Back row, from left: Maggie Jane Clouston, Shalter; Hugh Sinclair, Vacquoy; Ellen Mary Craigie, Ploverha; John Marwick, Quoys; Maggie Inkster, Furse; James Clouston, Tou; Jean Inkster, Swartafiold; David Flaws, Hammerfield; ?.
Middle row: Mary Jane Pearson, Kirkgate; James Craigie, Turbitail; Bessie Muir, Breckan; Hugh Craigie, Deithe; Maggie Jessie Flaws, Hammerfield; James Marwick, Grain; William Craigie, Ivybank; Robert Inkster, Furse; Annie Craigie, Ivybank;
Arthur Flaws, Hammerfield.
Front row: John Clouston, Shalter; James Sinclair, Blackhammer; Maggie Jessie Muir, Breckan; Liz Moar, Saviskaill; Ethel Inkster, Furse; Annabella Sinclair, Sketquoy; Tony Sinclair, West Side School; Isabella Sinclair, West Side School.
Back row, from left: Minnie Inkster, Furse; Lilly Inkster, Furse; William Flaws, Hammerfield; Hugh Sinclair, Sketquoy; Maggie Jessie Grieve, Whitemeadows;
Rita Craigie, Ivybank.
Middle row: George Craigie, Falquoy; Ethel Inkster, Furse; Annabella Sinclair, Sketquoy; Maggie Jessie Flaws, Hammerfield; Jim Craigie, Falquoy.
Front row: Sidney Marwick, Innister; John Marwick, Innister; Bella Laird, Castlehill; Andrew Laird, Castlehill; Charles Logie, Cubbie Roo.
Back row: Stanley Moar, William Marwick, David Wards, Sinclair Craigie, Thomas Donaldson, Thomas Marwick, James Craigie.
Middle row: Jim Sinclair, Clara Donaldson, Agnes Marwick, Netta Sinclair, Jean Marwick, Kathleen Craigie, Clem Donaldson, Anna Marwick, Robert Marwick.
Front row: William Donaldson, Jim Leslie, Donald Marwick.
Back row: George Sinclair, Sketquoy; David Leslie, Whitemeadows; Evelyn Clouston, Tou; Renee Hourie, Braehead; Phebe Marwick, Innister; Elsie Donaldson, Vacquoy; Edwin Moar, Saviskaill.
Front row: David Marwick, Quoys; Kathy Marwick, Quoys; Edna Clouston, Tou; Nettie Marwick, Innister; Gertie Moar, Saviskaill; John Marwick, Braehead.
Back row, from left: Annie Craigie, Mount Pleasant; Eliza Shearer, Old Mill, Trumland Farm; Martha Craigie, Mount Pleasant; Cecilia Logie, The Stables, Trumland House; Agnes Johnston, Breek; Mary Ann Sinclair, Newhouse.
Front row: Peter Shearer, Old Mill, Trumland Farm; George Mainland, Cott; William Logie, Gripps; Robert Inkster, Westness Farm; Miss Barbara Norquoy the teacher; David Inkster, Westness Farm.
Back row, from left: Jim Craigie, Corse; Jim Robertson, Trumland Farm; George Mainland, Cott; William Logie, Mount Pleasant; Mary Ann Sinclair, Newhouse; Maggie Robertson, Old Mill; Jeannie Harrold, Rose Cottage; John Mainland, Cott; Robert Mainland, Westness.
Front row: John Logie, Mount Pleasant; Charlie Logie [Lalla], Ivy Cottage; Mary Mainland, Westness; Peggy Sutherland, Viera View; Isie Craigie, Corse; Edda Mainland, Cott; John Mainland, Westness.
Back row, left to right: Davidson Harrold, Rose Cottage; Charles Logie [Lalla]; Agnes Robertson, Banks; Isabella Craigie, Corse; Peggie Sutherland; Jeannie Harrold, Rose Cottage; Bobbie o’ Westness; Lily Low, Hooklet; Marjorie o’ Hullion; Jeems o’ Corse; Louie o’ Corse; John o’ Cott; Edda; John Logie, Mount Pleasant; Mary o’ Westness; Jeannie Louttit, Evie; teacher Sarah Craigie; Jock o’ Westness; Jim Sinclair [o’ the Lodge].
Front row: Hugh Sutherland; James Gibson, Hullion; Emma Mainland [Maggie Jessie Ann], Jim, her twin, behind her; Dave Gibson, Brough; Marie Leonard, Hullion; Kathleen o’ Hullion; Harry Logie; Annie Gibson, Hullion; Maggie Ann Craigie;
Tom Sinclair; Annie Leonard; Alice Logie [Girlie].
Back row, from left: Ann Reid; Mabel Sinclair; Minnie Reid; Anne Johnston; James Smith; Bill Gibson.
Middle row: Mary Yorston; Sarah Smith; Jim Yorston; ? Hume; Hugh Marwick; Jim Marwick; Bill Craigie.
Front row: Bill Smith; John Gibson, Hullion; ? Hume; John Marwick; John Yorston; Lilla Yorston; Lilly Sinclair.
Back row: Jim Marwick, Breek; John Marwick; John Craigie, Corse; Bill Smith.
Middle row: Sarah Smith; Mary Yorston; Mary Sinclair, Newhouse; Ann Reid, Tratland; Minnie Reid, Tratland.
Front row: John Gibson, Hullion; Fred Craigie, Corse; Jim Yorston; Hugh Marwick, Breek; Lilla Yorston; Lily Sinclair, Banks.

and Mary Mainland, Gorehouse
Back row: ?; ?; Helen Craigie, born at West Creya; Mary Ann Grieve, Fa’doon; ?; Ann Corsie, Knarston; Winnie Gibson, Avelshay.
4th row: John Marwick, Quoys; Thomas Corsie, Knarston; James Craigie, Glebe; Albert Munro, Old School; William Corsie, Glebe; William Marwick, Quoys; James Lyon, Ervadale.
3rd row: Robert Sabiston, Gripps; John Craigie, Treblo; James Irvine, Woo; ?; William Marwick, Scockness; James Moodie, Ervadale; John Sabiston, Gripps.
2nd row: Janet Corsie, Knarston; Mimie Seatter, Banks; Aggie Lyon, Ervadale; Edith Spark, Est. Ch. Manse; Margaret Jessie Inkster, Swartifield; Maggie Jean Lyon, Ervadale; Catherine Lyon, Ervadale; Bella Seatter, Banks; Jessie Ann Harrold, Blossom.
Front row: George Sabiston, Gripps; David Gibson, Swartifield; Murray Spark, Est. Ch. Manse; Alfred Gibson, Avelshay; Edward Seatter, Banks.
[Alfred and Edward were both killed in WW1.]
Back row, from left: ?; ?; ?; James Grieve; Stanley Gibson; Bobby Marwick; Gordon Dickson; George Corsie; David Linklater; Hugh Grieve; John Craigie.
Middle row: Alice Craigie; Cilla Corsie; Annie Craigie; Hannah Grieve; Mary Ann Craigie; Cissie Craigie; Annie Scott; Sally Craigie.
Front row: Maggie Jean Wylie; Mary Wylie; Jock Costie; Jessie Costie; Sammy Costie; Mary Leonard; Elsie Inkster.
Back row: ?, Willie Ferguson (Stand Pretty), Bing Munro (Bravel), Alfred Gibson (Avelshay), Robert Seatter (Banks), Jeanny Donaldson (Broch), Daisy Munro (Bravel), Jean Clouston (Upper Knarston), Annabella Gibson (Pow), Roy Russell (Old School), Bill Mainland (Hurtiso), ?, Isobel Grieve, teacher (Fa’doon).
John Seatter (Banks), James Lyon (Ervadale), Annie Craigie (Essaquoy), Kathleen Munro (Bravel), Kathleen Grieve (Cruannie), Mabel Grieve (Cruannie), Nelly Harcus (Clumpy), Chrissie Russell (Brendale), Kathleen Gibson (Avelshay), Annie Craigie (Scockness), Isabella Lyon (Ervadale), George Craigie (Scockness).
John Grieve (Digro), Robert Grieve (Cruannie), Archer Clouston (Upper Knarston), Edith Gibson (Avelshay), Maggie Anne Munro (Bravel), Dorothy Mainland (Hurtiso), Netta Russell (Brendale), Anne Lyon (Ervadale), John Harcus (Clumpy), Andy Munro (Bravel), Angus Harcus (Clumpy).
Back row, from left: Angus Harcus; John Grieve; John Seatter; Billy Mainland; Leonard Irvine; George Craigie; Archer Clouston; Hugh Yorston; Robert Marwick; John Harcus.
3rd row: Dorothy Mainland; Edith Gibson; Sally Linklater; Isobel Pirie; Ann Lyon; Mabel Grieve; Cathy Linklater; Maggie Ann Munro.
2nd row: Gordon Taylor; George Grieve; Netta Russell; Chrissie Grieve; Dorothy Munro; Thelma Shearer; Robert Lyon; Norman Munro; Robert Munro.
Front row: Andy Munro; Bertie Grieve; Ernest Mainland; Arnold Grieve; Hugh Lyon; Tommy Linklater.
Morag Russell from Aberdeen writes:- This would have been a couple of years after my father left school (Hugh Russell). His younger sisters, Netta and Chrissie, must have been absent that day but I recognise many of their cousins and neighbours. Long years after this, I met the teacher, Miss Brown, at a creative writing evening class in Aberdeen, when she must have been quite an elderly lady. We sat together and I remember her telling me, with some pride, ‘I’m George Mackay Brown’s sister, you know.’ As we chatted on I realised who she was from stories my dad told about his school days! When I asked if she remembered him, she said, ‘Hughie Russell! He wis a right peedie divvil!’
Ruby Brown’s son Danny Ross writes:- “Ruby did enjoy her two years teaching at Sourin although she missed her Stromness family and all the shops there. Indeed, she became engaged to a Rousay man but when she discovered the sheer physical hard work of a farmer’s wife, she quickly became unengaged!”
Back row, from left: Dorothy Munro, Breval; Thelma Shearer, Curquoy; Norman Munro, Breval; Tommy Linklater, Blossom; Dorothy Mainland, Hurtiso; Hugh Lyon, Ervadale; Arnold Grieve, Cruannie; Chrissie Grieve, Digro; Eva Wylie, Grindlesbreck.
Middle row: Jim Linklater, Blossom; Peggy Gibson, Broland; Jim Gibson, Lopness; Vera Gibson, Fa’doon; Edward Seatter, Banks; James Harcus, Clumpy; Marjory Groundwater, Quoys; Peggy Corsie, Glebe.
Front row: Robert Munro, Breval; Gordon Taylor, Swandale; Ernie Mainland, Hurtiso; Hugh Munro, Breval; Robert Lyon, Ervadale; George Grieve, Cruannie.
All photos are courtesy of Tommy Gibson
[I have copied the names from the reverse of each photo –
and I admit there are one or two missing!]