Rousay School Board was an elected body. The Church of Scotland played a great part in education and parish ministers had supervisory roles, including the employment of teachers and carrying out periodic inspections. Rousay had three kirks; the Established, Free, and United Presbyterian, and each voter on this list, dated 1872, has his own particular ecclesiastical affiliation marked beside his name. The images below are enlargements of the document above.
Wasbister, south-east of the public road in 1873. Who lived where, the acreage of their land, and the rent they paid.
Alexander Gibson’s quote acceptance for building and repair work of a dyke at the United Presbyterian manse, dated 1884.
Bill for items delivered to Rousay aboard the steamer Fawn in 1893. James Flaws, Hammerfield, paid Charlie Logie 1s 10½d for services rendered.
James Flaws, Hammerfield, settling his account with James Flett & Sons in 1898-99.
James Flaws, Hammerfield, declaring his ownership of a sheepdog in January 1900.
James Flaws, Hammerfield, bought 12lbs of tea in November 1901, and Paterson Craigie, Viera Lodge, delivered it to Wasbister.
Fire insurance policy renewal receipt relating to Bellona, Pier Cottage, and a house on land at Falquoy, dated February 1902.
The laird paying Charlie Logie for joinery work done at Brendale in May 1902.
Fire insurance policy renewal receipt relating to Trumland House offices and furniture, dated May 1902.
Curquoy, Sourin, to let for three months in 1902.
Another bill for work done by Charlie Logie, this time at The Bu, Wyre, in 1902.
Hugh Craigie paying £1 sterling for the half-year’s rent of Deithe, Wasbister, in May 1905.
Two Wasbister ladies getting married in 1906: Mary Jemima Mainland Kirkness, Grain, to Charles William Louttit, Unst – and Agnes Calder Laughton Pearson, Kirkgate, to William Harrison, Kirkwall.
Isabella Marwick paying £1 sterling for the half-year’s rent of Grain, Wasbsiter in November 1906.
James Flaws paying £3 10s. sterling for the half-year’s rent of Hammerfield, also in November 1906.
James also paid eight shillings in November 1906 rent on the land at New Greystone, Wasbister.
Meanwhile, Hugh Marwick paid six shillings for his half-year rent on Upper Grain, also known as The Slap, in 1906.
James Flaws, Hammerfield – his income tax return for 1922-23.
James Flaws, Hammerfield, paying his rates to local collector George Gibson [Avalshay] in January 1926.
The movement of stock from Hammerfield, Wasbister in 1933-34.
Monumental mason James Dowell, Kirkwall, – a bill for supplying and erecting a monument in the Brinian kirkyard, April 1936.
Bill Flaws, Hammerfield – selling stock at Orkney Auction Mart, November 1936.