James Robertson, Hunclett, with his wife Jean Marwick, Corse, and daughters Maggie Jean, Mary, and Lydia Ann. James was born in 1836, Jean in 1844, Maggie Jean in 1882, Mary in 1873, and Lydia Ann in 1886.
The Craigies of Deithe – a photo sent by Jim Craigie to one of his nieces in Canada. The reverse contains the following information:- The photo was taken at Deithe “by a very primitive flash light outfit, about 1910, or thereabout”. (Front row) Maggie, young Hugh, and Hugh Craigie. (Back row) Barbara, James, and Mary Jane.
David Gibson of Langskaill, b.1845, later Sunnyside, St Ola, and his wife Ann Mainland of Tratland, b.1847, with their daughters: Maggie, Sarah, Mary, Jeannie, Rosalie, and Ida. c.1910.
Wasbister School: ‘The Old Comrades’, c1923
Back row, from left: Boggy Shearer; Robert Sinclair, Newhouse; John Marwick, Breek; ? Shearer, Trumland; ?; James Marwick, Grain; John Craigie, Cruar. Middle row: Tom Marwick, Grain; James Taylor, Swandale; William Grieve, Digro; James Craigie, Deithe; James Leslie, Whitemeadows; Albert Munro, Old School. Front row: James Clouston, Tou; Hugh Craigie, Deithe; James Craigie, Corse; James William Grieve, Whitehall; Sandy Logie, Cubbie Roo; James Munro, Breval.
Westness House staff at a Frotoft picnic c.1925
Tom Inkster, Nears; Rose Leonard [servant], Nears; David Craigie, Trumland; Mabel Sinclair, Banks; George Petrie, Wyre; May Turner; Tom Sinclair, Banks. c1928
Rousay folk aboard the Hoy Head, c.1932. From the left: Netta Sinclair, Sketquoy; Annie Reid, Tratland; Hugh Craigie, Scockness; Clara Grieve, Furse; Bill Craigie, Corse; Sarah Smith, Burrian; Hugh Mainland, Hurtiso; Willie Inkster, Woo; John Marwick, Breek.
Wester folk c.1933 Jim Craigie, Furse; Clara Craigie & Jim Craigie, Falquoy; Cathleen Craigie, Furse; the young lad is John Marwick, Braehead
Wasbister Football Team c.1933
Back row, left to right: James Craigie, Falquoy; James Marwick, Innister; Bill Flaws, Hammerfield. Middle row: Mackie Hourie, Maybank; Armit Sinclair, Sketquoy; Fred Kirkness, Quoyostray; George Craigie, Falquoy; Spencer Dexter, Cubbidy; Bill Moar, Saviskaill. Front row: Fraser Moar, Saviskaill; Hugh Robertson, Langskaill; James Craigie, Furse.
From the left: Alice Mainland, Hurtiso; Ellen Mary Hourie, Braehead; Netta Sinclair, Sketquoy; Annabella Clouston, Tou; Cathleen Craigie, Furse. c1935
[Back, left to right] Edda Mainland, William Mainland, John Mainland Sr, John Mainland. Front Sheila Mainland, Rhoda Mainland [in front], Betsy Mainland, John Mainland. c. 1938
Margaret Penny, Aberdeen; Gertie Moar, Aberdeen & Saviskaill; John Seatter, Banks; Sheila Mainland, Nears; Albert Munro, Old School; Elsie Lyon, Ervadale; Stanley Gibson, Lopness; Ella Herdman, Wester schoolhouse; Edna Clouston, Tou. 1950
Back row: Margaret Lyon, Ervadale; Alice Gibson, Lopness; Jeannie Harcus, Knapper; Sally Marwick, Falquoy; Ellen Mary Hourie, Braehead; Clara Grieve, Furse; Front row: James Craigie, Dale, Stromness; Anne Craigie, Furse; Cissie Gibson, Bigland; Catherine Grieve, Cruannie. c.1960
Bill Flaws, Hammerfield, with Jim Leslie [left] and his sons Brian and Edwin, c.1965
[All photographs from the Tommy Gibson collection]