1915 January 6 The Orkney Herald
ROUSAY – CONCERT IN AID OF THE BELGIANS. – On Christmas evening a concert and entertainment was held at Wasbister School, Rousay, in aid of the Belgians. The programme was sustained in the main by the pupils attending Wasbister School and the young people of the district. They were admirably trained for the various parts by Miss Magdalene Taylor, schoolmistress, and contributed a varied selection of rhymes, songs, recitations, and dances, all of which keenly delighted the audience. Throughout the evening several items by adults added greatly to the pleasure of all present. Notable among the items were solos, finely rendered by Miss Taylor, Mr Russell, and Mr Dexter (a soldier invalided home from the front). All of them were encored. The instrumental music also was thoroughly enjoyed, selections being contributed by Miss Marwick (gramophone), Mr Magnus Craigie (violin), Mr Craigie, jr. (violin), and Mr Robert Inkster, Cogar (pianoforte). Amusing dialogues interspersed throughout provoked hearty laughter. The votes of thanks were proposed by Mr Craigie and Rev. Mr Matheson, chairman. A collection taken at the door by Mr Sinclair realised the sum of £3 10s.
1915 March 3 Orkney Herald
There will be Sold, by Public Roup, at STANDPRETTY, ROUSAY,
on Saturday, 6th March, 1 Mare (13 years old), 1 Cow in calf,
1 One-year-old, a Dog, Box Cart, Plough, Wooden Harrows,
Spring-tooth Harrows, Scuffler, Turnip Sower, Barn Fanners,
Wheelbarrow, Plough-trees, Cart and Plough Harness,
Churn, Quarrying and Shoemaker’s Tools.
A few thrives White Oats, Hay, and Rye Grass Seed.
Some Household Furniture, and a variety of other articles.
Sale to commence at 11 a.m.
Terms – Cash
G. C. Webster, Auctioneer.
ROUSAY – PLOUGHING MATCH. – The annual ploughing match of the Rousay Agricultural Society was held on Wednesday, the 24th inst., in a field kindly granted for the occasion by Mrs [Jane] Moar, Saviskaill. Fourteen ploughs entered for competition, one champion and thirteen ordinary. During the day the ploughmen were liberally supplied with refreshments on the field, and after their work was done, by Mrs and Misses Moar. Owing to difficulty in getting judges from a distance, and other reasons, the Committee appointed local men to act for this year. The judges were, for grooming harness, Messrs John Cutt and John Harrold; and for ploughing, Messrs Thomas Sinclair and James Yorston, who had a hard task to perform, especially in placing the first three prize-men, but after a careful and painstaking consideration, awarded the prizes as follows: –
PLOUGHING. – 1 and Highland Society’s medal, Thomas Inkster, Nearhouse; 2, John Marwick, Westness; 3, David Moar, Saviskaill; 4, Albert Munro, Westness; 5, Hugh Munro, Westness; 6, Thomas Marwick, Hullion; 7, Alex. Craigie, Langskaill; 8, Andrew Laird, Cogar; 9, John Marwick. Quoys; 10, James Craigie, Trumland. Youngest ploughman, John Marwick, Quoys. Feering, Thomas Inkster. Finish, John Marwick. Straightest ploughing, Albert Munro. Best feering on field, James Craigie, Falquoy. Best finish on field, John Marwick. Cup for best ploughed rig, James Craigie, Falquoy.
GROOMING. – 1, James Craigie, Trumland; 2, Thomas Inkster; 3, Hugh Munro; 4, Albert Munro; 5, John Marwick, Westness.
HARNESS. – 1, James Craigie, Trumland; 2, Thomas Inkster; 3, James Marwick, Saviskaill; 4, David Moar; 5, John Marwick.
In the evening the Committee, judges, and a number of friends were entertained to an excellent dinner by Mr and Mrs Moar. Mr John Logie occupied the chair. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given and responded to. The Committee take this opportunity of thanking all those who so handsomely contributed to the funds; and also to the donors of the special prizes, of which there were a good many useful and valuable articles. To Mr John Logie, Trumland House, for visiting the field and enabling the Society to get the Highland Society’s medal, the Committee and ploughmen alike, are much indebted.
1915 March 17 Orkney Herald
HEATHER BURNING PROHIBITED. – The Admiral Commanding the Orkneys and Shetlands has issued an order under the Defence of the Realm Regulations prohibiting the burning of heather and bent in Orkney. Under Section 26 of these Regulations it is unlawful to ignite any fire which could serve as a signal, guide, or landmark, without the permission of the competent naval or military authority. The practice of heather and bent burning is, accordingly, an offence punishable in terms of the regulations. The inhabitants of Orkney are therefore requested to take immediate and effective measures to extinguish any fire which may accidentally occur.
1915 May 26 Orkney Herald
RECRUITING IN ORKNEY. – Lord Kitchener has asked for 300,000 more men, and when we read of the losses our regiments at the front are suffering, especially when any forward movement is attempted, we can understand how necessary it is to have all the men available trained and ready to fill up the gaps. We may not want conscription, but nothing can prevent it coming if the men now required do not come forward voluntarily. No regiment has seen more service and suffered more than the Seaforths, the regiment of this county. The necessities of their case are bringing over to Orkney a party of officers and men of the 5th Seaforths, and it is hoped that the response to their efforts will be hearty. The fact that this may be the last opportunity for voluntary enlistment, and that the country is in more urgent need of men now than at any time during the war, should be remembered by all those who can possibly go. The dates and places of meeting will be seen in our advertisement columns. We would ask everybody in these districts, both men and women, to attend.
1915 June 2 Orkney Herald
News has just reached Orkney that Lieut. C. E. W. Charrington, who has been in Westness, Rousay, for the last few years, has died from wounds in France. Lieut. Charrington was an excellent sportsman, and possessed a most lovable and kindly nature. He was greatly respected in Rousay. Much sympathy is felt for the family in their sad bereavement.
1915 June 16 Orkney Herald
WASBISTER DISTRICT. – Collected by Miss Inkster, Cogar.
Mr Kirkness, Quoyostray, 5s; Mrs Inkster, ditto 1s; Mrs Leonard, Tou, 6d; Mrs Flaws, Hammerfield, 1s; Mrs Borwick, Moan, 4s; Mr Craigie, Deithe, 1s; Miss Craigie, do., 1s; Mrs Donaldson, Manse, 2s; Mrs Craigie, Ploverhall, 6d; Mrs Mowat, Garret, 1s; Mrs Clouston, Shalter, 1s; Mr Alexander, Burness, 1s; Miss Marwick, Whitemeadows, 1s; Mrs Craigie, Turbitail, 1s; Mr A. Pearson, Vacquoy, 3s; Mr Sinclair, do., 1s; Mr Inkster, Barebraes, 1s; Mr H. Pearson, Kirkgate, 6d; Mr Marwick, Grain, 1s; Mr Clouston, Tou, 2s; Mr Peter Louttit, 1s; Mr Inkster, Furse, 3s; Mr Sinclair, Sketquoy, 5s; Mr D. Moar, Saviskaill, 1s; Mr J. Tait, do., 1s; Mr Isbister, do., 2s; Mr G. Sabiston, do., 2s; Mr W. Moar, do., 5s; Mr D. Gibson, Langskaill, 5s; Miss Mary Inkster, do., 2s; Mr A. Craigie, do., 2s; Mr J. G. Marwick, do., 1s; A Friend, do., 2s; Mrs Taylor, Schoolhouse, 1s 6d; Mr Marwick, Quoys, 2s; Mr Craigie, Falquoy, 2s; Mr J. G. Craigie, Old Schoolhouse, 5s; Mrs Louttit, Maybank, 1s; Mr Marcus Wood, 2s 6d; Mr Marwick, Innister, 2s; Mr Lavid [sic], Castlehill, 1s; Mr Inkster, Cogar, 1s.
Total, £4 4s 6d.
SOURIN DISTRICT. – (1) Collected by Miss Isabella Grieve, Whitehall.
Mr and Mrs J. W. Grieve, Whitehall, 5s; Mrs Grieve, sen., 1s; Mr and Mrs Gibson, Avelshay, 5s; Miss Gibson, do., 1s 6d; Miss Edith Gibson, do., 1s 6d; Mr John Gibson. do., 2s 6d; Mr James Marwick, do., 2s 6d; Mr and Mrs Harrold, Springfield, 1s; Mr David Craigie, Cruar, 3s 6d; Rev. Alex. Spark, The Manse, 10s; Mrs Spark, do., 10s; Mr and Mrs Craigie, Glebe, 3s; Mr Corsie, Knarston, 2s 6d; Mr and Mrs Grieve, Upper Knarston, 3s; Mr and Mrs Mainland, Gorehouse, 3s; Mr and Mrs Costie, Kingerly, 2s; Mrs Costie, sen., do., 2s; Mr and Mrs Munro, Old School, 4s; Mr Thomas Work, Old School, 3s 6d; Mr Seatter, Banks, 2s; Mrs Seatter, do., 1s; Miss Seatter, do., 1s; Mr Robert Seatter, do., 2s 6d; Mr Alex. Grieve, Lowermill, 2s; Mr and Mrs Marwick, Braes, 2s; Miss Cooper, Hanover, 1s; Miss Mary Ann Cooper, do., 6d; Mr and Mrs Corsie, Faro, 1s; Mr and Mrs Grieve, Outerdykes, 1s; Mr Work, Eastaquoy, 6d; Mrs Dishan, do., 6d; Mr and Mrs Munro, Pretty, 1s; Mr and Mrs Craigie, Triblo, 4s; Miss Craigie, do., 1s; Mr and Mrs Gibson, Old Man, 2s.
Total, £4 9s 6d.
(2) Collected by Miss Baikie, The School House.
Miss L. G. Baikie, 5s; Mr and Mrs Inkster, Woo, 5s; Mrs Dickson, 2s; Mrs and Mrs Lyon, Ervadale, 3s; Mr and Mrs Linklater, Curquoy, 2s; Mrs Inkster, Gripps, 1s; Mrs Sabiston, do., 2s; Mrs Shearer, Eastcray, 3s; Mrs Reid, Wasdale, 3s; Mr and Mrs Inkster, Essaquoy, 3s; Mr and Mrs Gibson, Broland, 3s 6d; Mr and Mrs Wylie, Roadside, 1s; Mr and Mrs Inkster, Knapper, 1s; Mr and Mrs James Russell, Brendale, 4s; Mr John Russell, do., 1s; Miss A. J. Harrold, Bigland, 1s; Mr A. C. Gibson, do., 3s 6d; Mr and Mrs Craigie, Swandale, 5s; Mr James A. Matheson, 15s; Mr and Mrs Wm. Grieve, Falldown, 3s; Mrs Harrold, Blossom, 1s; Miss J. A. Harrold, do., 1s; Mr and Mrs Wm. Grieve, Digro, 2s; Mr and Mrs Scott, Lopness, 3s; Mr Hugh Marwick, Guidal, 4s; Mr John Scott, Hurtiso, 5s; Corporal James Russell, do., 2s; Gr. J. Harcus, do., 2s; Mr and Mrs John Craigie, Breck, 4s; Johnnie Craigie, do., 1s; Mrs Craigie, do., 6d; Mrs Louttit, do , 1s; Mr and Mrs Logie, Myres, 4s; Mr John Gibson, Faraclett, 5s; Mr Robert Marwick, Scockness, 4s; Miss J. Marwick, do., 2s 6d; Miss M. Marwick, do., 4s; Gr. Alexander Robertson, 2s.
Total, £5 15s. Total for Sourin, £10 4s 6d.
FROTOFT DISTRICT. – Collected by Miss Lydia Mainland and Miss Marjorie Gibson.
Mr J. Mainland, Westness, 2s 6d; Mrs Bella Mainland, do., 2s; Mr Robert Mainland, do., 1s; Mr Hugh Munro, do., 1s; Mr Albert Munro, do., 1s; Mrs Low, do., 6d; Mr and Mrs Stevenson, do., 1s; Mrs Marwick, do., 6d; Mr John Craigie, Corse, 2s; Miss Isabella Craigie, do., 1s; Miss A. Craigie, Veira Lodge, 1s; Mr J. S. Craigie, Hullion, 2s; Mr Hugh Sinclair, Newhouse, 2s 6d; Mr Tom Marwick, Hullion, 1s; Mr D. Gibson, do., 2s; Mr J. Gibson, do., 2s; Mrs A. Leonard, do., 2s; Miss Marjorie Gibson, do., 6d; Jim Gibson, do., 6d; Mrs Johnstone, No. 1 Frotoft, 1s; Miss A. Johnstone, do., 6d; Miss B. Johnstone, do., 1s; Mrs J. Smith, No. 2 Frotoft, 1s; Mrs J Gibson, No. 3 Frotoft, 2s; Mrs Betsy Mainland, No. 4 Frotoft, 2s; Miss Lydia Mainland, do., 6d; Miss Robertson, Banks, 2s; Mr William Logie, Mount Pleasant, 1s; Mr and Mrs Gibson. No. 5 Frotoft, 2s; Mr and Mrs George Reid, Gripps, 2s; Miss Minna Reid, do., 6d; Mrs Reid, Tratland, 2s; Miss Reid, do., 2s; Mr and Mrs Low, Hunclet, 2s; Miss Low, do., 6d; Mr Inkster, Nearhouse, 2s 6d; Miss Bella H. Cooper, do., 2s; Mrs McKinlay, do., 1s; Mr James Yorston, do., 2s; Mrs J. Hourston, Schoolhouse, 2s; Miss Minna Hourston, do., 2s; Mrs Elphinstone, Mid Crusday, 1s; Mr and Mrs D. B. Mackay, Crusday, 4s; Mr and Mrs Sinclair, Cotafea, 2s 6d; Mr J. Craigie, Hullion, 1s; Mrs D. Johnston, Croady, 2s.
Total £3 10s.
TRUMLAND DISTRICT. – Collected by Miss M. Craigie and Miss Alice Logie.
Mrs Harrold, Kirkhall, 1s; Mr and Mrs Inkster, do., 1s; Mr and Mrs Sutherland, Smithy Cottage, 2s; Mr and Mrs C. B. Logie, Ivy Cottage, 2s; the Logie bairns, do., 2s; Mr and Mrs Harrold, Rose Cottage, 2s; Miss Harrold, do., 1s; Mr John Logie, sen., Pier Cottage, 2s; Miss Logie, do., 1s; Mr and Mrs John Logie, Trumland, 5s; Mr and Mrs W. Logie, do., 1s; Mr James Craigie, do., 1s; Mr John Craigie, do., 1s; Miss Lizzie Craigie, do., 1s; Mr and Mrs Cutt, do., 3s; Mr and Mrs F. Inkster, do., 4s; Miss M. Craigie, do., 6d.
Total, £1 10s 6d.
Total for Rousay, £19 9s 6d.
[The front page of the Orkney Herald carried weekly lists of names of folk throughout Orkney and their donations to the French Relief Fund and Y.M.C.A. Huts for Men at the Front.]
1915 July 7 Orkney Herald
The first half of April was very wet, and oats were only sown in the last week of April and first half of May. Some snow and frost with cold winds in May and very dry weather in June checked vegetation. During the latter month, oats in parts scarcely covered the clods, grass was very short and bare, and the hay crop thin and not much of it. Owing to the late season and influenza among horses and men, and a shortage of hands owing to the war, farmers had great difficulty in getting their crops laid down in proper time. Some fine showers followed by fine mild weather during the past week have improved all the crops, but more rain is still required. The first-sown turnips are being singled, and the remainder, which were laid down in a very dry state, are now brairding after the rain. Potatoes are looking well. Pastures are still bare, but cattle are thriving well, although there were some deaths owing to the frosty grass. The weather has been very suitable for drying the peats, and farmers who have peat grounds are well off in these days of high-priced coals.
EGILSHAY. – During last week Miss Alexina Cooper and Miss Margaret Grieve, the two oldest girls in the Sunday-school and day-school respectively, collected for “The Children’s War Effort” in connection with the Scottish Branch of the British Red Cross Society the sum of £4 5s 3d, and £4 6s 3d for the “Y.M.C.A. Huts for the Men at the Front.” Fifty-two dozen fresh eggs have also been given for the wounded soldiers and sailors.
SIR, – I wish to express to you personally, and to those who have helped you in your recruiting work, my best thanks for the energy that has been displayed by you all in the matter of recruiting. I would ask you to take an early opportunity of urging all able-bodied men in your neighbourhood to come forward and enlist, so that they may be trained as soldiers to take part in the war, and help to keep our forces in the field at the maximum strength.
I shall be glad to hear of any reasons that may be given you by young and suitable men for not availing themselves of this opportunity to see service in the field, where they are so much wanted. – I am, &c., – KITCHENER.
War Office, June 26, 1915.
1915 July 21 Orkney Herald
ROUSAY – AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. – A committee meeting of the Rousay Agricultural Society was held in the Sourin Public School on Tuesday last. There was a good attendance. A letter from the chairman, who was unavoidably absent, was read, suggesting that the cattle show should be postponed for this year in view of the serious state of the country owing to the war, and that the society devote some of the money that would be given towards prizes to some of the patriotic and necessitous schemes that are so urgently needed. This was unanimously agreed to, and the secretary was authorised to hand over £1 to the Belgian Fund, £1 to the French, £1 to the Y.M.C.A. for Huts, and £1 to the Medical Aid Fund for the Servians.
1915 July 28 Orkney Herald
THE LATE MR HUGH GIBSON. – Our obituary to-day records the death of Mr Hugh Gibson, a well-known and highly-respected agriculturist. Born in Rousay, he came with his parents to Cannigall, St Ola, when quite young, and later moved with them to the parish of Stromness on his father becoming tenant of the farm of Garson. On the death of his father, about forty years ago, he succeeded to the tenancy of that farm, which he held till Martinmas last. He was a successful farmer and breeder of stock, and was often appointed an arbiter at farm valuations of crop and in valuations for fair rents of farms. When the revaluation of the county was carried through some years ago, he was appointed one of the valuers to assist the Assessor in this work His death took place at Kirkwall after a short illness, at the age of 73. He is survived by his widow.
[Hugh was the son of David Gibson, Sketquoy and Katherine Marwick, Falquoy. His wife was Margaret Heddle Reid, Shapinsay.]
1915 August 11 Orkney Herald
DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL FOR ORKNEY-CANADIAN. – We observe that Private George Inkster, son of Mr Hugh Inkster, Knapper, Rousay, who came across with the first contingent Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, and was drafted to France last December, has been awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. The official statement is as follows: – “For conspicuous gallantly and devotion to duty on the 8th May 1915, at Hooge. Private Inkster stationed himself at the end of a communication trench and shot several of the enemy attempting to come down it. He was alone at the time. He also carried several important messages under a very heavy fire, and was always willing to undertake any dangerous work.”
ROUSAY – EGGS FOR THE WOUNDED. – The merchants have made another collection of eggs for the wounded soldiers and sailors, which has again been heartily responded to. The Co-operative Society forwarded a box to Mr Dobbie last Monday. Another box has been forwarded by Mr D. Gibson, Hullion, this week. In acknowledging the contributions from the Co-operative Society, Mr Dobbie writes: – “Dear Sirs, Eggs for our wounded soldiers and sailors – The box of eggs has come to hand to-day, for which I tender you, in the name of the Committee, and on behalf of our wounded soldiers and sailors, my very cordial thanks for the good gift. The eggs are appreciated very much by the wounded men, and the Nursing Staffs value them very highly as a great aid in restoring their patients back to better health and strength. The new-laid egg is many a time the only nutriment a wounded man can take, and the work of supplying adequately all the hospitals south of the Tay right down to the Border is being made pretty difficult owing to the scarcity of eggs, which are now consequently more valuable. As stated already in the Orkney papers our sympathising friends in Orkney have made a noble response to my appeals, and no part of the Kingdom has done better than they, and they have the satisfaction of having done their little bit for their country in the present war, fighting as we are in the interests of all the European nations. Again thanking you and all who co-operated with you for your kindness and noble generosity.”
1915 September 1 Orkney Herald
Writing from the front to a lady in Kirkwall a soldier in the 1/4 Gordon Highlanders says: – “I received parcel of tobacco today, for which I thank you. It was very kind of Mr ———- to send, and I appreciate your kindness. He must have surely thought we were in for a siege when he sent such a lot, but I have already shared some of it with my less fortunate comrades. We get plenty of light tobacco from the Government as a ration, but it is mostly wasted, in the Scotch regiments at any rate, so ‘bogie’ is thought much of. I received your kind letter in the trenches. A letter from home is always welcome, but when it is received in the trench it has an added value. It was a day of shrapnel and ‘coal boxes’ when I got it, a time when the spirits got depressed in spite of yourself, and to get a kind letter such as yours is like a tonic. You people at home are very kind to us at the front, and it enables us to stand the strain of war better when we get encouragement from the ‘Old Country.’ It helps us to stand the long, weary watches in the trenches, the cold, hard earth beds and the constant song of death. We are out of the trenches just now for a few days, as we spend so much time in and so much out. Of course we cannot tell anything about where we are, &c., in those letters, but I can tell you we had a taste of ———- some time ago. I can tell you too about a strange thing that happened a week or two ago. It was one of our battalions that it happened to. This battalion were burying an officer close behind the firing line, and the pipers and drummers played that sad lament, “The Flo’ers o’ the Forest.’ As the sad haunting melody rang out, as if by magic both sides stopped firing and not a sound was heard save the wail of the pipes. This is absolutely true, and of course the pipes seldom, if ever before in this war, played over the dead. It is a pretty place where our line of trenches are now, and the trenches are very good and comfortable as far as trenches go. Between our lines and the Germans there is a wild, rugged field in which the flaming red poppies, symbols of Belgium’s great sacrifice, grow. Broom, larch and thistle, willows and convolvulus twine in the thicket nearby, while behind, the yellow fields of grain, rye, and wheat wave – fields that will know no harvest this year save the harvest of death. Some of our boys had stewed apples in the trenches as some fruit trees were nearby. They are cooked in our mess tins above a biscuit box with holes in it to serve for a fire. The firewood consists of bits of boxes or the woodwork of ruined and empty houses, which sometime entail a tramp over muddy fields with the elements of danger not very far off. I know of one regiment who, instead of knocking holes in the biscuit tins, put them above the parapet, and after the obliging Germans have shoved a score or two of bullets through them they take them down sort of ready made.”
1915 October 20 Orkney Herald
The present great European war between nations that cherish different ideals of national life is demanding great sacrifices in life, money and property from the people. The German ambition to dominate other peoples, on the principle that might is right, and the thorough preparation they have made to enable them to accomplish their task, has compelled other nations to call forth their whole strength in defence. A good response has been made by our young men to the call of King and Country. For, wherever they have seen and understood the spirit and determination of German frightfulness as displayed in Belgium, Northern France, and Poland, they have felt impelled to offer themselves for righteousness against the mighty. They have perceived that if we as a people are to retain our lives and our Christian civilisation with all their rights and liberties, the enemy must be met and resisted, even unto death. In the course of this warfare some of our Imperial-service men have been in close combat with the enemy and have been wounded…..
1915 November 3 The Orkney Herald
At this grave moment in the struggle between my people and a highly organised enemy who has transgressed the Laws of Nations and changed the ordinance that binds civilized Europe together, I appeal to you.
I rejoice in my Empire’s effort, and I feel pride in the voluntary response from my Subjects all over the world who have sacrificed home, fortune, and life itself, in order that another may not inherit the free Empire which their ancestors and mine have built.
I ask you to make good these sacrifices.
The end is not in sight. More men and yet more are wanted to keep my Armies in the Field, and through them to secure Victory and enduring Peace.
In ancient days the darkest moment has ever produced in men of our race the sternest resolve.
I ask you, men of all classes, to come forward voluntarily and take your share in the fight.
In freely responding to my appeal, you will be giving your support to our brothers, who, for long months, have nobly upheld Britain’s past traditions, and the glory of her Arms.

1915 November 10 Orkney Herald
ROUSAY – The Harvest thanksgiving was held in the Parish Church on Sunday, 31st Oct., and in Wasbister School on Sunday, 7th Nov., when the Rev. A. Spark preached appropriate sermons from Isaiah xxviii. 24 [‘When a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually? Does he keep on breaking up and working the soil?’], and Exodus xxiii. 16. [‘Celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the first fruits of the crops you sow in your field. Celebrate the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field.’]
1915 December 29 Orkney Herald
STORM. – On Thursday and Friday the worst storm for many years was experienced. The wind blew with great violence from the east and south-east, and the sea was the worst in the recollection of old inhabitants. On Thursday the steamer St Ola was unable to cross the Pentland Firth. The steamer St Magnus, which left Aberdeen on Wednesday forenoon for Kirkwall, only arrived on Saturday afternoon, having experienced the full force of the gale. She lost a boat and shipped a good deal of water, the cabins being flooded to a depth of two feet. A boat has been washed ashore at Odness, Stronsay.