace were got for three guns. The weather was very wet on Thursday and yesterday rain fell incessantly all day.

1896 August 19 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY BOAT CLUB REGATTA. – The annual regatta of the Rousay Boat Club took place in Viera Sound on Friday, 7th inst. The wind in the morning was very light, but in the afternoon there was a nice sailing breeze. There was a very good turnout of spectators, numbers having come from the neighbouring islands. Mr G. Sutherland’s smart little yacht, Myrta, was the first of the Kirkwall fleet to arrive, followed by Mr Peace in the Njala, whose bunting added colour to the scene. The Walrus, Mr Leask, and Sheriff Armour with a party on board his yacht Freya, also arrived, and the Sound had a very lively appearance. The course was a triangular one, being a beat to windward, round a boat in Egilsay Sound, a run to mark boat at Grand, and a reach home. The first race was for the Ladies Cup, open to boats of 35ft. waterline and under. This cup has to be won three consecutive years before becoming the property of the winner. It was a great disappointment that more of the larger boats did not take part in this race, the only two competitors being the Myrta and the Annie. The start was a flying one, and both boats came on the line almost simultaneously with the starting gun, making a very clever and pretty start. In the beat to windward the Myrta lay much closer to the wind than her rival, and at the first boat was about two minutes ahead, but in the run before the wind the Annie overhauled the Myrta, and both boats gybed round the mark-boat together; in the reach back the Annie had the best of it, and rounded the boat at Trumland Pier 50 seconds before the Myrta. In the second round the Annie made a short tack in shore just after rounding the boat, which sealed her fate for the race. The Myrta, further from the land, got a nice breeze which soon put her well ahead, and rounded the first boat 2 minutes 38 seconds before the Annie. In the run before the wind the Annie again overhauled the Myrta, but failed by 13 seconds to secure the first place. The following is the corrected time:

Myrta – G. Sutherland 1h. 46m. 45s.
Annie – J. Logie 1h. 46m. 58s.

The second race to start was the fishing boats’ race, open to boats 16ft. waterline and under. There were seven entries, and the start was a time one, the course being the same as for the first race. As there was very little difference between the sizes of the boats the start was a pretty close one, the smallest boat, Maggie, taking the lead. After rounding the first buoy the Lily passed the Maggie and came in first by 3 minutes 5 seconds. On the run home it was a very close race between the Maggie and Wilsons, but on nearing the pier the Wilsons, through some misunderstanding, went to lee of the mark boat, and when she crossed the line she only managed to secure fourth place. The time was as follows:

Lily – J. Mainland 1h. 23m. 20s.
Maggie – R. Graham 1h. 26m. 25s.
Sarah Ann – J. Mainland 1h. 26m. 33s.
Wilsons – T. Wilson 1h. 26m. 40s.
Mary – W. Costie 1h. 30m. —
Rose – S. Mainland 1h. 35m —

The third race was the medal race, open to boats 22 feet waterline and under. There were three entries, and the start being a flying one, all the boats got well off together. The Walrus was the first to cross the line, and was followed closely by the Sweyn and Sigurd. There was no altering of places in this race, the Walrus maintaining the Iead all through, and crossed the line 5 min. 27 sec. before her opponents. The time was as follows:

Walrus – A. Leask 1h. 3m. 57s.
Sweyn – J. Garrioch 1h. 9m. 21s.
Sigurd – General Burroughs 1h. 11m. 55s.

In the all comer’s race there were four entries, and with a flying start all the boats got away well together, the Walrus and the Annie in very close company, and it was some little time before the Annie got past the Walrus, after which both boats did better. The Myrta took the lead, which she maintained to the finish. The following is the time after deducting time allowance:

Mytra – G. Sutherland – h. 55m. 23s.
Annie – J. Logie – h. 57m. 30s.
Walrus – A. Leask 1h. 1m. 4½s.
Sweyn – J. Garrioch 1h. 4m. 23½s.

ROWING RACES. – Boy’s – 1, H. Sinclair and J. Cursiter; 2, W. Johnston and Hugh Sinclair; 3, J. Park and A. Haddon; 4, A. Pirie and W. Leonard. Ladies’ – 1, Misses Pirie and Gibson; 2, Misses Angus and Flaws; 3, Misses Harrold and Johnston; 4, Misses Inkster and Craigie. Men’s – 1, George Harrold and A. Harrold; 2, R. Graham and John Craigie; 3, Hugh Gibson and John Inkster.

At the close of the races, Miss Revenshaw, from Westness House, distributed the prizes to the successful competitors, and was accorded three hearty cheers. Three cheers were also given to General Burroughs, Commodore of the club, and Mr T. Middlemore, Vice-Commodore. The committee take this opportunity of thanking those who so kindly contributed to their prize fund. The club supplied refreshments to visitors throughout the day, and great credit is due to the ladies who presided in the tea room.

1896 August 22 West London Observer

In a letter which appears in “The Parson’s Green Parish Magazine” for this month, the Rev. J. S. Sinclair, Vicar of St Dionis, gives an interesting account of his holiday tour in Scotland. He says: – “Can there be a greater contrast between the places where I have been for the past three weeks and Fulham? Both in Orkney and Caithness, while you have been sweltering in tropical heat, we have hardly been able to keep warm indoors without fires, and have congratulated ourselves on our prudence in bringing winter clothes and wraps. If anyone wants to escape the heat of the dog-days, I cannot advise a more promising course to pursue than to go to Orkney. The particular island where we were staying is about two hours’ steam from Kirkwall, the capital of the islands, situated on the “mainland,” as the inhabitants call their principal islet. We arrived there from Perth, after a long day’s journey, late night, much later than it should have been, as the Highland train was, as usual, late, and the steamer from Thurso, in consequence, lost the tide. But still it was wonderfully light; we could always read ordinary print to midnight, and though, of course, the sun disappeared, still his light was always visible till he rose, after few hours, in the morning. Some of our party played a game of golf round the house on the isle of Rousay at 11 o’clock at night.”

The Rev. gentleman goes on to describe the journey from Thurso to Kirkwall, and remarks: – “At last, in the midnight twilight, Kirkwall appeared in sight, with its great red and grey cathedral towering over the little town of low-built houses – a wonderful sign of the energy and power of the Church in the middle ages. I could name good many cathedrals in England which are not its equal in size and beauty. We put up for the rest of the night at Dunnet’s comfortable hotel, and in the morning inspected more closely the cathedral and the ruins of the earl’s and bishop’s palaces close by. Communication between the various islands is not very frequent, but, fortunately, a picnic of the Free Church Sunday School was leaving mid-day for Rousay, our destination, so we gladly arranged with their leaders to take us with them. I was interested in watching the children and teachers, who swarmed all about the little steamer “Fawn.” They are like certain that I could name in their liking for sweets of all kinds but I think they are a little more cautious and canny in spending their money, and take their pleasure much more solemnly; in fact, I imagine they would have been a little scandalised at the shouts which lately proceeded from a string of vans between Fulham and Riddlesdown.”

The Rev. J. S. Sinclair farther says: – “The Orcadians, like the Shetlanders and the men of Caithness, are of Scandinavian origin, and have never spoken the broad Scotch of the Lowlands or the Gaelic of the Highlands. They are a very courteous, reserved set of people, of fine physique, in fact, an officer whom I met, and who had been inspecting the local artillery volunteers, told me they were the finest body of men he had ever reviewed. From Rousay we went back to Thurso, where my family have lived for some time, and from there visited John o’ Groats, the furthest inhabited house in Scotland, and the wild headland of Duncansby, the extreme point of our island. Here I found some rare plants, including the Primula Scottica, a tiny pink primrose, and the Bog Pimpernel, specimens of which I despatched to be planted in a well-known Fulham garden.”

The letter concludes as follows: – “The coast scenery of Caithness is often very grand, but the interior is wild and desolate in the extreme; there are no hedges, only stone or sod dykes; no trees, except those protected by high walls or very close planting, and everywhere are traces of the tremendous gales to which this country is subject. On the other hand the winter is less serious than with us, and in Rousay I saw hedges of fuchsia six feet high, and various other plants that we put under glass flourish there out of doors. Everything, however, has to be protected from the wind, as you will gather when I tell you that the lighthouse-keeper at Dunnet Head told me be occasionally found his cabbages down by a loch half a mile away after a severe gale! On the whole we were glad that our lot was cast in a less severe if less bracing climate.”

1896 August 26 Orkney Herald

MR T. MIDDLEMORE of Eynhallow has presented Rousay Golf Club with a handsome silver cup.

1896 September 7 The Globe

Admiral Sir W. J. Hunt-Grubbe arrived at Kirkwall yesterday and proceeded to Westness House, Rousay, where he is to be the guest of Mr and Mrs Middlemore for a few days.

[Walter James Hunt-Grubbe joined the Royal Navy in 1845. Promoted to Captain in 1866, he took command of Her Majesty’s ships Tamar, Rupert, Devastation, Pembroke and Sultan. He was Naval Aide-de-Camp to HM Queen Victoria in 1879, and was appointed Knight Commander, Order of the Bath (K.C.B.) on 14 August 1882. He was appointed Commander-in-Chief, Cape of Good Hope and West Coast of Africa Station in 1885 and Superintendent of Devonport dockyard in 1888. He went on to be President of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, in 1894, and gained the rank of Admiral on 20 February 1895.]

1896 September 23 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – GOLF CLUB. – The Rousay Golf Club played their August competition on the Westness Course on the 25th August, when the following members were successful in winning the handicap prizes: –

1. J. Leonard – 88
2. F. Kirkness – 89
3. G Pirie – 90

As this was the last competition for the season, the prizes for the year’s play were handed out at the close to the successful competitors. The following were their scores: –

MIDDLEMORE CUP. – (Scratch.)
1. J. G. Craigie – 294
2. R. G. Gordon – 296
3. A. Munro – 297

William Reid – 287

A special match (handicap) has been played on the Brings Course for clubs presented by Messrs Shearer and Dick, Leith. The winners were Messrs G. Pirie, J. G. Craigie, and F. Kirkness. Mr Geo. Storey, Edinburgh, also presented the Club with a number of golf balls (scratch play), which were won by Messrs R. G. Gordon, A. Munro, and G. Gibson.

1896 November 4 Orkney Herald

ROUSAY – HOME INDUSTRIES. – A meeting of the committee of the Rousay “Home Industries” was held at Trumland House on Friday last. The home industries, which have been going on for the last three months in a cottage at Banks, Frotoft, kindly lent by Mr [John] Robertson, and under the charge of Mrs [Isabella] Robertson, have been on the whole a success. Although there was some very fine work which was not sold, yet about £23 worth was disposed of. Rousay homespun cloth, natural colour, was in great demand, and orders have been received for winter manufacture. Gentlemen’s knickerbockers, stockings, socks, ladies and gentlemen’s jerseys, gloves, fine lace shawls, Orkney strawbacked stools, straw and heather mats, casies, baskets, spinning wheels, or any article of Orkney manufacture will be received for sale next year, when it is hoped that all intending exhibitors will have their work at Banks Cottage on or before 1st July, when the “Industries” will be opened again. Intending exhibitors will find a copy of the rules, also a list of such articles that are likely to sell, with the secretaries in the district, viz., Miss M. Gibson, Curquoy, Sourin; Miss Gibson, Langskaill, Wasbister; Miss Mainland, No. 5, Frotoft; Mrs Pirie, U.P. Manse; and Mrs Miller, Veira. The funds of the Association show a creditable balance on the right side, thanks to the President, Mrs Burroughs, for her present of work, the proceeds of which were left with the treasurer. The object for which the home industries was started last year was to continue the production of interesting local manufactures and specialities which are running the risk of fast disappearing in these days of machinery, &c. Many visitors coming to Orkney are interested in the purely local productions, and would be glad to buy them and so encourage these industries. The long winter nights in Orkney afford time for working at many of these industries in the house, and may provide remunerative and pleasant occupation for many. By trying to produce the very best in their power, the workers hope next year to receive a share of the patronage of the public.

1896 December 2 Orkney Herald

FISHING. – The fishing in Orkney last week was prosecuted with better success, the weather in the first of the week being rather fine. The Kirkwall boats proceeded to the Westray Firth, and had good takes of haddocks and cod, while one boat at the East Firth also had a fair take of haddocks. Some good shots were landed at Rousay and Scapa. Landed for the week – 195 cwts. haddocks and 103 cwts. cod, Price – Cod, 4s; haddocks, 7s. Lobster boats also fished well.

1896 December 21 Aberdeen Press & Journal

FISHING NEWS – KIRKWALL, Saturday. – The Scapa boats have done best this week. Holm and Burray boats fished near Hunday, and landed fair shots. Orphir and Scapa boats landed their shots at Scapa. Owing to their long distance from sea. and light winds in first the week, the Kirkwall boats have been only once out for the week. Rousay and Evie boats have done well to the westward, but they cure their own fish. Landed at Kirkwall for the week, 140cwts. haddocks and 70cwts. cod. Prices – Cod, 4s ; haddocks, 7s.

1896 December 30 Orkney Herald

Fifty or a Hundred Wanted, dressed or undressed.
Give prices and particulars at once.
Mr Sinclair, 125 Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh.



“See that his shirt fronts and collars are properly got up. If you find this difficult, introduce your laundrymaid or washerwoman to ‘St Bernard’s Enamel,’ prepared by David P. Aitchison, St Leonard’s Street, Edinburgh. This capital invention saves much labour, is quite simple to use, and very inexpensive, for a 2d packet lasts a long time. When the linen is ready for ironing, dip a piece of wet flannel into the powder, rub it over the linen, and iron immediately, and the effect will be all that the most particular of mankind can desire.” – From Hearth and Home.



BIRTHS: INKSTER – At 21 Frederick Street, Aberdeen, on the 23rd inst., the wife of William Inkster, firemaster, of a daughter.

[This was the birth announcement of Ruby, third daughter of William (“Fiery Bill”) Inkster and his first wife Jane Learmonth. The other two children were Mary, born in 1894, and Annie, in 1895.]